Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Photo Hunt Special!...



Photo Scavenger Hunt #100 will be due on Monday, January, 1 at 11:00 PM EST.

The subject for this week is: 
Show us a photo of a milestone in your life.  If you are unable to scan old photos, how about a Christmas or New Year's celebration photo.

Notice that the Hunt is extended until Monday evening at 11:00PM EST in order for us to get in all the New Year's celebration pictures!  The idea for this Hunt came from Greg at Photo Trek
.  Thanks, Greg!


This week's Hunt is a milestone, is a party, is a celebration of sorts!  You see, Krissy is celebrating her
100th Hunt!!  How appropriate that this falls on a celebration week!  Let's congratulate her by deluging her with submissions!  Krissy has been faithfully doing The "Original" Photo Scavenger Hunt for 100 weeks!  She has had so much on her plate and yet she has kept this hunt alive!!  Congratulations, Krissy, on your
100th Hunt of The Original Photo Scavenger Hunt!!


Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!...



Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas "Wordplay"!...

Hi everyone and happy Friday!  I can't believe Christmas is in three days!  I am NOT ready for it.  I have had a stomach virus for six days.  Six days of nausea and bed rest.  It hasn't been easy and I haven't finished my Christmas shopping!  I am hoping that I will be well enough today to finish up!  I am planning to go to Krissy's house for Christmas dinner, too, and I want to be well for that and I can't get John sick, so this bug must leave my system today!

I haven't posted "Wordplay" for almost a month because I was deciding whether I wanted to continue it or not.  I was only getting a few takers.  I have decided to continue it after all.  I wanted to thank those who join in with me faithfully!!  I really do love words.  They are a passion of mine.  I play with them constantly -  Mulling over them, doing crossword puzzles, looking them up, writing poems, playing Scrabble.  I think words are beautiful!!  If there are only one or two takers in my game, well, that is how it is going to be then.  I hope there will be more, though!  Thanks, Krissy, for encouraging me to continue the game!


I have a fun, fun, fun
Christmas "Wordplay" for you today!  Do you remember Mad Libs when you were a kid?  Today's "Wordplay" follows this concept.  I would like you to click on this link
Fill out the Mad LibPost it in your journal if you would like Come back and leave your full entry URL so we can all read it!!   I don't want to give it away so I will post mine tomorrow.  Was it fun??  Do you have any suggestions for any future "Wordplay"s?

I had a lot of fun filling out that particular Mad Lib.  I did a google search and it was my favorite one.   I am off now to try and finish up what I have been unable to do the past six days...

Christmas blessings to all and don't forget to visit
Joy To The World
! xox

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Please read...

I just completed a very thoughtful entry at Joy To The World!  Please take time to go read it.  Thanks!!  Hope everyone is having a safe and happy Christmas season!  xox

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas journal...

I will be doing the next three days of entries in Joy To The World! for Krissy as she is away at Hershey with John.  The first entry is
here.  I really, really love what she has done so far with this journal.  She has done most of the work.  I am just her helper elf.  I hope you stop by the journal the next three days and see what I have in store!!


Thursday, December 7, 2006

Dedicated to Krissy...


My very favorite singer in the whole wide world is Josh Groban.  He can make me weep, sing, dance, give me goosebumps...  He is the best!  He has a new album out and I highly recommend it!  If you have never seen him I have a link for him here.  Oh, Krissy, I dedicate this song to YOU!!  Every time I hear this song I think of you and Jesus.   Love you! xox

If you want to hear more of his music a couple more links are here
and here.  Enjoy and let me know what you think of him!


Tuesday, December 5, 2006

A Christmas survey... play along!

I received this "getting to know you" type survey "Christmas Edition" from Monica
.  I thought I would put it in my journal so that anyone could grab it and participate if they would like.  It's an easy and fun one to do!  Hope you have fun reading my answers!...


1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?  Both

2. Real tree or artificial?   Usually artificial, but I DO love the smell of a real tree.  They are a bit hard to take care of and I live alone so they aren't worth it right now.

3. When do you put up the tree?  Around the second week of December

4. When do you take the tree down?  When I get sick of looking at it.  LOL  Um, second or third week of January.  I hate seeing it go... LOL

5. Do you like eggnog?  Mmmmmmmmmmmm... YES!  Not the alcoholic kind, though.
6. Favorite gift received as a child?  Wow, tough one.  I think maybe it was a home-made Raggedy Ann doll that I loved for years.  I still love Raggedy Ann dolls!

7. Do you have a nativity scene?  Yes!  I love setting it up!

8. Hardest person to buy for?  Oh, everyone.  I am a stressed-out gift buyer.  I try to buy the best gift.  It is gift certificates for everyone this year.  They can pick out what they want.  Ooops, I just told them what they got.  LOL  No, I think maybe the hardest to buy for are my children, especially my son.

9. Easiest person to buy for?  This year it will be my grandson... I can think of a million things I would love to give that guy!

10. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards?  Snail mail is more proper.  It depends on whether I have enough funds to send out all the cards I want to.  I may be emailing a few because I am low on funds and I would atleast like to say "Merry Christmas" to my friends... We will see.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?  Now this isn't nice... LOL  I really can't think of anything that is bad.  I like to give, not receive, really. 
12. Favorite Christmas Movie?  Don't really have one.  I like all those half-hour little Christmas specials of old cartoon shows like "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and all of the Charlie Brown specials. 

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?  Early to mid December.  If I start any earlier I give the gifts to the people early out of excitement and have to get them another gift or see things I like better and end up spending WAY too much money.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?  No way. 

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?  Food, food, I love food.  Nuts, tangerines, warm foods, pomegranates, cookies, hey, who's cooking?

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree?  I like one-colored lights.  Don't have to be clear, although I do like white ones a lot.
17. Favorite Christmas song(s)?  "Silent Night", "Do You Hear What I Hear", "O Holy Night", "Mary Did You Know"

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?  Stay at my warm house

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?  "On Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, on Comet, Cupid, Donder and Blitzen!"... and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer

20. Angel on the tree top or a star?  Both, but I think I prefer a star

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?  One on Christmas eve and the rest Christmas morning

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year?  Commercialism.  People forgetting the reason for the season.  That it goes by too fast

23. Favorite ornament theme or color?  No theme, hodge-podge

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner?  Food, food, I like food...

25. Do you have Jesus in your heart this Christmas?  Oh yeah!!

I would love to see your answers to this!  If you want to copy and paste and do this in your journal, please leave your entry URL in my comments section so I can come take a look!  Thanks and Merry Christmas!  xox


Monday, November 27, 2006

A Christmas Journal!...

Krissy had the wonderful idea to create a Christmas journal and has lovingly prepared the first entry!  The journal is called Joy To The World!  I am Krissy's helper elf.  I will be writing when needed and am helping in the background.  She really gets most of the credit, though.  Entries will be added each day of the month of December!!  It promises to be informative and lots and lots of fun and we do hope it will bless you this Christmas season!!  Go and check out the first entry and consider putting it on alerts!  Thanks guys! xox

Sunday, November 26, 2006

"Wordplay" and Tournament...

              "Women and cats will do as they please, and men
                and dogs should relax and get used to the idea."

  -- Robert A. Heinlein

Good afternoon all my pals!  I do hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Mine was very quiet and nice.  I wanted to ask if you guys like this font type and size better?  If you do, I will use it.   I think it might be easier to read.  Let me know.


I have something fun for "Wordplay" today!  It's very easy so everyone can participate.  Visit this
link from Think.com
.  It says, "Get a Random Quote".  Press the button.  Share your quote with us in the comments section!  If you don't like your first quote, pick another.  Why did you pick this quoteIs this a serious or funny quoteAre there any thoughts you would like to share about your quote?

My quote is:  "I planted some bird seed.  A bird came up.  Now I don't know what to feed it."  by Steven Wright.  I chose this because I thought it was funny!  Do you feed it bird?  LOL  What do you think?  Tell me about your quote!

On another note, Kellen is hosting an abbreviated version of his Journal Tournament called
"Tournament Revolutionized"
.  I have participated in a couple of his Tournaments in the past and they prove to be loads of fun and I have learned a heck of a lot!  Kellen puts a lot of time and energy and creative effort into his Tournaments to make them a great time!  You can also meet new journalers in the process!  If you want to try something new and like a little bit of competition (or a lot!) give it a go and sign up!!  Now is the time to do it.  Registration runs through November 30.  Kellen asked us to put this blurb in our journals and I am happy to comply, Kellen!...

JOURNAL TOURNAMENT - A three task tournament between journalers,
      building community and friendly competition in J-Land.  The tournament is in
      an experimental phase... a one task 20 question Tournament Revolutionized.
      If you sign up, you will be asked to complete those 20 questions by the
      appropriate deadline, and whoever has the most points, will be declared the
      winner!  It's a great way to get involved and see if you like the Journal
      Tournament without signing up for the full three tasks.  Everyone who has
      joined the past three tournaments has had a blast!  See what it's all about...
  .  Now registering
      through November 30!

Have a good rest of the weekend everyone and don't forget to leave your quote!  Adios! xox

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Birthday, the Hunt...

Baby, who we affectionately call Boo now, because he just doesn't seem like a "baby" anymore, is two this month.  We don't know the exact day he was born.  We really don't know if he was born in November, but we are assuming.  He was given to us a little under two years ago in late December.  Boo was abandoned by his Mama when he was a little kitten and was first dropper fed by a neighbor and then bottle fed.  He is going strong at 22 pounds!!  He is full of vim and vinegar and love only when he wants to give it (and he does!).  As I was making the graphic below he was tearing the stuffing out of a kitchen chair.  LOL  Happy Birthday, Boo!!!  WE LOVE YOU!!!!


Krissy is announcing the subject for the Photo Scavenger Hunt over in
her journal
this morning so pop on over.  I know I said I would do it yesterday, but I handed it over to her, since she came back earlier than expected.  Head on over and see what it is!

There is a small turkey and Thanksgiving quiz
if you want to give it a try.  I did poorly.   Let me know how you do if you take it.   Have a blessed day! xox

Monday, November 20, 2006

Photo Scavenger Hunt #96 Participants...

Photo Scavenger Hunt #96 Participants

This week's subject is: 

The following journals participated in this week's hunt.  Check them out!  It was very interesting to see how "art" was interpreted!  Thanks everyone!

     This Momma's Drama
     Photo Trek

     Mark's Daily Journal

     Footprints in the Sand

     My Spot

     Gina's Space

     Promise... Me

     Confessions of an Angel Waitress

and from last week visit here
where Linda from Linda's World did feet.

I will be back soon with this week's Hunt subject!  Hugs! xox


Monday Morning Question!...


Do you intend to shop on Black Friday?

my answer:  I would rather be hit over the head a hundred times with a hammer.  No, I would rather jump off a bridge.  No, I would rather be eaten by a pack of wolves (or eat the pack of wolves...), well, you get the picture.  I HATE shopping as it is, and to fight clawing, fighting people for merchandise seem ludicrous.  I don't care if it is lower-priced.  It will be lower-priced the next day, too.  How about you ?  If you do this as an entry in your journal, please come back and leave your entire entry URL so we all can read!  Thanks!


Sunday, November 19, 2006

"Wordplay"!, etc...

He who thanks but with the lips, thanks but in part;  The
              full, the true Thanksgiving comes from the heart
                                                                                       -J. A. Shedd

Happy Sunday all my journal buddies!  Wow, Thanksgiving is in four days!  I just realized that.  I thought I had a little more time.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving this year!  I don't think I'm doing anything special with family this year.  I may just spend it with my boyfriend at my home.  The last few years I went to Krissy and John's, but with John being so ill, I think I will just stay home.  I am not someone who likes to cook a big meal (or even a small one... LOL) too often, so we may have to go out and hunt down a Thanksgiving meal.  I don't know.  We shall see.


Time for "Wordplay"!  I thought I would talk about mnemonics today.  I have used mnemonics a lot in my lifetime as I have had memory problems from my Chiari Malformation and my shunt.  Mnemonics is defined (from Merriam Webster) as a technique for improving the memory.  I think that definition sounds too simple, but that is what it says.  Mnemonic is defined as: (n) a mnemonic device or code.  If I am out and need a few things from the store, I will often take the first letters of the few things I need and form a mnemonic code from them.  For example, if I need bananas, oranges and soup, I will take the b, the o, and the s and come up with BOS and then think of the word BOSS perhaps and then picture a boss in my head.  It doesn't have to be perfect.  I just have to remember it.  I do this in pictures, too.  If I need cat food, hamburger, laundry detergent, and a certain magazine I might picture my cat sitting on the washing machine eating a hamburger and reading a magazine.  It works!  I am familiar with two very famous mnemonic codes off the top of my head right now.  The first one is ROY G. BIV.  This represents the colors of the rainbow in order - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  The second is My very educated mother just served us nine pickles.  These are the planets in our solar system in order.  Now that Pluto is no longer a planet, I guess we have to knock the pickles off.  LOL  I will change it to, My very educated mother just served us nachos!  We don't get served nine anything anymore.  LOL  So, do you know any famous mnemonics?  Any obscure onesDo you have any of your own personal mnemonic codes that you have made up to help yourselfIf not, can you think of one now?  Let us know in the comments section!  If you do this as an entry in your own journal, please come back and leave your entry URL so we can have a look see!

I will be doing the Monday Morning Question and listing the Photo Scavenger Hunt participants as well as a Hunt subject tomorrow because
will be busy at the hospital with John.  I hope you all can come back tomorrow morning and see the postings!  If you can't, do have a blessed and safe holiday week!  Hugs, Val xox

Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare.  They are 
      consumed in twelve minutes.  Half-times take twelve minutes.  
      This is not a coincidence.
                                                                                    - Erma Bombeck


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

MMQ, pics of Josiah...

Krissy posed a very interesting and silly, four-part Monday Morning Question yesterday.  I thought I would answer it in my journal.  The first question was: Cats:  Rule or drool?  They have ruled ever since my Dad brought in our first stray cat, Blackie, when I was a small kid.  I have been in love with cats ever since!  They are a darling animal to own, or be owned by, shall I say.  I do like dogs, too, but cats have my heart.  The second question was: Lobster: Eat or no treat?  I will say no treat, don't eat, meat too sweet.  My Dad used to buy them live when we were kids and allowed the lobsters to play with our cats.  Dad, lobsters ARE NOT playtoys for cats nor are cats playtoys for lobsters.  It was also no fun to watch them be cooked alive.  Number three was:  Ties: Wear or nowhere?  I think ties are fine, a personal preference.  I think a nice-dressed man looks sharp!  The final question was:  Escargot: slime or sublime?  I have eaten escargot before.  It was about 20 years ago.  I only had to try one bite.  It is rubbery and too garlicky and kind of slimy.  I will never try it again.

My sister, Grace, has
her first online journal!  Let's welcome her to J-Land!!  If you can pay her a visit, please do!

Chelsea sent me about ten pictures of Josiah last night.  Here are two of them.  The first one is him on Halloween...


The second one is him giggling from a tickle.  I can't believe he is already laughing and giggling!  He will be three months old tomorrow!...


Thanks for stopping by!  Take care! xox

Photo Scavenger Hunt #95 participants...

Photo Scavenger Hunt #95 Participants

This week's subject is:  "

So sorry to the participants of the Hunt and those who came here yesterday looking for this posting.  I was away for a medical appointment (out of town) with my sister and her husband and did not get back until today.   Thanks to those below that participated:

Northern Trip

     Promise... Me

     Tammy's Scavenger Hunt Journal

     Confessions of an Angel Waitress

     A Little Left of Center

     Footprints in the Sand

Please visit  Krissy at Sometimes I Think
for next week's Photo Scavenger Hunt subject!  She should be posting it sometime today, if she has not already posted it.  Thanks!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

"Wordplay"!... it's funny!...

          "The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham
            and eggs.  The chicken is involved, the pig is committed."
                                                                            -Martina Navratilova

My cat, Baby, has been standing and staring at me since I woke up at 8:45 this morning.  It is now 11:45.  That's three hours.  He does this sometimes.  It spooks me.  Just standing there staring.  Staring.  Staring.  Why are you doing this, Baby?  He doesn't blink.  LOL  Does anyone else with cats have a cat that does this?


I received a hilarious email from
Merry and wanted to use it for "Wordplay" today.  I hope you all find it as funny as I do.  Merry, coincidentally, is celebrating a birthday today.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Merry!  I hope you have a very wonderful year!!  You are a very, very special lady!!  This email asks the age-old question, "Why did the chicken cross the road?"  I don't know the original author of this email or I would give them credit.  I would like you to read the responses below and tell me your favorite!  Let me know in the comments section, have fun, and I hope you laugh away like I did!!

   Dr. Phil
The problem we have here is that this chicken won't realize that he
     must first deal with the problem on "THIS" side of the road before it goes
     after the problem on the "OTHER SIDE" of the road.  What we need to do
     is help him realize how stupid he's acting by not taking on his "CURRENT
     problems before adding "NEW" ones.

Well I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why
     he wants to cross this road so badly.  So instead of having the chicken
     learn from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I'm going
     to give him a car, so that he can just drive across the road and not live life
     like the rest of the chickens.

   George W. Bush:  We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road.
     We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not.  The
     chicken is either against us, or for us.  There is no middle ground here.

   Donald Rumsfeld
Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see the
     satellite image of the chicken crossing the road.

   Anderson Cooper/CNN
We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we
     have not yet been allowed to have access to the other side of the road.

   John Kerry
Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now
     against it!  It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the
     chicken's intentions.  I am for it now, and will remain against it.

   Judge Judy
That chicken crossed the road because he's GUILTY!  You
     can see it in his eyes and the way he walks!

   Pat Buchanan
To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.

Martha Stewart No one called to warn me which way that chicken was
     going.  I had a standing order at the Farmer's Market to sell my eggs
     when the price dropped to a certain level.

   Dr. Seuss
Did the chicken cross the road?  Did he cross it with a toad?
     Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.

   Ernest Hemingway
To die in the rain.  Alone.

In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road.
     Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough.

Barbara WaltersIsn't that interesting?  In a few moments we will be
     listening to the chicken tell, for the first time, the heart-warming story of
     how it experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its
     life-long dream of crossing the road.

   John Lennon
Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing roads together -
     in peace.

It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.

   Bill Gates
I have just released eChicken2006, which will not only cross roads,
     but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your checkbook.
     Internet Explorer is an integral part of eChicken.  The platform is much more
     stable and will never cra...#@&&^(C|..... reboot.

   Albert Einstein
Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move
     beneath the chicken?

   Bill Clinton
I did not cross the road with THAT chicken.  What is your
     definition of chicken?

   Al Gore
I invented the chicken!

   Colonel Sanders:
  Did I lose one?

My favorites are Dr. Seuss, Al Gore, Albert Einstein and Bill Gates.  Not necessarily in that order.  What is/are your favorite (s)Let me know in the comments section.

Baby finally stopped staring at me because I fed him a treat.  Go figure.  I will have more up-to-date pictures of Josiah for you tomorrow!  I found them on my daughter's My Space page.   Gee, Chels, why didn't you send these pictures to me???  Argh!!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend and keeping warm.  Hugs to everyone! xox

Monday, November 6, 2006

Photo Scavenger Hunt #95 subject...

Photo Scavenger Hunt #95 will be due on Sunday, November 12, at 11:00 PM EST.


This week's subject will be:  "

Krissy came up with this subject and told me to give it to you guys on the phone last night.  You can interpret this any way you wish!  Please leave full URL link to your submission in the comments section.  Have lots of fun!!

For those of you who are wondering why I am running The Photo Hunt this week, please read preceding entry
.  Thanks!

Hope everyone is having a lovely day! xox

Monday Morning Question, etc...

Good morning!  I am posting the Monday Morning Question this morning for Krissy because she and John are in Hershey again.  John was rushed there because he had a fever over the weekend and was in extreme pain.  They think he may have a blood clot in his lung.  It could be pneumonia, but they are leaning towards the blood clot.  He is in critical condition.  She called me yesterday morning and it was heart-wrenching hearing John screaming in the background.  It was just so scary.  If you want to read about it and say hello to Krissy, her journal entry is here.  Also, when Krissy goes to the hospital she stops reading journals because she becomes so busy.  She gets all of her journal news from The John and Krissy J-Land Gazette that Tammy has tirelessly run for months now.  Thanks, Tammy!  Angels ARE in human form.  If you want to send her and/or John a well-wish, a "hello",  any news, a journal entry, or even something light like a joke or something to help them get through, you can send your submission to Tammy at memes121@aol.com.  If you have any questions how to do this please email Tammy or me at valphish@aol.com.  Thanks everyone!  Now on to the Monday Morning Question...   


Which of the four seasons do you look most forward to?

my answer:  I think I look most forward to the Fall.  I don't like the heat of the Summer, so the Fall is very, very comforting to me.  I like the cool days and chilly nights and I enjoy the changing leaves and the smell of the air.  I love the idea of the holiday season approaching, too!  People tend to be a bit more cheery!  Spring is a very, very close second, however.  My favorite day of the year perhaps is the first day when I can open all my windows and have the smell of Spring permeating through the house.  It is heavenly!  Spring never lasts long enough, though.  It never does for some reason.  It gets hot way too quickly for me.  I like temperatures to be below 70 degrees inside and out.  I have had a lot of thermostat wars when I have lived with others all my life.  What about you?

Saturday, November 4, 2006

"Wordplay", etc."

Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing
        in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they beome
        in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.
           - Nathaniel Hawthorne


Good Saturday, all, and welcome to "Wordplay"!  I wanted to talk about the dictionary today and new additions to it.  Merriam-Webster will be adding nearly 100 new words to its new addition this year.  When I read this I wondered how many I knew or if I used any of them regularly.   Take this small seven question quiz and let me know how you doGo to this site and view 30 of the new wordsDo you know most of these wordsSome of themWhat percentageDiscuss any of the words you want in the comments section.  I took the quiz and got six out of seven correct.  I did know most of the words in the word list and use, or have used, about a third of them in my vocabulary at some time or another in speaking or writing. 

I wanted to say congratulations to Jennifer, a friend of mine who goes all the way back to middle school, who was the only one who was able to pick me and Krissy out of my sibling photo, and in fact, was able to identify the whole brood!  Cool, Jen!!

Voting has started for the VIVI Awards and will be over on the 6th.  Have you voted?  All you need is a valid AOL or AIM screen name.  Go
if you haven't and have your vote counted!!

Chelsea called last night and said she was definitely sending new pictures of Josiah for me and to checked my email this morning!!  I got on the computer this morning to download them and there were no pictures from her!!?!!  Why do you tease me so, Chels?!!?!!  Why?  Why???  What an AWFUL thing to do to a grandma!!  Send them!!  Send them!!!  LOL  Hopefully you all will see an updated picture of the little guy soon!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend and keep enjoying the little things! xox

Thursday, November 2, 2006

A couple of pictures of Josiah...

Hello there, everyone!  I wanted to share a couple pictures of Josiah with everyone.  I miss him so very much!!  Chelsea told me that Josiah had doubled his weight by his second month appointment at the pediatrician's.  He weighed 7 pounds 8 ounces when he was born.  That means he is over 15 pounds now!!  He will be three months old in two weeks.  I haven't gotten any pictures of him since he was around six or seven weeks old!!  He must be changing dramatically!!  Chelsea said he is filling out and getting round!!  Chelsea, send me pictures!!  Chelsea hopes she and Josiah can visit me in January.  By that time he will be trying to walk and will be smiling and giggling and perhaps even trying to say some things.  He was very vocal when he was born, just like Chelsea.  He could repeat sounds his first week of life.  He was humming while I was singing and could repeat some sounds that I made.  Chelsea was like that.  She had a vocabulary of about 60 words by six months old and was saying small sentences at a year.  Here is Josiah just after I left Florida...


Here he is with his Daddy, Desi, around the same time.  I crocheted the blanket that is on him while I was visiting them...


Hope you enjoyed my little guy!  Chelsea, send me more pictures!!!

Color test results, family picture...

This is my results of the color test I gave you guys yesterday.  I didn't post it then because I wanted you all to be surprised by the depth of the test.  Also, I wanted to let everyone know that NO ONE was able to pick out me and Krissy in our family photo.  From left to right the children in the photo are Grace, me, Therese, Krissy, and Carl.  Thanks for trying, though!  


You have always been on the move seeking affectionate, satisfying and harmonious relationships. Your ultimate goal has been the realisation of an intimate union in which there could be love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust. It has often been said that 'True love is just around the corner' and - if you haven't found it as yet - you possibly soon will.

At this time you 'need to be needed' and again you 'need to need'. You have had this feeling for some time now and you are looking for someone who could share a close bond in an atmosphere of shared intimacy. You have the belief that with the right person you could conquer the world.

Enough is enough - but the problems never seem to stop. They never stop. You feel, and maybe you are right, that the problems seem to go on and on and you have indeed had more than your fair share of trials and tribulations. But to give you credit - you bounce back time and time again - you stick to your beliefs because deep down you have that inner knowledge, that 'belief' system that in the end, everything will turn out OK - and you are right -it will!

You are an emotional, sincere and impressionable individual experiencing frustration and unnecessary stress. You vehemently resist any form of pressure from outside sources, insisting on your independence as an individual. You want to be a decision maker - to make up your own mind without interference. You wish to be able to draw your own conclusions and arrive at your own decisions. You detest uniformity and mediocrity as you want to be regarded as one who gives authoritative opinions. Your favourite expression could well be that 'I may not always be right but I am never wrong'. You're a perfectionist and even though you may feel that the other person's point of view may be right, you find it extremely difficult to admit that you could be wrong.

You would like to be respected and valued for yourself and this can only be achieved from within a close and harmonious relationship.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

A "Color" Test...

Angela sent me a link to a fascinating test.  It takes less than a minute and you just may be amazed and what you will find out about yourself!   The results of this test had me pegged!  Give it a try!  If you do this in your own journal leave a link so I can read.  Thanks!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sentimental Photos...

The subject for Krissy's Photo Scavenger this week is "a photo of sentimental value or special meaning".  I searched quite awhile through my photos looking for what I wanted to choose.  Quite a few of them are sentimental to me.  It was hard to settle on just one.  I am posting two for you.  There I go again not following the rules.  One is very recent.  Most of you have seen it.  It is the first moment I held my grandson, Josiah...


The second is a picture I posted a long time ago - perhaps about two years ago.  It's me and my siblings.  My youngest sister is left out.  I asked my mom where my sister, Deirdre, was.  She said she was probably getting her diaper changed.  LOL   Take a guess which one is me and which one is Krissy in the comments section.  I'll let you know in a day or two!


My brother, Carl, is visiting from Virginia today.  He is not feeling well so I don't even know if I get to see him.  I don't want to catch a flu or virus.  Feel better soon, Carl!!

If you want to play along with Krissy's Photo Scavenger Hunt pay her
a visit
.  She announces a new subject every Monday.  Hope your weekend is treating you well and you are keeping warm! xox

Saturday, October 28, 2006


     "Detail makes the difference between boring and terrific writing.  It's the
      difference between a pencil sketch and a lush oil painting.  As a writer,
      words are your paint.  Use all the colors.
                                                                       -Rhys Alexander

I'm sitting here watching Baby.  It's interesting that anytime I watch Honey or Baby more than five seconds while they are sleeping they open their eyes.  They instinctively know I am watching them!  How do animals know this?  It happens every time!  Wow!  They have an extra sense.  My cats are little children of sorts to me.  They can communicate their needs.  When Honey wants fed she comes up and kisses me on the lips.  She and Baby both can meow, "yes and no."  and Baby can say, "Huh?"  when I call him.  This makes people laugh.  I taught them yes and no so I would know if they truly wanted something.  Before I ask them if they want something, I say for example, "Do you want brushed, yes? no?"  They really answer me.  Their yes is like a "myeah" and their no is like a "myoooh".  Both of them.  Honey taught Baby how to talk because she is very vocal.  I tell them what I am doing during the day so that they understand.  They do understand a lot of English - words and phrases like - I'm opening the window, treat, eat, bed, I love you, night-night, brush, I have to go out now, tuna fish, cat nip, etc.  I think it's amazing what pets can comprehend and how much happier they can be when you spend time with them.  They give you so much love in return.

I wanted to thank everyone so much for all the "Happy Birthdays" I received yesterday!!  It was wonderful to open up my email box and have it full of e-cards!!  Aww, thanks, guys!!  J-Land is THE BEST!!!  Thanks for making my birthday full of smiles all day long!!  I had a good birthday.  I had a quiet day with my boyfriend.  He gave me a dozen red roses.  Now wasn't that sweet?!!  He gets a lot of points for that!


It's Saturday and time for "Wordplay!"  The idea for this "Wordplay" was given to me by
husband, John.   I wanted to discuss our favorite colors and what words come to mind when we think of them.

What is/are your favorite color(s) What words come to mind when you think of this/these color(s)Do these words describe youand, do you seek to surround yourself with these adjectives?

My answer:  Actually my favorite color changes from day to day.  My favorite colors are usually
red and blue tones.  Sometimes I am in a green mood, too.  I like muted colors.  Today I like blue.  How does blue make me feel?  Calm, serene, centered, meditative,  spiritual.  I DO try to be calm and centered.  If I'm not, then I try to do everything I can to center myself.  I try to find a spot to be by myself and relax and meditate.  I sometimes even think of the color blue or the ocean or put myself at the beach. a lake, or in the sky in my mind visually.  When I am in a red mood I am feeling more passionate about life and more loving.  I have more confidence and want to tackle more of life and be more assertive.  Today I am in a blue mood.  A happy, blue
mood.  What about you?

Have a good weekend and hope you are having a happy one! xox

Friday, October 27, 2006

Please read...

Our California friends need our prayers.  Please read
this.  Thank you!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Happy Birthday and more fun!...

A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday
      but never remembers her age.
-Robert Frost

I wanted to wish my sister, Therese, a happy belated birthday, as well as my brother, Carl!!  They had their birthdays on Sunday and Tuesday. 
, you two!!  Therese and Carl were born 363 days apart and are the same age for two days.  Oh, and someone else special has a birthday tomorrow!  Guess who?  The writer of this blog!  Now, it's interesting that my momma had three children born during the same calendar week.  Within five days in fact.  I wonder what the odds for that are?  I know I didn't like it growing up, as I got a little older, because we had a "group birthday" at the beginning of "the birthdays" and I felt a little slighted.  I had my birthday last and everyone was done celebrating.  I sort of felt like no one wanted to celebrate my birthday by the time it rolled around.  Sounds a little selfish.  Now I think it is really neat!  Happy Birthday to the three of us!!

For your Halloween and Thanksgiving delight, here is some
virtual carving fun
!  I spent quite a bit of time on this site.  I thought you all might like to try and see what you can create.  If you have a creation you are proud of (or not... LOL) take a screen shot of it and put it in your journals and send me the entry URL!  I would love to see it!  If you don't know how to take a screen shot (Ctrl + print screen, then paste in email) send me an email and I will explain it to you.  Have a lovely evening all!  I'm off to eat lunch.  Take care! xox

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Play along!

This is an interesting tag going around blogs recently.  I want to see what you guys are reading!!  Go ahead and try this!!  Here are the instructions...

     1.  Grab the nearest  book.
     2.  Open to page 123.
     3.  Find the fifth sentence.
     4.  Post the text of the next four sentences along with these instructions.
     5.  Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in the back
          of your closet!  I know that is what you are thinking!
     6.  Tag four or five people.


This comes from "The Parables of Peanuts" by Robert L. Short

It is implicit in the New Testament statement concerning the incarnation of God in Christ that all men are taken up, enclosed and borne within the body of Christ and that this is just what the congregation of the faithful are to make known to the world by their words and by their lives.  What is intended here is... the summoning of the world into the fellowship of this body of Christ, to which in truth it already belongs.

                        -Bonhoeffer, Ethics

     "Karamazov," cried Kolya, "can it be true what's taught us in religion, that we shall all rise again from the dead and shall live and see each other again, all . . . ?"

     "Certainly we shall all rise again, certainly we shall see each other and shall tell each other with joy and gladness all that has happened !"

Alyosha answered half laughing, half enthusiastic.


Those are four long sentences!  Interesting, I have an appropriate graphic of Snoopy reading a book.  That was totally by accident.  My wonderful friend, Cathy, gave me that about a month ago.  So, I won't tag anyone for this, but I do hope some of you will do this and leave your entry URLs so I can go and read what you are reading!  Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day!!  Hugs!! xox

Monday, October 23, 2006

Hunt Participants and Monday Morning Question...

Photo Scavenger Hunt #93

The subject this week is: 
"broken, torn, or run-down

I wanted to thank
for allowing me to run her Photo Scavenger Hunt and Monday Morning Question the past few weeks while she has been doing a higher task.  Krissy, thank you!  I hope I made you proud!!  Krissy is asking a Monday Morning Question this morning in her journal and will be posting a subject for this week's Photo Hunt later on today so please visit her!  Thanks so much to everyone who continued to participate in my journal!  This week's photos were particularly poignant.  Please visit them if you can!  The participating journals are:

Photo Trek


     My Photo Journey

     Ye Olde English Posy

     Holiday Photos

     Linda's World

Don't forget to visit
Krissy's journal
for next week's Hunt subject!  Have a lovely day, everyone and keep shooting! xox