100 Things About Me (51 - 100)
51. I was a legal secretary for 11 lawyers when I was 20 years old. I enjoyed
the job.
52. My favorite job ever was being a cashier in a fast food restaurant.
53. I have kept a diary all my life - either a paper one or a blog online. One day
I threw out all my paper diaries from the past realizing they would be read
after my death.
54. God is my best friend.
55. I am comforted that He knows me from head to toe without my speaking a
56. I love nature. I see it as God's art work.
57. I hate to shop. It saves me money.
58. I can put my right leg behind my head.
59. There is almost no food I don't like. I can eat almost anything. If I don't
like a food, it is usually the texture that bothers me, not the taste.
60. I can use chopsticks. I prefer them over a fork and knife.
61. I don't like meat very much. I could easily live without it.
62. I prefer raw foods over cooked.
63. I love ice cream.
64. I would be five pounds lighter if I didn't like sweets so much.
65. I like to color with crayons.
66. I am a late night person. I DO NOT do mid-afternoons and early evenings.
67. I am often a loner. I can be happy going days not talking to anyone.
68. I have talked more than one person out of suicide. I also know a few people
who have committed suicide.
69. I started going gray in my early 20's.
70. I think you should do something nice for someone every day.
71. I can't swim. I attribute this to two near-drowning experiences when I was a
child. At least I remember them that way in my head.
72. I love the beach - especially at night. I love the sounds and smells of the
73. I can't sing well, but I do it anyway.
74. I think everyone can use a good therapist.
75. I love music - all kinds except rap.
76. I never turn my TV on until the evening time.
77. I think prayer is the best gift you can give someone.
78. I have stacks of books I need to read. I used to read three - five books a
week. That was before Gore invented the internet. LOL
79. I hate the telephone. I feel like a captured audience. It fatigues me. I think
this has something to do with fibromyalgia.
80. Pain and fatigue have taught me to slow down and enjoy life more. They have
been blessings in disguise.
81. I believe the deeper your pain goes the higher your joy can be.
82. Joy is my favorite word.
83. "What a Wonderful World" is my favorite song. I love the lyrics.
84. I enjoy doing crossword puzzles, word games, and sudokus daily.
85. I am Irish, German, Hungarian, and Welsh.
86. I am related to Captain Kangaroo (Bob Keshan) on my mom's side.
87. For many Halloween's, as a child, I used to dress up as a gypsy, in honor of
my Hungarian roots. I felt pretty.
88. When I was a tiny tot, I used to think that I would slip down the drain of the
bathtub, so I was too afraid to take a bath. My sister, Therese, showed me
that my big toe didn't fit down the drain, therefore I wouldn't fit. It cured
me of this fear.
89. I also remember having a fear of dying of thirst when I was teeny tiny. I
needed to have a glass of water before I went to bed. I had many, many
fears as a toddler and child. I wonder if my (undiagnosed) skull malformation
(and it causing pressure on my brain) caused these fears.
90. I grew up with four sisters and one brother. My parents and siblings are all
still alive.
91. I have to have a fan going to sleep at night. I love the sound of it and the
moving air.
92. I prefer sitting on the floor over sitting in a chair.
93. I sleep with at least eight pillows strategically placed around me. Only one is
under my head.
94. I almost never get on the computer at night. It overstimulates me. I use it
at night about four times a year. I am on it early in the morning daily.
95. I have a problem with overstimulation and hypervigilence. It comes with
having a swollen brain for almost 40 years. I can only concentrate on an
activity for an hour or two and then my brain starts to shut down. If it is the
evening, it is worse. I turn all the lights off in my home around 4PM and they
stay off until the next day.
96. I have a sign on my door that says, "Only knock between 10AM and 3:30PM".
Most people ignore it and knock anyway.
97. My biggest dream is to own my own home someday and decorate the entire
house myself. I don't feel grounded knowing I don't own a place where I can
"grow old and die" at.
98. My favorite smell is fresh air - that first day when it is warm enough to open
the windows of your home and let the air move through. If someone could
bottle that smell, they would make a fortune.
99. I want to make my own drum someday. I will.
100. I have collected all the fabric to make my first quilt. Next, I would like to
make a simple pattern and make the quilt.
For those of you who are still hanging in there, thanks so much for reading this list!! I had fun compiling it!! If you do a list of your 100 Things, come leave your entry URL so I can have a look!! Have a good week!! Hugs!! Val =) ox