Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Christmas Message...

This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was
pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was
found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband
was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he
had in mind to divorce her quietly.

But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a
dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home
as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She
will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he
will save his people from their sins."

All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet:
"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call
him Immanuel"—which means, "God with us."

When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded
him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she
gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.

- Matthew 1:18-25

Please press link below. It is my favorite Christmas song sung by my
favorite artist, Josh Groban. May it touch you on this blessed day.

O Holy Night

From my home to yours, wishing you the
warmest and most wonderful Christmas.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What's up with me, Sentence Game, fun typing test...

I have decided to put the Weekly Sentence on hold until after Christmas. People seem to be busy for the holidays and less are playing, so I think this is a good idea. I am busier, as well. I am hoping to mail Christmas cards out this year. I haven't in a few years. I also want to make some gifts, as my funds are low, and I want to do some holiday visiting. I will pick up the game in the beginning of the new year.

I have an MRI scheduled on the 17th for my cervical spine and an appointment scheduled with my new neurosurgeon on the 22nd. I am glad I got squeezed in before Christmas. That is what is new with me. How is everyone else doing?

I found this fun speed-typing test over at Sara's. Want to give it a try? Click on the graphic and give it a go. Let me know how you did!

93 words
Typing Test

I will check in again soon. Take good care, Val =)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Weekly Sentence #37 Winner, etc...

Happy Sunday to all of my pals out there! Sorry I am not posting a lot lately. I have had a couple of health problems that are slowing me down. I am hoping that in the new year my posting consistency will be much better. I know it will! In fact, I will make it a New Year's resolution! Right now, there is so much going on. I did get an appointment to see my neurosurgeon on December 22. I was having breathing problems unless I was wearing my cervical collar. I was wondering if this had to do with my Chiari. I can't imagine anything else, but I'm not a doctor. I'll let you all know what happens. I know I should be putting these updates in separate posts instead of in my Weekly Sentence postings. Like I said, in the new year, I vow to be better. Now on to the Weekly Sentence winner!...

This week's letters are MLNBPA. The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE:

Donna Jo of A Reader:

Miss Loveless needs boys' positive affection.

Donna Jo is a new player! She also has a very new blog, so let's stop by
and say hi and congratulate her! CONGRATS again, Donna Jo!

Donna Jo, your award for your sidebar is below. Right click on your award
and make sure you save as .jpg.

I would also like to thank all who submitted this week!!
Submissions are below:

May love not by pass anyone. (Linda)
My little notes become prayers always! (Rose)
Men love no bra posted areas. (Linda)
Michigan leads nations behind parting autos. (Alaina)
My little niece brought papa apples. (Betty)
Many lives need better people around. (Lisa)
Mandy loves nothing but picture albums. (Mandy)

We have lost a lot of players since the migration. If you know anyone
who used to play, or who may like word games, let them know
where this game is located. Thanks!

I will be back later today or tomorrow morning with six new letters!
Take care and be good to one another! Hugs, Val =)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sentence Game #37, etc...

Good morning, good morning! I hope you had a good Thanksgiving! I didn't post the Sentence Game last week because it was a holiday week and I was always having a health problem. Thank you for understanding =). I am doing a little better, but have to figure out what is going on with me. It is a neck problem. I'm wearing a cervical collar. I'm getting an MRI done, probably this week, and then I am hoping I can take this collar off. Enough about me. On with the Sentence Game!

Before I give you the six letters, I would like to once more congratulate Dannelle of Odes to the Odd pt. deux. Congrats again, Dannelle!

This week's letters will follow the rules below. If you have never read the rules, or haven't in a long time, please do! You may submit your sentence in the comments section or email to In your email, please include your name or nickname and your blog address if you have one.

Please remember that the new submission day is Friday (same time - 4PM EDT). It has been permanently change to this day. Thanks for stopping by and have fun with the letters!

Each Sunday I post a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today
are: MLNBPA . An example of a sentence could be -
Man lives not by pizza alone.
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
<> <> <>
There is a three - five persons judge panel (of fellow
bloggers) that chooses the best sentence (or two)
submitted each week. How do they choose winning
sentence(s)? The sentences that receive the strongest
reactions - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
Was it creative? Witty? These are winning submissions.
<> <> <>
The winner(s) receive(s) a logo for his/her blog
sidebar with his/her name on it.
<> <> <>
Place submissions in comments section with your
name or nickname and blog URL or email to If you play this game in your blog,
please come back and leave your ENTIRE entry URL
so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due
by Friday, 4PM EDT.
The winner is announced
Saturday morning or early afternoon.
<> <> <>
A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is
a Season, every Sunday morning or early afternoon.
<> <> <>
If you submit more than one sentence,
only your first sentence will be judged.
<> <> <>

This Week's Letters:


Have a good rest of the day and take care! Val =)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Winner of Sentence Game...

Hi guys! Did you hear it was my parent's 50th wedding anniversary this weekend?!
I think that is awesome!! I am very proud of them and love them very much!!
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend out there. Are you?

It's time to announce a winner for "Weekly Sentence with Val" #36!
This week's letters are NSWBRT. The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE:

Dannelle of Odes to the Odd pt. deux:

Naughty Santa writes bawdy reports tactlessly!

Please visit Danelle and say hello and congratulate her when you are able.
CONGRATS again, Dannelle!

Dannelle, your award for your sidebar is below. Right click on your award
and make sure you save as .jpg.

I would also like to thank all who submitted this week!!
Submissions are below:

New sound was by radio telegraphy. (Jeannette)
Norbert's savings were best rated trivial. (Sandra)
Nellie says women browbeat respite truckers. (Alaina)
Nice sisters won black round tires. (Betty)
Never show weakness but, remain true. (Lisa)
Never swerve when banking right turns. (Don, no blog)
New song will be rewarded tonight. (Amanda)

I will see you all later today or tomorrow morning with six new letters!
Take care and stay warm! Hugs =)

To my Mom and Dad...

Happy 50th!! I love you two very, very, very much!!! Love, Val xox

Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Six Things" Meme...

Miss Alaina tagged me to list "Six Things You May Not Know About Me".
I had to think for a couple of days on this one because I have not been
shy about revealing myself to you all. I even did a list of 100 Things About
Myself not too very long ago. I am going to re-post the list here soon so
my new readers can get to know me better. Here is my list of six along with
the rules for this challenge:

1. I love to eat with chopsticks. I prefer them over a fork.
I find that you can taste the metal when eating with a fork.
I have been searching for chopsticks to buy in my area and
can't locate any. Anyone know where to purchase them?

2. I hate the telephone. I wish I didn't have to own one.
Whenever my phone rings in the afternoon or evening it makes
me anxious. Sometimes I curse at it. LOL I can't get rid of
my telephone anxiety. It doesn't bother me as much in the
morning for some reason. I think it has something to do with
my increased pain and fatigue in the later hours of the day.
I also have anxiety making phone calls. Now what is wrong
with me? I have lost friends over not wanting to be on the
telephone. Most of my friends and family understand this
anxiety now, though.

3. I love doing sudoku puzzles. I have done so many of
them that the difficult and challenger level ones are
easy for me. I also love to do crossword puzzles and
word puzzles in general. I do all puzzles in pen.

4. My biggest pet-peeve is lack of empathy, or I guess we
could call it apathy. I think indifference, at this moment,
is causing more pain in this world, than evil is. Where has
empathy and passion gone, everyone??

5. I drink my fruit juices Kool-Aid, teas, etc., watered-down
or very, very weak. When I drink a glass of orange juice
it is 3/4 water and 1/4 orange juice. Drinks that I buy at
the store are just way too sweet for me. I have done this
all my life. Soda is too sweet. A can of soda will last me
all day and I will only drink half, if that.

6. I am appalled that we kill four - six million animals in
shelters in this country. Where is the outcry?? I believe in
the trap, fix, and release of feral cats. I think we can get
rid of this big problem in just ten years if people become
educated and responsible pet owners. Please spay or
neuter your pet if you aren't a breeder. If you must give
away a pet, do everything you can to give it a good home.
Also, please do not get a pet on a whim or for another person
for a gift without their consent. Thank you!
~off of soapbox~

The six people I am tagging are:


If anyone else wants to do this, go ahead!!

The rules for this challenge are:

* Link to the person who tagged you
* List 6 random things about yourself
* Tag 6 new people
* Let each tagged person know by posting
a comment on their blog
* Link to the 6 people you’ve tagged
* Let the person who tagged you know that you posted.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sentence Game 36!...

Hello you! I have been so busy with appointments that I haven't been able to bring you all the Weekly Sentence Game until this morning. I am so very sorry. One day I will get into the swing of a schedule... I will, I will! LOL Thanks for hanging in with me. I am still finding Blogger cumbersome. If I haven't visited you in awhile, I will soon! I promise! Also, if you are someone who sends out alerts of your postings in emails, I would appreciate to be added. Thanks! Now on to "Weekly Sentence with Val" #36!...

Before I give you the six letters, I would like to once more congratulate Pam of
Almost 40! for winning last week's game. Way to go, my Pam!!

The letters for this week will follow the rules below. If you have never read the rules, or haven't in a long time, please do! You may submit your sentence in the comments section or email to In your email, please include your name or nickname and your blog address if you have one.

I also want to remind you all that the new submission day is Friday (same time - 4PM EDT) but I will make it Saturday this week as I am posting so late. This week's submission date is Saturday at 9 am EDT. Wow, I must be confusing you all. Sorry. Have fun and thanks for playing!!

Each Sunday I post a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today
are: NSWBRT . An example of a sentence could be -
Never sit with big ravenous tigers!
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
<> <> <>
There is a three - five persons judge panel (of fellow
bloggers) that chooses the best sentence (or two)
submitted each week. How do they choose winning
sentence(s)? The sentences that receive the strongest
reactions - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
Was it creative? Witty? These are winning submissions.
<> <> <>
The winner(s) receive(s) a logo for his/her blog
sidebar with his/her name on it.
<> <> <>
Place submissions in comments section with your
name or nickname and blog URL or email to If you play this game in your blog,
please come back and leave your ENTIRE entry URL
so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due
by Friday, 4PM EDT.
The winner is announced
Saturday morning or early afternoon.
<> <> <>
A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is
a Season, every Sunday morning or early afternoon.
<> <> <>
If you submit more than one sentence,
only your first sentence will be judged.
<> <> <>

This Week's Letters:


Have a good rest of the day and take care! Val =)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Winner of Weekly Sentence, etc.

Good afternoon, my friends. It has been cold and rainy in my area the last few days. It is finally feeling like late fall or early winter to me. I don't mind cold so much, but I don't like wind and rain. It seems to go down to my bones. LOL Oh my, I just got a tsunami warning in my email box for Indonesia after a 7.5-magnitude earthquake just struck there. Let us hope and pray that there is no more damage or destruction. I get alerts in my email box.

So I popped on my computer to announce the winner of "Weekly Sentence with Val" #35. Wow, we have played for 35 weeks! I am really enjoying bringing you guys this game! I will be back later today or tomorrow morning with six new letters. Remember, there is a new submission day - Friday. So you guys have an extra 24 hours to get your sentences in! Now on to the winner!!...

This week's letters are PRSDNT.
The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE:

Pam of Almost 40!:

Pouting Rupert snagged Donald's nautical tights.

Please visit Pam and say hello and congratulate her when you are able.
CONGRATS again, Pam!

Your award for your sidebar is below, Pam. Right click on your award
and make sure you save as .jpg.

I would also like to thank all who submitted this week!!
Submissions are below:

Please read sign do not touch. (Lisa)
Poorly raised students did not think. (Bill)
Please respect salamanders -- do not tease. (Krissy)
"Please remember students, do not talk." (Alice)
Please respect siblings do not tease. (Chrissie)
Please ride slowly do not trot. (Myke)
Presidents represent somber democratic notions thoroughly. (Betty)
Positively respect states deciding no tyranny! (Alaina)
Partially rotten snowballs do not travel. (Jan)

I will talk to you all very soon! Val =)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

please join me...

Good morning! How are you today? I'm okay. My pain isn't as bad as it was over the weekend, so that is a good thing. I am going to the local neurosurgeon's office tomorrow to sign releases to allow him to send for my records. I hope my other doctors cooperate quickly. I haven't had the best cooperation with Johns Hopkins. My surgeon was fabulous, but the staff has been poor.

I wanted to let you all know something that I have been doing every morning that is very dear to my heart. If you are a person of prayer and concerned about this country, you may want to join with me. I have hope for this country. I do!! I know that we have a good God that is always in control. We have to cooperate, though. I receive a prayer each morning in my email box with a verse. I would like you to join with me and others who are praying! It is called...

77 Days of Prayer for Our New President

There is a link on the right hand side to click so you can sign up and receive the prayer daily as well as one to press so you can send this to your friends. Thanks so much!! Prayer is the best gift we can give our new President and will bring so much more hope to this country.

I decided to permanently change the submission date of the Weekly Sentence Game from Thursday at 4PM EDT to Friday at 4PM. You all will have an extra day to get your sentences in!! Neat!! If you haven't gotten your sentence in this week, the letters are PRSDNT. Submit your sentence
here. Have a good rest of the week, my friends... Hugs xox

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Weekly Sentence #35, etc.

Good morning and good Saturday to you... how are you today? I had a rough night last night. I didn't sleep a wink. I've been having problems with severe back pain. I am getting my records together and paying a visit to a local neurosurgeon - the one that did my mom's neck/spine surgery. He is familiar with Chiari malformation, so he just may be able to help me. I don't want to make a trip out of town if I don't have to. My mom really loves the doctor. Before he came to town recently, we had no neurosurgeon here. I will let you know how it goes.

I'm pretty happy we are swearing in a new President this January. I have hope. Do you? I am honoring Obama in the Weekly Sentence Game this week.

Before I give you the six letters, I would like to once more congratulate Jeannette of Outside - Looking In for winning last week's game. Way to go, Jeannette!!

The letters will follow the rules below. If you have never read the rules, or haven't in a long time, please do! You may submit your sentence in the comments section or email to In your email, please include your name or nickname and your blog address if you have one. Have fun and thanks for playing!!

Each Sunday I post a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today
are: PRSDNT . An example of a sentence could be -
Pamela really showed determination, never tiring!
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.

<> <> <>

There is a three - five persons judge panel (of fellow
bloggers) that chooses the best sentence (or two)
submitted each week. How do they choose winning
sentence(s)? The sentences that receive the strongest
reactions - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
Was it creative? Witty? These are winning submissions.

<> <> <>

The winner(s) receive(s) a logo for his/her blog
sidebar with his/her name on it.

<> <> <>

Place submissions in comments section with your
name or nickname and blog URL or email to If you play this game in your blog,
please come back and leave your ENTIRE entry URL
so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due
by Thursday, 4PM EDT
. The winner is announced
Saturday morning or early afternoon.

<> <> <>

A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is
a Season, every Sunday morning or early afternoon.

<> <> <>

If you submit more than one sentence,
only your first sentence will be judged.

<> <> <>

This Week's Letters:


Have a good day and take care! Val =)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Winner of Sentence Game #34!...

Hi you! Hey, did you vote? I hope so! It is going to be an interesting TV-viewing night tonight. I will be at the edge of my seat, no doubt. Oh, I am a bit scared =:o!

I have been dragging out the Weekly Sentence game a bit as we are all still trying to find one another's journals. I will announce the winner here in a moment and give you the six new letters tomorrow morning. I will give you all a few extra days this week, too, and then perhaps it will get back to its normal day and routine. We'll see. For now, if you know anyone who used to play, let them know where I am located, if you please... I have lost a few players along the way =(.

Now on to this week's winner! This week's letters are
The judges and I would like to

Jeannette of
Outside - Looking In:

Blogger caused weary minds lingering doubts.

Please visit Jeannette and say hello and congratulate her when you are able.
CONGRATS again, Jeannette!

Jeannette, your award for your sidebar is below. Right click on your award
and make sure you save as .jpg.

I would also like to thank all who submitted this week!! Submissions are below:

Boldly caring will make love deeper. (Dannelle)
Bea carelessly wasted many Little Debbies. (Krissy)
Boisterous children want many loud diversions. (Alaina)
Brandishing cleavers would make Larry disgusting. (Jan)
Blue carrots will make Lonny die. (Betty)
Beautiful comments will make life delightful! (Rose)
Because children want Mommy love develops. (Bill)
Big cuddly women make lavish dinners. (Pam)
Boys could work more like Dad. (Chrissie)
Black cats will make love daily. (Lisa)
'Bama criticisms will make little difference. (Don, no blog)
Blogspot could warm most Landers dreams. (Connie)
Blues cry: Why must love die?

I will be posting six new letters tomorrow or Thursday.
Take care and go vote if you haven't! Hugs, Val =)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Extension on Weekly Sentence, JLand registry...

Good Saturday morning, my pals! I had very few sentences submitted for the Sentence game this week (only six) so I am extending the deadline until tomorrow morning at 9AM EDT. The letters this week are BCWMLD. Place submission in the comments section of the entry with your first name or nickname and your blog URL. If you don't have a blog, that is okay. You can still play!

Speaking of blogs, Krissy has a wonderful registry "From JLand To Blogger" where you can find all of your JLand friends! Have you located all of your old pals? Please register your journals, if you have not! Also, follow the journal as she will have some surprises in it!

On a final note, I have been adding daily to Joy in the Rain, if you are a fan of jokes and quotes. I'm having LOTS of fun there! You may, too! Check it out! Have a good weekend! Val =)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sentence Game #34 letters!...

Hi guys! Thanks for all of your get-well wishes =)... I'm feeling lots better. I slept ALOT. I had a very peaceful birthday. It was nice, not too exciting, but nice and calm. I like calmness. LOL I am hopping on here to give you all six new letters and then I am getting back in bed to make sure I kill this virus for good. A flu bug can linger in my body for weeks. I don't want that to happen :-o !!

Before I proceed I want to congratulate
Jan one more time for winning last week's game. Way to go, Jan!! The deadline this week is Saturday, 9AM EDT, since I am posting so late. Also, only a couple of you gave me your new blog addresses. This gives me a lot more work. If you would like me to continue to link you, please leave your blog URLs and your first name or nickname. Thanks!! Now on to the six new letters! They will follow the rules below. Enjoy the game!!..

Each Sunday I post a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today
are: BCWMLD. An example of a sentence could be -
Birds call when morning light dawns.
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.


There is a three - five persons judge panel (of fellow
bloggers) that chooses the best sentence (or two)
submitted each week. How do they choose winning
sentence(s)? The sentences that receive the strongest
reactions - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
Was it creative? Witty? These are winning submissions.


The winner(s) receive(s) a logo for his/her blog
sidebar with his/her name on it.


Place submissions in comments section with your
name or nickname and blog URL. If you play this game
in your blog, please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are
due by Thursday, 4PM EDT. The winner is announced
Saturday morning or early afternoon.


A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is
a Season, every Sunday morning or early afternoon.


If you submit more than one sentence,
only your first sentence will be judged.


This Week's Letters:


Have a good day and take care! Val =)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Winner of Weekly Sentence #33!...

Good morning again, my friends! It's time to announce the winner of "The Weekly Sentence with Val" #33! I want to thank you all for finding my blog and playing in its new home its first week... thank you, thank you! I really enjoy bringing you all this game and I will continue for as long as you guys play. The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE:


Taking real effort, Andrew talked sideways.

Please visit Jan's blog and say hello and congratulate her when you are able. CONGRATS again, Jan!

Your award for your sidebar is below, Jan. Right click on your award and make sure you save as .jpg.

I would also like to thank all who submitted this week!! Submissions are below:

Tautology rectifies errors and tests solidity. (Stuart)
The rapidly eating ants trembled slightly. (Betty)
Turtles rarely eat anything that sings. (Kathy)
Trying really exuberantly, Alaina tasted succotash. (Alaina)
The ribs everyone ate tasted sweet. (Chrissie)
The right energy always takes strength. (Bill)
Try running even after the sweets! (Dannelle)
Trashing Republicans eventually activates tomorrow's sorrows. (John)
The reeking eggs actually tasted scrumptous. (Krissy)

I will be posting six new letters very shortly See you then! Hugs, Val =)

flu, cats...

I've got the flu. I've been in bed for two days and have been asleep most of it. That's why I haven't posted the Weekly Sentence yet. I am so very sorry. You'll forgive me because it's my birthday, right? LOL

Plech, the flu. I've been up since the middle of the night. Honey woke me up when she sat on my head. So I decided to get on my computer. Boo is scratching on the wall right now. He wants me to go back to bed. Boo is very much like a dog. He follows me everywhere. He is my shadow. He won't go back to bed if I am up. He's tired. Poor Boo. Honey is different. She's very independent. She doesn't care what I do. I only see her a few times a day. She likes to be alone. The last time I couldn't find her she made a hole inside my boxsprings under my mattress and crawled up into it. When Honey doesn't want to be found she will not be found. Boo and Honey are so very different. They still don't like each other, which is very sad. They won't become friends, after four years. They each live on separate sides of the house. The only time they meet is when they vie for my attention or I am feeding them. Wow, Boo is still scratching on the wall. He wants to sleep.

I don't know why I started talking about my cats. I need to post the Weekly Sentence. I will be doing that a little later this morning and giving you all six new letters. Thanks so much for being patient. Take care, everyone... I'm going to go put a cat to bed.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Weekly Sentence reminder, gadgets, notes...

Hi you =)!! How are you this nice Fall afternoon? I'm hanging in there. I wanted to let you all know that if you still intend to play the Sentence Game this week (letters: TREATS) I am extending the deadline until tomorrow at 4PM EDT because I posted it a day late, and well, people are just getting settled in and locating the game. If you know anyone who enjoys wordplay or who played the game in the past send them my way! I do appreciate it!

I've been having fun checking out widgets and gadgets, etc. for my sidebar. I'm disappointed, though, that we aren't able to add them one by one and re-arrange them as easily as we were able to in AOL. You take the good with the bad, I suppose. I am still feeling a bit lost. I guess it takes me longer than most folks. Like I said, I am a gal who likes routine and predictability. If you see anything you like on my blog and are interested in having it, let me know and I will help you locate it. I really like the Neocounter. It is fun and was so very easy to install! I have a few causes that are dear to my heart on my sidebar if you can check them out. Most are click sites and only take a couple of minutes out of your day and can do a world of good. Thanks =)!!

Oh, good news, Krissy and John migrated their blogs!! They had a tough few weeks... I am sure they would love to hear from you guys!!

On a final note, I would like to wish my sister, Therese, and brother, Carl, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Their birthdays are two days apart this week. Someone else special has a birthday this week... I wonder who it is??? Lots of birthdays in my family!! Have a good day, everyone!! Hugs, Val =)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekly Sentence #33, what's up...

Good morning and happy Monday! I haven't posted in awhile, a real post. I was thrown for the biggest loop with the blog migrations. I don't like change. I really don't. I am a gal who likes routine. I can handle change, though, but it takes me awhile. I think I am okay now. LOL Things have been kind of crazy in my family. My mom is doing better since her surgery. It was a tough road for her, but she is getting better since her surgery. If you haven't been following my blog, my mom fractured her neck and had surgery - not easy for a lady in her 70's. John, my sister Krissy's husband, is doing quite a bit better, too. He is still away at Hershey. He had chicken pox and pneumonia and a couple of other problems. I will allow Krissy to fill you in on that when she returns. She sends her love to everyone. She is very stir crazy and is sad that she hasn't been able to blog in a couple of weeks. She hasn't even been able to migrate her journal.

I am going to start the Sentence Game fresh this morning. Since the migration, I don't think it would be fair to judge the last group of letters I gave you guys. There are a number of bloggers I haven't been able to locate yet. I wanted to ask a few things of you all before I post the letters because we are a bit scattered about...

- Please leave your first name, or a nickname you go
by, and...
- Please leave a URL to your MAIN blog. Many of you
have several blogs and if you want to be linked I want
to be able to link you back to the blog that you choose.

I thought a Halloween theme would be fun this week! Do you guys like themed games? I never really got an answer to this question. Let me know! Now on to the rules and the letters! If you have never read the rules, or haven't in a long time, please do!

Each Sunday I post a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today
are: TREATS . An example of a sentence could be -
The rambunctious elf ate ten suckers.
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.

There is a three - five persons judge panel (of fellow
bloggers) that chooses the best sentence (or two)
submitted each week. How do they choose winning
sentence(s)? The sentences that receive the strongest
reactions - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
Was it creative? Witty? These are winning submissions.

The winner(s) receive(s) a logo for his/her blog
sidebar with his/her name on it.

Place submissions in comments section with your
name or nickname and blog URL. If you play this game
in your blog, please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are
due by Thursday, 4PM EDT. The winner is announced

Saturday morning or early afternoon.

A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is
a Season, every Sunday morning or early afternoon.

If you submit more than one sentence,
only your first sentence will be judged.

This Week's Letters:


Have a good week everyone and take care! Val =)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Political cartoons...

These are from Reader's Digest
Have a nice day! Val =)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Weekly Sentence" #32 letters...

Howdy! I didn't sleep too well last night. It has been raining for about 24 hours. My fibromyalgia really acts up in low pressure weather. My brain gets foggy, too. I need a distraction from the pain. On days like this I like to crawl back into bed and watch TV or read a book. I just may do that today. First, though, on to the "Weekly Sentence" game...

I would like to once more congratulate last week's winner,
Stuart of Specimen Days. Congrats again, Stuart!! Before posting your submission, please read the rules if you never have, or if you haven't in a long time. Your six new letters are posted below the rules. Have fun and thanks for stopping by!

Each Sunday I post a set of six letters. A sentence must be
made from these letters. The letters today are:
An example of a sentence could be -
Trudy served cold
meatloaf for breakfast.
These letters MAY NOT be re-

There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand bloggers)
that chooses the best sentence (or two) submitted each week.
How do they choose winning sentence(s)? The sentences that
receive the strongest reactions - Did it make them laugh, sad,
ponder, etc.? Was it creative? Witty? These are winning

The winner(s) receive(s) a logo for his/her blog sidebar with
their screen name on it.

Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as
an entry in your blog, please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged.
Submissions are due by
Thursday, 4PM EDT.
The winner is announced Saturday morning
or early afternoon.

A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is a Season,
every Sunday morning or early afternoon.

If you submit more than one sentence, only your first sentence
will be judged
Have fun!!


This Week's Letters:

Tags: , , , , , ,

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sentence Game #31 Winner, etc...

Hi, my journal friends!  Ah, Fall is here!  I love Fall weather!  I love the crisp air, the bright leaves, the smell of burning chimneys, the shorter days... I love how it culminates with Christmas and New Year's Eve!!  I love everything about Fall!!  I am surrounded by mountains so I am hoping the trees will be beautiful this year.  I will get pictures if I can!

It's time to announce the winner of "The Weekly Sentence with Val" #31!  The letters this week are
ASCOMD.  We had three new players this week!  Welcome new players!  I hope you enjoyed the game and return!   Thanks to my old die-hards who keep returning, too =)!!  The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE:

                                  Stuart of Specimen Days
                A simple conundrum obfuscates most discussions.

Please visit Stuart's blog and say hello and congratulate him when you are able. 
CONGRATS again, Stuart!

Your award for your sidebar is below, Stuart.  Right click on your award and make sure you save as .jpg


I would also like to thank all who submitted this week!!  Submissions are below:

  A stray cat opened my door.
  As stockmarkets crash, Obama McCain Debate.
  A stammering chiropractor ominously misdiagnosed dementia.  
  Alaina sits calmly, opening many documents.
  Always see comedy on mundane doings.
  A sincere compliment offers many desires!
  America's surely concerned over money deficiency.
  A sterling commendation or more drivel?
  Aspirating someone can overcome medical dilemmas.
  A second chance obstructs more determination.
  As September circumbs (succumbs), October's mums dance.

I will be posting six new letters tomorrow morning!  See you then!  Have a good day!  Hugs, Val =)

P.S. Wishing Jonah and my mommy a
HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week!!  Jonah turned one on Wednesday!!  He can walk now and talk some!  I will show you his birthday pictures when I receive them.  I miss my boys =(.  Mom's birthday was yesterday.  She is making progress.  Again, thanks for your prayers!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

a funny...


                  I don't know... Would you like to
speak to the person who makes
up my mind for me?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Weekly Sentence #31 letters, etc...

Hi pals!  I am a couple of days late posting the letters for the sentence game this week again.  I hope you all will forgive me.  I have been helping my daddy get things prepared for my momma to come home and this has exacerbated my fibromyalgia pain.  I will give you guys a couple of extra days to submit your sentences like last week and hopefully things will get back on schedule.  Now on to the game!...

Before I unveil the six letters, I would like to once more congratulate last week's winner,
Lori of Picture Perfect in Houston!You will have until Saturday morning at 9 AM EDT, since I am so late posting.  Please ignore the submission date in the rules and if you have not read the rules in a long time, or never have, please do so
.  Have fun and thanks for stopping by!


          Each Sunday I post a set of six letters.  A sentence must be
          made from these letters.  The letters today are:
          An example of a sentence could be - 
A smile can open many
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.

          There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand bloggers)
          that chooses the best sentence (or two) submitted each week.
          How do they choose winning sentence(s)?  The sentences that
          receive the strongest reactions -  Did it make them laugh, sad,
          ponder, etc.? Was it creative?  Witty?  These are winning

          The winner(s) receive(s) a logo for his/her blog sidebar with
          their screen name on it.

          Place submissions in comments section.  If you do this game as
          an entry in your blog, please come back and leave your ENTIRE
          entry URL so your entry can be judged. 
Submissions are due by
Thursday, 4PM EDT. The winner is announced Saturday morning
          or early afternoon.

          A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is a Season,
          every Sunday morning or early afternoon.

If you submit more than one sentence, only your first sentence
will be judged.
          Have fun!!

This Week's Letters:

P.S.  My mom is doing well.  She is at a local rehabilitation hospital and should be home in the next few days.  Thanks so, so much for your prayers!  Val =)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekly Sentence winner#30, etc...

I wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and good wishes for my momma.  She is doing pretty well and will be going to a local rehab. hospital in the next day or so.  Hopefully she will be home pretty soon.  Mom doesn't like being away from home at all.  I guess I don't either.  I am a homebody.  I inherited a lot from my little mommy.  I like that =).

It's time to announce the winner of "The Weekly Sentence with Val" #30!  The letters this week are
RSTHFS .  We had another very good turn-out!  I wanted to thank a special judge that filled in at the last minute, too, thanks!!  The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE

                         Lori of Picture Perfect in Houston!
                     Remember souls that have faced storms.

Please visit Lori's blog and say hello and congratulate her when you are able. 
CONGRATS again, Lori!

Your award for your sidebar is below, Lori.  Right click on your award and make sure you save as .gif.


I would also like to thank all who submitted this week!!  Submissions are below:

  Rather silly times had Frank smile.
  Rhonda swiftly tasted her fresh sardines. 
  Rationally seeking truth he found solace. 
  Russian serfs that had food survived. 
  Rick saw the house for sale. 
  Racism sabotages the hamiltonianism function strategy.
  Real strength trusts how faith survives. 
  Recently Sarah thought her feet smelt. 
  Rose shows the house for sale. 
  Riotous Saturdays thank Heaven for Sundays. 
  Really stressful times have few savings. 
  Righteous spirits, to Heaven fly swiftly. 
  Riverdale students think hard for school. 
  Real sisters trust  hearts for sisters. 
  Renegade soldiers trade hours for seconds. 

I will be posting six new letters shortly!  Have a good day!  Hugs, Val =)