Hi guys! I hope you are having a good Labor Day weekend! August weather has been spectacular in my neck of the woods. And we have had enough rain, too, so I think that means we will have a colorful Fall. Isn't that how it works? Anyone know? I used to know and I forgot. I am forgetting everything these days. LOL Oh well. Including posting the six letters early on Sunday morning... So here you have them! "Weekly Sentence with Val" #28! Before proceeding, I would like to congratulate our previous game's winner Dannelle of Odes to the Odd. If you haven't visited her yet, please do!
This week's six new letters will follow the rules below. If you have never read the rules, please do. Have fun and have a good extended weekend (if you are lucky enough to have one)!

* Each Sunday I post a set of six letters. A sentence must be
made from these letters. The letters today are: ARFMHS
An example of a sentence could be - A rather flirty male
held Susan. These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who choose the best sentence or two submitted each week. How
do they choose winning sentence(s)? The submission(s) that
receives the strongest reactions - Did it make them laugh, sad,
ponder, etc.?
* The winner(s) receives a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your blog, please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Thursday, 4PM EDT. The winner is announced Friday morning
or early afternoon.
* A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is a Season,
every Sunday morning or early afternoon.
* If you submit more than one sentence, only your first sentence
will be judged.
Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:
Thank you everyone! I was very excited to win last week's sentence. If I can get past the ARF ARF (lol) to the MHS I'll attempt another this week. I enjoy this challenge so much, thanks again. Dannelle
ReplyDeleteA red fruit makes handsome sauce.
ReplyDeleteok, it's a little crude so delete if you want:
ReplyDeleteA rat's fart's must highly stink.
ARFMHS = A really fortunate man has soul.
ReplyDeleteAllie's real friends might help Sarah.
ReplyDelete(thanks Val; I am not sure if it is the rain that makes the leaves colorful or how cold the first frost is; but I always like the changing of the leaves; we don't see too much of that in So. Calif; enjoy your weekend)
When I went back to college the second time in 1981, one of my required classes was Biology. We learned then that the fall colors happen due to the sun's changing power. The sun has chorophill (SP) in it, which in the spring makes them green. At the end of the season, the sun is further from the earth (or else the intesity of it lessens) & that is why the leaves start to turn and that's what makes everything so colorful. It was never mentioned in lecture or textbooks that the rain had anything to do with it. Maybe it does, but that wasn't mentioned. Gee, if I sound like a No-it-all, I sincerely don't mean to, because I sure don't know it all!! Merry
ReplyDeletealaina really feels math has strength.
have a good week val and thanks again!
from mapieper12:
ReplyDeleteArts rarely fascinate most high schoolers.
Air Rifles Fire Mostly Harmless Stuff.
ReplyDeleteA rich fertilizer makes harvest stupendous.
ReplyDelete;^) Jan the Gryphon
ReplyDeleteA repeat felon maliciously harms society.
Here is my entry:
ReplyDeleteA real friend makes hugs special.
Art's reflection, facilitate many happy spectators.
Apathetic rustler finally mounts his steed.
ReplyDeleteWell this is mine...
ReplyDeleteA Republican friend means hope satisfied.
animal rights friends manage humane shelters