Saturday, April 12, 2008

"Weekly Sentence" #10, Happy B-day Matt!...

ACK!!  How many people did I confuse by saying it was Friday on Thursday??  LOL  So sorry.  LOL  I thought it was Friday for half of the day.  Oh my!!  I posted the winner's of the "Weekly Sentence" a day early.  LOL  I have to laugh at myself sometimes.  So today is my son's birthday.  Matt is 20!!  My kids are adults now.  I am a grandma.  I feel old.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Matt!!!!!!  I'm going to wait until he comes back into town to celebrate with him.  He is leaving for Colorado to go to his friend's funeral - the one who committed suicide.  It just doesn't seem very celebratory right now.  On one last note before I give you today's six letters -  I had to quit taking the Chantix, it was making me super sick.  I was getting major headaches.  I could handle that, but I couldn't take the nausea that it gave me.  I spent two weeks in bed.  I am supposed to take it for four months.  I can't spend four months in bed!!  I waited for these  side-effects to subside, and they didn't.  Ah, I am going to have to go cold-turkey now.  At least I have those two weeks behind me.

Now on to the six letters for this week.  I have looked at all the letters we have used thus far, and we have used all 26 except the very hard ones like "q" and "x" and "z".  Have you guys liked the letters I have given you?  The placement of them?   How about when I give special letters for holidays?

Here are this week's letters.  I hope you have fun with them!!


  Each Saturday I will post a set of six letters.  A sentence must
       be made from these letters.  The letters today are:
       An example of a sentence could be -
Do centipedes need
     sneakers to run? 
These letters MAY NOT be re-

There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
        who will pick the best sentence submitted each week.  How will
        they decide the winning sentence?  The submission that receives
        the strongest reaction -  Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?

The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
        screen name on it.

Place submissions in comments section.  If you do this game as an
       entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
       entry URL so your entry can be judged. 
Submissions are due by
     Wednesday, 4PM EST
.  The winner will be announced Friday
       morning or afternoon.

* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
      Season, every Saturday Morning.

* If you have more than one submission, only your first will
    be judged.

Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:


Thanks for playing!!  Hope you have a lovely weekend!  Hugs!  Val =) xox



  1. Just checked out your map- it's great. I never saw one like that before!Old is a fact but you don't have to feel it! Dannelle

  2. Val, I know how hard it is to quit smoking.  It is a difficult thing to do, but after you've quit the freedom you have is well worth the unpleasant withdrawl.  Then there's also the health benefits.  I know you can do this.  Just keep with it.  Don't give up.  I'll be praying for you.  


  3. aha! I say "Dictators can not stop the revolution!" Dannelle

  4. I'll give it a shot....Don't Cough Near Sterile Tuberculosis Records.  On that note...Happy Birthday Matt, and Val, you are only as old as you think you are.  I met a 34 year old grandmother the other day...


  5. You've got to be kidding me!  Tee hee, I'll try but have to think about it!  I do wish Matt a very Happy Birthday & hope when the time is right, you can celebrate his birthday!  Wait until Matt turns 21, that will be even wose.  But fear not, the grandchildren you have will make you forget any notions of being old!  They see you through the magical eyes that our grandchildren have just for us. Talk to you later! Love, Merrykins

  6. Dancing clumsily Nancy somehow tripped Robert.

    Val, I didn't realize you posted the winners a day early, LOL; didn't register with me; I must have been flying through J-Land that day

    Happy Birthday to Your Son!!! I hope he had an okay day, even though I know its a sad day for him; I'm sure he will always remember his 20th birthday and what he was doing; feel so bad for that girl's family

    take care of yourself


  7. Happy BDAY to Matt---please do have fun celebrating later! You go Val with the no smoking! Prays going up every day! DCNSTR hmmmm ....

    Doctors Commend No Smoking Tea Rooms! Deb ;-)

  8. Deftly create new sentences to read.

  9. I have mine posted.

  10. Dark Clouds Now Start To Rain

  11. doctors can now successfully treat ringworm

  12. DCNSTR

    Dark chocolate nearly seems too rich.

    Krissy :)

  13. Hi Val. I hope your son had a nice birthday. I also hope you are coping with the side effects of not smoking. Here is my entry. Love Pam xx

  14. DCNSTR

    Dandelions cause nasty stems to rise.

    Thanks for running this game, Val.


  15. Here is mine:

       Don't connect nonsense sentences to reality.

                  have a good day!



  16. Pam's link:

  17. Mandy's link:


  18. Connie's link:

  19. Not a weekly sentence comment, but a happy b-day to your son, and positive vibes to you with quitting smoking! If you haven't smoked for 2 weeks, you're past the nicotine addiction, and can focus on the psychological addiction (that was MY main problem). You can do it, and if you need any positive reinforcement, don't hesitate to email me. Ken and I quit smoking a year and a half ago, and it's the best thing we ever did (other than marrying each other--ha!). Good luck!



Please leave your thoughts - fun, intelligent, silly, joyful, spacy - it matters not =)