Hello you! I have been so busy with appointments that I haven't been able to bring you all the Weekly Sentence Game until this morning. I am so very sorry. One day I will get into the swing of a schedule... I will, I will! LOL Thanks for hanging in with me. I am still finding Blogger cumbersome. If I haven't visited you in awhile, I will soon! I promise! Also, if you are someone who sends out alerts of your postings in emails, I would appreciate to be added. Thanks! Now on to "Weekly Sentence with Val" #36!...
Before I give you the six letters, I would like to once more congratulate Pam of Almost 40! for winning last week's game. Way to go, my Pam!!
The letters for this week will follow the rules below. If you have never read the rules, or haven't in a long time, please do! You may submit your sentence in the comments section or email to valphish@aol.com. In your email, please include your name or nickname and your blog address if you have one.
I also want to remind you all that the new submission day is Friday (same time - 4PM EDT) but I will make it Saturday this week as I am posting so late. This week's submission date is Saturday at 9 am EDT. Wow, I must be confusing you all. Sorry. Have fun and thanks for playing!!

Each Sunday I post a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today
are: NSWBRT . An example of a sentence could be -
Never sit with big ravenous tigers!
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
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There is a three - five persons judge panel (of fellow
bloggers) that chooses the best sentence (or two)
submitted each week. How do they choose winning
sentence(s)? The sentences that receive the strongest
reactions - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
Was it creative? Witty? These are winning submissions.
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The winner(s) receive(s) a logo for his/her blog
sidebar with his/her name on it.
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Place submissions in comments section with your
name or nickname and blog URL or email to
valphish@aol.com. If you play this game in your blog,
please come back and leave your ENTIRE entry URL
so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due
by Friday, 4PM EDT. The winner is announced
Saturday morning or early afternoon.
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A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is
a Season, every Sunday morning or early afternoon.
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If you submit more than one sentence,
only your first sentence will be judged.
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This Week's Letters:
Have a good rest of the day and take care! Val =)
Have a good rest of the day and take care! Val =)
Here is mine Val:-
ReplyDeleteNew Sound Was By Radio Telegraphy
Just sent my entry in. When I checked to look it says you have no comments so I do not know whether you have received it or not.
ReplyDeleteHere is mine: Norbert's savings were best rated trivial.
ReplyDeleteSandra at http://SandrasHappyDays.blogspot.com
This Week's Letters:
ReplyDeleteNSWBRT- Naughty Santa writes bawdy reports tactlessly! Dannelle
ReplyDeletenellie says women browbeat respite truckers.
i know it makes no sense...
i hope things are well with you val. :D
I really stink at this challenge! LOL
ReplyDeletehere's mine
ReplyDeleteNice sisters won black round tires.
thanks Val :)
Never show weakness but, remain true.
ReplyDeletefrom Amanda (hugsdoodlewacky) via email:
ReplyDeleteNew Song Will Be Rewarded Tonight.
Valerie said...
ReplyDeletefrom donphisher via email...
Never Swerve When Banking Right Turns
Valerie said...
ReplyDeletefrom donphisher via email...
Never Swerve When Banking Right Turns