Our wonderful and giving friend Michael gave us a wonderful gift. If you want to hear something that will make you smile and laugh check it out! Michael, thank you so, so much for this!
I went downtown today and saw some of the Victorian Christmas they were having here. It was wrapping up as it was going on all weekend. I was sorry I missed the first two days. It looked like loads of fun. I did see carolers and I saw two horse-drawn coaches carrying excited children and parents around the town. The horses were big and black and gorgeous. I asked the owner of the horses the name of the type of the horses, but I can not remember what type they were. They are a type I have never heard of. They were so, so beautiful and well kept. I think horses are beautiful and majestic. Santa is in my town as well, so he is not in the North Pole this weekend. His house was moved from the North Pole to central Pennsylvania as well :-). There was a lot of food and fun going on, but I did not have enough stamina to stay and enjoy much as I have been ill this weekend. I had wished I had had my camera, but my batteries are dead and re-charging. In fact, I did not get my scavenger hunt in this weekend. I only have a picture of my sneakers, but no picture of my car. My sneakers get me all around town here. There is a lot to do in this little town. You can get almost everything you need within a few blocks. It is an historic town. It used to be the capital of the state, but was later moved. I am not sure of the year.
Now, my attempt at the three question task.....You all gave me some thinkers!! Here goes...
Sara asked:
If you could relive one moment in your life, over and over, whenever you liked, which moment would that be and why? I think that I would like to relive the birth of my children whenever I wanted to. That was such a magical and wonderful moment. To go back to that would be beautiful.
If you could change one thing about the human race - any thing - what would that one thing be? I wish that there would be no hate, no wars. That we could understand one another....get along...just get rid of the hate.
If you could invent something that would make your life easier in some way, what would you invent - no limits?! I want something that could clean my house! lol I have a hard time getting things done around my home because of fatigue and pain. I would like a personal robot perhaps. One pill to fix everything that is wrong with me would even be better
Jeanne asked:
If you could do one thing right now that you really longed to do, what would it be? I think that I would like to go to college and get some security for a career.
If an Angel could grant you three wishes, what would you wish for? Any three? Wow! Um...I could make this for the world, like world peace and no hunger and no diseases. That would be wonderful!! I would like 3 more wishes, too! I also could make them just personal and wish for no more illness for myself, happiness for my children and serenity in their minds and in their souls and for a future where they are given enough wisdom through trials so they find what they need in life.
What in your life do you most regret? I regret having two marriages that failed, although I have two beautiful children that I don't regret and I have learned from the marriages. I also regret not being assertive enough and getting what I want in certain situations. For the most part, though, I don't regret anything, as I have learned from everything in life.
Jules asked:
What is your happiest childhood memory? I have forgotten a lot of my childhood, but I do remember being outside and loving that. I do remember sitting in clover patches and looking for four-leaf clovers. I have found thousands of them in my life. I loved nature as a child and loved being around flowers and using my imagination outside. I felt free outside. I also loved playing with my sisters all day long until the sun went down. I don't think children can do this today. It makes me sad.
If you had just one wish, what would it be? If I had only one wish it would probably be that I would be rid of my fatigue and my depression and memory problems and feel normal. Oh, and world peace.
If you could be another person for a day, who would you be? Although I feel like I am an introvert, I think I have a little bit of a prima-donna in me and a little bit of an actress, so I think I would like to be Julia Roberts perhaps. I think I would like to do the acting, but not have the people flocking around me.
Becky asked:
Look around the room you are in...is there one thing that catches your eye and brings back a strong memory (good or bad)? I have a painting of yellow and orange flowers. It was my mom's and she gave it to me a few years ago. It hung in my home as a child and I always loved the texture and colors and would stare at it for what seemed ages. I think that it gave me a desire to paint and to actually put myself into paintings. I love the painting, but I have had others tell me they don't like it. I could never not like it, because it is from childhood. If I was given it today and never saw it before, perhaps I would not like it either.
If you were stranded on a deserted island and only had 3 things available to eat for the rest of your life, what three things would you want? Mmmm....a food question!! lol I think that I would want my mom's black beans and rice with kielbasa, fried purple cabbage, and some dark chocolate.
What is your dream vacation? I think I would want to take an RV and go across the United States for a year and just see everything! Don't have the money. Anyone want to give to the "Valerie Dream Vacation Fund"? lol
Chelsea (my daughter) asked:
If you could rename me, what would my name be? :-D Oh, very hard, Chelsea, um.. I think I would just give you your middle name perhaps, Ann, or a form of it, Anna, or maybe my middle name, Maire, and maybe Americanize it and make it Maura. But I love your name! You are my Chelsea!!!
Who was harder taking care of when we were born me or Matt? Chelsea, baby, you were harder to take care of, sorry to say. You were a very colicky and tough baby. Matt was a good baby, but you were both, ohhhhh, so worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What should i change about myself!? Now Chelsers, this is a naughty question! This isn't even a question for me! It is about you....Well, honey, if I had to help you change something about yourself, and you asked me to please answer this honestly, I would wish that you would understand right away that your happiness does not depend on someone else, but Chelsea, you are wonderful and you know that!
Monica asked:
What is your biggest wish for Matt and Chelsea? My biggest wish is that they find a career that they are happy in and that they understand that they don't need someone else to define their happiness and that they have enough trials to learn from to give them serenity and joy and they have peace of mind and soul. Not asking much, huh? lol
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where or what would you like to see? In addition to the RV across the U.S. I mentioned above, I would also like to go somewhere overseas, maybe to Ireland.
Did you ever tell a lie, that you later really regretted? Oh, absolutely, haven't we all? I don't think I am gonna go into this one...
Bernadette asked:
1. If you could have a 'vacation house' anywhere in the world, where would you like to escape? I think I would like it to be somewhere where it is always 68-72 degrees with very little humidity, where there are little storms and the sky is always blue :-). This would be great on my fibro. and head pressure. A beach house would be great! Where is this? I don't know. I can dream!
Are any of the keys on your keyboard so worn that you can't read the letter/number (fellow speed typer) and which ones if any? Nope, this is a fairly new computer and keyboard.
If you could have one adventure without any consequence, what would you do? I want to be invisible and fly! Not sure where. Maybe everywhere! Weeeee! Ialways wanted to be able to fly!
Krissy asked:
If you had to live in another state, which one would you pick? Definitely Florida, because my son Matt lives there. That is the only reason, though, as it is probably way too hot and humid for me.
If you were given a sizable amount of money to give away to charity, but could only pick one, which charity would you give the money to? I like this question. I think instead of giving to a big charity that has a large overhead, I think I would do a lot of investigation and find someone/somewhere that the money could really do a difference and I could see the money at work. Maybe I would give the money to someone who needed it for an operation, but had no money. Maybe I would give it to one church that needed it for a building fund. Maybe I would give it to a certain cancer fund if I knew someone had a particular cancer. Maybe I would give it to a local food bank and stock the whold food bank. Nice question :-)
3. Who is your favorite sister? Uhm, just kidding! Let me see - What do you dislike about yourself (that is a mean question, huh, lol). I dislike that I am a procrastinator and I am working at trying not to be judgmental.
Thanks for the questions everyone! I learned about myself! Oh, it is starting to snow outside! We are supposed to get accumulation later this week! Maybe I will put some pictures in. Have a good night everyone and be good to yourselves!