Monday, December 27, 2004

My Wonderful Weekend

Chelsea and I had a really great Christmas!  It was the best I had since my kids were tiny tots!  It was very exciting!  We went to a friend's house Christmas Eve and had dinner there with about 14 guests and it was very lovely and then Chelsea and I slept in and got up and exchanged gifts and then made a big dinner.  We invited over Krissy and John and had a lovely, lovely time!  It was very Christmasy!  Christmas is usually a very weepy time for me because my kids have been in Florida in the past and I spend it reminiscing.  I have tried to be positive, but it is very hard, but having Chelsea here truly made all the difference!  I got a few wonderful gifts, but the gifts were no match with all the love that was surrounding all!

One not-so-bright spot was Christmas night when Chelsea hit a deer.  She was going around a curve and hit the poor thing.  It came out of nowhere.  The deer had no chance.   She was with her boyfriend.  Thank goodness they were both wearing seatbelts and no one was hurt, so that I am so grateful for!  The car seems to have about $1,000 in damage.  My Dad is taking it in today to see what it will cost to be fixed.  The hood is dented and can't be opened and the bumper is cracked.  There are so many hit deer on the side of the road this time of year in Pennsylvania that it makes me very sad.

I am having a small gathering on New Year's Eve at my home and am looking forward to it!  It should be lots of fun!  I am inviting over four others and we are going to play games and have snacks and watch the ball drop.  It should be a really good time!

Every inch of my body is aching from all the running around I did over the last few days.  I feel like I should rest for a few days.  My body is saying, "Lie down!!  Lie down!!  Don't do another thing!  No more mental or physical exertion for you!  You can't do another thing!"  So, I am not sure how much this ol' body is gonna do this week, but it is surely gonna rest some.

Chelsea is leaving for Florida for eight days this afternoon.  She gets to be in WARM weather!!!  I gave her a bus ticket home for Christmas. I will be missing her greatly.  I am used to her leaving for a day or two as she works two jobs and works overnight sometimes, but not for EIGHT DAYS!!  Chelsea, you will be SORELY MISSED and I can't wait until you return!!  I wish that I could go with you and get some sunshine and some warmth for this body.

Well, I still have too much to do today, arghh, so I am signing off and getting them done...take care all and enjoy your holiday's hoping your holiday spirit and love continues long after the trees and decorations are taken down and the ball has dropped :-)....Love to all!!


  1. to me the holidays are the best when we have our babies with us no matter what there age!!!!
    Donna In TEXAS

  2. Sounds like you and Chelsea had a lovely Christmas Val :o)
    Sad about the deer, but at least Chelsea and her boyfriend are OK.
    Get lots of rest honey.
    Sara   x

  3. Glad your Christmas was great and hope your New Year is too.
    Love Sylvia

  4. sounds liek you had a fab time! Happy New Year to you both!

    love Amy xxx

  5. Glad you had a brill time. Sorry about the deer. I hate hitting animals but it is inevitable living in the countryside. My son works in a body work garage and has see cars written off by deer, they cause so much damage. Thank god Chelsea was ok though............Jules xxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Oh, wonderful.  Sounds like Christmas was fun!  Hope Chelsea has a great time in Florida.  Lucky!!!!  Get some rest and I can't wait to hear about your New Year's Eve party.  I think Hubby and I and PreTeen may be alone this year.  We kinda like it that way!  We try to stay in and off of the dangerous roads!

  7. I can't wait till New Year's Eve Honey! And thanks for making my Christmas great! -Krissy

  8. What a wonderful Christmas, your excitement really flowed through on this entry. :-)  I loved what you wrote "I got a few wonderful gifts, but the gifts were no match with all the love that was surrounding all!"  That was how I felt about my Christmas this year.  Simply wonderful!  Have fun on New Years Eve!


  9. Happy  Holidays!


  10. Val,
    I just love reading your entries.  "I got a few wonderful gifts, but the gifts were no match with all the love that was surrounding all!" This is so true.  So many people don't realize that this is what CHRISTmas is really all about.  Love LuAnne

  11. I hope you take the time and get some well needed rest. Glad you had a nice Christmas...............Kasey


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