Monday, November 22, 2004

Ouchy Here..

Good morning all!  I haven't checked in in awhile...seems I think that writing about myself is boring.  Why should I write about me?  Am I whining when I write about myself I wonder?  Then I realize that this is a journal and I can write about lipstick or fungus or Saturn if I want to.  Of course, if I wrote about fungus or Saturn I wouldn't know what the heck I was talking about.  I do know a bit about lipstick, though.  I think I am digressing.  Whenever someone asks me about myself I try to change the subject.  Whenever I am in therapy (single or group) and it is my turn and that questions comes up, "So, how are you doing?"  My standard answer is, "Hmm, uh, alright I guess."  shaking my head dismissively.  I am a fixer of others!  So, that is how it goes.  But this morning I am going to tell you how I am if it kills me, tee hee.  I am nauseas and in pain.  I ran out of my narcotic for pain relief.  So I am trying to be as still as possible and get through this until I get to my doctor.  I have break-through pain medicine, but it is not controlling enough of my pain.  It just prevents withdrawal, really.  The pain isn't too bad.  I am not crying.  I know it is bad when I am crying.  I am taking muscle relaxants to deal with it, also.  They don't work very well.  This fibro. sucks.  My central nervous system really is hyper.  Pain is so real.  My home is much messier than I like it.  I wanted to let everyone know that I may not be visiting your journals and leaving comments in the next few days.  Then again I may.  We will see.  I was pretty upset that I could not do the Photo Scavanger Hunt and my Photo Game this week.  They will be coming up, though!  I am going to be posting another Photo Game as soon as I can.  And with that, I am going to go rest my sore muscles.   Oh, my sister Therese has a neat photo album she started not too long ago for the Scavanger Hunt.  If you haven't seen it it is great!  Go ahead and look!  Good day and blessings to all!


  1. This is what a journal is all about Val.
    Good to read this, sorry hear it.
    If you stop reading my journal I may have to come over and take HIM home ;-)

  2. My pal Val :o)
    You made me smile today, and for some stupid reason I don't much feel like smiling today, so thankyou.  Of course, sorry to hear that you are in pain my dear, I hope that you get to see your doctor real soon.  Not whining at all girlie, in fact, even while talking about feeling nauseas and in pain, you are still a very funny lady.  Am thinking of you, and sending new citrus orange thoughts for pain relief your way.  Citrus orange because you can never have too much vitamin C!
    Sara   x

  3. You always tell me not to worry about writing my journal etc when I feel ill so you should take that advice too! Although sometimes it is good to just let it all out...

    I hope you feel better soon chick...I too have to cut down on my comment leaving and journal entries....I hope I still have some readers left! I'm sure you will though...everyone loves you Val!

    Huggles, Amy xxx

  4. I love anything you write in your journal, I love hearing about you. I agree that fibro sucks. I thought the string muscle relaxants for my asthma may help but they don't do anything. I don't think anybody knows how the pain gets with fibro unless you suffer from it. I hope your pain eases soon but I know winter is a bad time for fibro :( Take care.................Jules xxx

  5. Sorry to hear your not doing too good, but you must keep writing about yourself, as like you said that's what a journals for.  Keep up the good work :-)

  6. Hi Val, write what you want to in here, including all about yourself if you choose.  I sure hope you feel better soon--did you ever try the concentrated unsweetened cherry juice?  My dad is now using it for his arthritis and says it really helps to loosen the joints up (Grandma still takes it for her fibro).  I know you get a lot of home-remedies, but I think there must be something to it if my Dad says it helps--he's the biggest skeptic ever.  Have a great day and Thanksgiving, if I don't get back here

    Love and Prayers

  7. I ALWAYS enjoy reading your journal, whether you are talking about yourself or not!  LOL!  I wish you felt better though, I don't enjoy reading that you are in pain...I should clarify that!  But at least I know what to pray for.

  8. I find that getting my thoughts and feelings down on my journal helps me to sort a lot of things out, thats what journaling is all about. Sometimes I feel like noone wants to hear about my boring life, but I always find someone who can relate to what I am feeling and thinking, So you write anything you like and I will continue to read. I do enjoy your journal. It's great. I hope and pray that you feel better and God Bless you.

  9. I am glad you wrote how you really feel, though I am sorry that you are without your narcotic pain relief- I would be much more whiny without mine.  I hope you feel better, and continue share whatever you want to on your journal. Blessings, Margo

  10. I'm so sorry you're in pain. I'll send a prayer over to you. I hope so much that you will feel better soon.


  11. Write what you want. Write what you feel. Write about you. It's YOUR journal. LOL Hope you get a refill on those meds soon. :-)

  12. Sorry you are feeling so poorly Valerie.  Didn't realize it. -Krissy

  13. So Sorry to hear about your discomfort! Get Well Soon!!!!

  14. Hi, I'm a first timer here thanks for leaving a great note at my journal. Always nice to meet another J-lander. I like your journal, will be back.


Please leave your thoughts - fun, intelligent, silly, joyful, spacy - it matters not =)