Sunday, April 27, 2008

"Weekly Sentence" #12 letters!...

Time for the "Weekly Sentence with Val"!!  I have decided to post the letters on Sunday and hand out the Award(s) on Saturday from now on.   The submission date has been changed to Thursday at 4PM EST.   Some of you have told me you forget about this game and miss the deadline.  If you would like a reminder emailed to you each week, let me know in the comments section, and I would be very happy to do so.  Below are the rules and the six letters for this week's game:
Each Sunday I will post a set of six letters.  A sentence must
        be made from these letters.  The letters today are:
        An example of a sentence could be -
Some polygamists lie
     about their situation. 
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.

There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
        who will pick the best sentence submitted each week.  How will
        they decide the winning sentence?  The submission that receives
        the strongest reaction -  Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?

The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
        screen name on it.

Place submissions in comments section.  If you do this game as an
       entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
       entry URL so your entry can be judged. 
Submissions are due by
       Thursday, 4PM EST.
The winner will be announced Friday morning
       or afternoon.

A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
       Season, every Sunday Morning.

If you submit more than one sentence, only your first sentence
will be judged.
Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:


Thanks for playing!!
  Have a good Sunday!!  Hugs!  Val =) xox


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Winners of "Weekly Sentence" #11, etc.

Here I am posting the winners of the "Weekly Sentence" a day late again.  I am very sorry.  I had appointments yesterday.  Then I was so exhausted I fell into bed.  I am considering running this game Sunday through Saturday - in other words, posting the winners on Saturday and the six new letters on Sunday.  How would you guys like that?  It would be easier for me.  So, Matt gave back his Agama Lizards and now has a Red-Tailed Boa.  Yes, that's a snake.  ~sigh~.  I think he is infatuated with reptiles.  I actually held him.  He is small yet.  It wasn't so bad.  I don't think I will like him when he gets much larger.  LOL

Now for the "Weekly Sentence" winners!!...

I would like to
congratulate these two players!!:

  Bill from Just Plain Bill

Please take another tall, meaty llama.

Jan from Gryphondear's Word of the Day:

Pancakes take a trifle more lard.

If you are able, please visit these journals and congratulate them!  Here are your Awards, Bill and Jan!!  Right click them andsave as .gif.  If you have any problems, just pop me an email.


Below are the sentences also submitted this week.  I thank each and everyone who played!!:

  Please tell Adam to meet Lucy. 
  Parents think all teenagers might lie. 
  Parent the addicts, they may live. 
  Practicing the arts travel many languages. 
  People trembled at the mountain lion. 
  Placing these anagrams took marvelous logo. 
(chasferris) comes with a
.  Very creative, Chuck =)!!
  Please take all the mail letters. 
  Please tell all things my love! 
  Pretty talented actors tell meaningless lies. 
  Please tape all the men's lips! 
  Pam tentatively awaits the millionaire's lifestyle. 
  Please take Adam to Mary Levine. 
  Parents take apart the mother's love. 
  Physical therapy almost tamed my lumbago. 
  Pretty tiny ant took my lunch. 

I will be posting six new letters tomorrow morning so come back by!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful, warm, Spring day!!  Val =) xox


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"WS" #11 reminder...

This is a reminder that if you intend to submit a "Weekly Sentence" it's due in about 26 hours.  You all have an extra day because I am a day behind with the game.  Visit the entry !!  The letters are PTATML.  You know you want to try =) !!


Monday, April 21, 2008

I was tagged...

I was tagged by Rosemary from Inspiration.  I am supposed to tag others.  I won't.  If you want to do this, go right ahead.  Leave your entry URL so I can read!  I am not as interesting as you, Rosemary.  LOL

What was I doing ten years ago:

I was a stay-at-home stepmom.  That was a year before my ex and I split up.

Five things on my list of things to do today:
1. Finish up on the computer
2. Make some phone calls
3. Do some housework
4. Get outside and get some fresh air
5. Take a nap

Snacks I enjoy:
ice cream, chocolate, ice cream, nuts, and ice cream

Bad Habits:
I procrastinate, am not as organized as I used to be (messy), and I am late more often than I want to be.

What would I do if I were a Billionaire:

I would make sure that family members and I were set up financially.  I would find a wonderful piece of land near the mountains and the beach to build a home.   I would hire a personal assistant and small staff.  I would give a majority of the rest of the money to various charities.  I would also buy a nice RV and travel!

Five Places I have lived:
1. Woodbridge, VA
2. Dale City, VA
3. Triangle, VA
4. State College, PA
5. Bellefonte, PA

Five Jobs I have had:
1. fast food/cashier
2. legal secretary
3. secretary
4. data entry
5. day care provider


Sunday, April 20, 2008

"Weekly Sentence" #11...

Matt got two new lizards.  They are cool.  They are Agama Lizards.  The one that died was a Chinese Water Dragon.  He was very sedate.  The two new ones move very swiftly.  They also have tougher skin.  They look like little alligators to me.  I like lizards.  I am so glad Spring is here!!  It was nice spending time with the birds and fresh air and grass this past week.  It's raining this morning and colder.  You never know what you are going to get in April, I guess.  Awww, Josiah said, "Hi Nammy!!" on the phone two nights ago.  Nammy is Grammy.  He has such excitement in his voice.  He is saying everything!!  Wow!!  Jonah is trying to talk, too.  He will be seven months old soon.  He was laughing like crazy when I was talking to him.  I would say, "Hi Jonah-Jonah!!!" and he would scream with laughter.  Awwwww!!

Now on to the "Weekly Sentence with Val"!  I have six new letter for you this morning.  
Submissions aren't due until THURSDAY 4PM (you have an extra day.) because I had a late start.  Some of you have told me you forget about this game and miss the deadline.  If anyone wants a reminder emailed to them each week, let me know in the comments section, and I would be very happy to do so.  Have fun you guys!!!  Here are the six letters!:

Each Saturday I will post a set of six letters.  A sentence must
        be made from these letters.  The letters today are:
        An example of a sentence could be -
Perhaps the ape took
     my lunch. 
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.

There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
        who will pick the best sentence submitted each week.  How will
        they decide the winning sentence?  The submission that receives
        the strongest reaction -  Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?

  *  The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
        screen name on it.

Place submissions in comments section.  If you do this game as an
       entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
       entry URL so your entry can be judged. 
Submissions are due by
     Wednesday, 4PM EST (Thursday this week)
.  The winner
       will be announced Friday morning or afternoon.

  *  A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
       Season, every Saturday Morning.

  *  If you submit more than one sentence, only your first
     sentence will be judged.

Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:

Thanks for playing!!  Have a good Sunday!!  Hugs!  Val =) xox


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Winners of "Weekly Sentence" #10!...

Thanks, all my "Weekly Sentence" players, for bearing with me while I had a rest for a day!  That was very kind of you!  We had another fun and successful week with our six letters!  I thank you all for making this a fun, fun game!!  Now on to this week's winners!..

I wanted to
congratulate these two players!!:

  Chuck from Dribble by Chuck Ferris

Deftly create new sentences to read.

Dannelle from Odes to the Odd:

Dictators can not stop the revolution!

If you are able, please visit these journals and congratulate them!  Here are your Awards, Chuck and Dannelle!!  Right click them and save as .gif.  If you have any problems, just pop me an email.


The sentences below were also submitted this week.  I want to thank each and everyone who participated this week!  You all ROCK!!!

  Don't cough near sterile tuberculosis records. 
(radar 446)
  Dancing clumsily Nancy somehow tripped Robert. 
  Doctors commend no smoking tea rooms! 
Does Connie need something to read?
Dark clouds now start to rain.
Daisy's cunning Nanny stole toilet rolls! 
Doctors can now successfully treat ringworm.
Dark chocolate nearly seems too rich. 
Dedicated cancer nurses soothe troubled relations.
Dandelions cause nasty stems to rise.  (johneknox)

  Doctors can not sing trying really. 
  Don't connect nonsense sentences to reality. 
I am going to post six new letters tomorrow morning so come on back!  This week I will run the game from Sunday - Thursday, with winners posted on Friday. as I am off by a day.  Hope everyone is having a sunny Spring day!!  Val =)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Weekly Sentence, what's up...

"Find me a place in the sunlight to sit and
think and listen to the sweet inner voice
that says so quietly, 'Peace, be still.'"

- Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Hi!  I am so behind on everything.  So behind and very tired.  I am going to post the winners of the "Weekly Sentence" game tomorrow morning when I post the six new letters.  I just can't stay on the computer any longer today.  I'm very sorry and I hope you all forgive me.

John and I were in the car most of the day yesterday.  We went out of town to his cardiologist.  He is doing very well!!  There is just a "sliver" of water around his heart that should be absorbed naturally.  We are both so relieved!!  The interesting thing about the fluid being drained is that John no longer has sleep apnea!!  The fluid was the obstruction that was causing this!  WOW!  I also realized that he has had this fluid for at least as long as we have been dating - almost 3 years - because he has had the sleep apnea that long, among other symptoms the doctor explained were caused by the fluid.  I am amazed it had gone undetected that long.

Matt's lizard passed away.  Poor Matt.  The lizard got some kind of patchy spots and died.  He passed away while Matt was out of town.  I don't like this because he was in my care.  ~sigh~  I really liked the lizard.  He was actually very sweet.

Okay, I am off of here.  I will return tomorrow morning to hand out Awards and post six new letters.  Thanks for understanding.  Have a good weekend, my friends!  Val =)

Monday, April 14, 2008

100 Things About Me (51 - 100)

                                        100 Things About Me (51 - 100)

51.   I was a legal secretary for 11 lawyers when I was 20 years old.  I enjoyed
        the job.

My favorite job ever was being a cashier in a fast food restaurant.
I have kept a diary all my life - either a paper one or a blog online.  One day
        I threw out all my paper diaries from the past realizing they would be read
        after my death.

God is my best friend.
   I am comforted that He knows me from head to toe without my speaking a  

I love nature.  I see it as God's art work.
I hate to shop.  It saves me money.
I can put my right leg behind my head.
There is almost no food I don't like.  I can eat almost anything.  If I don't
        like a food, it is usually the texture that bothers me, not the taste.

  I can use chopsticks.  I prefer them over a fork and knife.
   I don't like meat very much.  I could easily live without it.
I prefer raw foods over cooked.
I love ice cream.
  I would be five pounds lighter if I didn't like sweets so much.
  I like to color with crayons.
.   I am a late night person.  I DO NOT do mid-afternoons and early evenings.
.   I am often a loner.  I can be happy going days not talking to anyone.
   I have talked more than one person out of suicide.  I also know a few people
        who have committed suicide.

I started going gray in my early 20's.
I think you should do something nice for someone every day.
   I can't swim.  I attribute this to two near-drowning experiences when I was a
        child.  At least I remember them that way in my head.

I love the beach - especially at night.  I love the sounds and smells of the

   I can't sing well, but I do it anyway.
I think everyone can use a good therapist.
   I love music - all kinds except rap.
  I never turn my TV on until the evening time.
.   I think prayer is the best gift you can give someone.
I have stacks of books I need to read.  I used to read three - five books a
        week.  That was before Gore invented the internet.  LOL

  I hate the telephone.  I feel like a captured audience.  It fatigues me.  I think
        this has something to do with fibromyalgia.

  Pain and fatigue have taught me to slow down and enjoy life more.  They have
        been blessings in disguise.

  I believe the deeper your pain goes the higher your joy can be.
   Joy is my favorite word.
  "What a Wonderful World" is my favorite song.  I love the lyrics.
  I enjoy doing crossword puzzles, word games, and sudokus daily.
  I am Irish, German, Hungarian, and Welsh.
I am related to Captain Kangaroo (Bob Keshan) on my mom's side.
   For many Halloween's, as a child, I used to dress up as a gypsy, in honor of
        my Hungarian roots.  I felt pretty.

  When I was a tiny tot, I used to think that I would slip down the drain of the
        bathtub, so I was too afraid to take a bath.  My sister, Therese, showed me
        that my big toe didn't fit down the drain, therefore I wouldn't fit.  It cured
        me of this fear.

  I also remember having a fear of dying of thirst when I was teeny tiny.  I
        needed to have a glass of water before I went to bed.  I had many, many
        fears as a toddler and child.  I wonder if my (undiagnosed) skull malformation
        (and it causing pressure on my brain) caused these fears.

  I grew up with four sisters and one brother.  My parents and siblings are all
        still alive.

I have to have a fan going to sleep at night.  I love the sound of it and the
        moving air.

I prefer sitting on the floor over sitting in a chair.
   I sleep with at least eight pillows strategically placed around me.  Only one is
        under my head.

  I almost never get on the computer at night.  It overstimulates me.  I use it
        at night about four times a year.  I am on it early in the morning daily.

I have a problem with overstimulation and hypervigilence.  It comes with
        having a swollen brain for almost 40 years.  I can only concentrate on an
        activity for an hour or two and then my brain starts to shut down.  If it is the
        evening, it is worse.  I turn all the lights off in my home around 4PM and they
        stay off until the next day.

I have a sign on my door that says, "Only knock between 10AM and 3:30PM".
        Most people ignore it and knock anyway.

My biggest dream is to own my own home someday and decorate the entire
        house myself.  I don't feel grounded knowing I don't own a place where I can
        "grow old and die" at.

My favorite smell is fresh air - that first day when it is warm enough to open
        the windows of your home and let the air move through.  If someone could
        bottle that smell, they would make a fortune.

I want to make my own drum someday.  I will.
I have collected all the fabric to make my first quilt.  Next, I would like to
        make a simple pattern and make the quilt.

For those of you who are still hanging in there, thanks so much for reading this list!!  I had fun compiling it!!  If you do a list of your 100 Things, come leave your entry URL so I can have a look!!  Have a good week!!  Hugs!!  Val =) ox

Sunday, April 13, 2008

100 Things About Me (1 - 50)...

                                     100 Things About Me

I am 42.
2.   I am a mom to two - Chelsea and Matt.
3.   I am a grandma to two - Josiah and Jonah (they belong to Chelsea.).
4.   I was born and raised in Virginia.
5.   I live in central Pennsylvania.
6.   I love Pennsylvania.  It's a beautiful state to live in.
7.   I don't drink.  I have nothing against it.  It doesn't agree with me.
8.   I am presently trying to quit smoking.
9.   I have had two brain surgeries.
10.  I have a shunt in my head.
11.  I live with pain and fatigue 24/7.  I am not bitter about it.
12.  I have fibromyalgia and Chiari Malformation.
13.  I was bald after my second brain surgery.
14.  I loved being bald.  I often think I want to be bald again.
15.  My hair was stick straight all my life until my second brain surgery.
16.  My hair grew back in bubble curls after the second surgery.  What a blessing!
17.  I have two cats - Honey and Baby.
18.  Honey is sweet and sedate.  Baby is a mean bruiser.
19.  That isn't about me.  I love cats, though.  I like dogs, too.  I like all animals.
20.  I love color.  Especially red.  If I were a color I would be red.
21.  I collect colored glass.
22.  I love rocks and gems and minerals.  I love reading about them.
23.  I have a rocks and minerals collection.
24.  I have a favorite rock.  It's blue/green.
25.  I have a favorite gem.  It's an aquamarine.  That's my daughter and sister
       Krissy's birthstone.

26.  I never get bored.
27.  I wore glasses from the time I was 11 until I was 38.  I was near-sighted.  I
       woke up one morning and I had 20/20 vision!  There is no explanation for this.

28.  I have ESP.
29.  I was baptized Catholic as a baby.  I attended many Protestant churches as a
       teen and adult, then became an adult Catholic convert and had my First
       Confession and Communion when I was 39.

30.  I was married and divorced twice.  This has not tainted my view of marriage.
       I would like to get married a third time.

31.  I have been dating John for almost three years.
32.  I played the violin in Middle School and High School.  I quit playing when
       someone stole my instrument.  I often think of picking it up again.

33.  I also played the acoustic guitar when I was very young.  I took lessons.
34.  I would love to learn how to play the piano and wooden flute someday.
35.  I was born with elevenfingers.  The eleventh was taken off surgically as an

36.  I can pick up objects with my toes.
I have found thousands of 4-leaf clovers in my life.  I have also found
       hundreds five-leaf, dozens of six and one seven.  I am looking for the elusive
       eight.  Yes, I have ESP.  It is location ESP.

My guardian angel's name is Gloria.
I graduated #13 out of 550 students with a G.P.A. of 3.826.  The only problem
       I had getting an "A" in was math-related courses.  I got an occasional "B" in

I didn't go to college because I got sick.  I am bipolar and have OCD
       (obsessive-compulsive disorder).  These are controlled very well by medicine
       at the present.  They weren't always.  I spent 30 years being depressed.  Life
       is good now =)!!

I love to paint.  I use watercolors and acrylics.  I love looking at the colors
       and mixing them.  It is very relaxing.

Speaking of relaxation, I can do transcendental meditation.  It is a wonderful
       way to relax!

I plan on writing a book someday.  It is half written in my head.
I can say the alphabet from A to Z in one word.  It is Big Bird's favorite word,
       you know.

I can wiggle my eyeballs.
I can do a mean Grover impersonation.
When I read blogs from the U.K.  I often read them with a British accent in my
       head.  Does anyone else do this??  Have you found me odd yet??

I can do a frog impersonation, too.  And a lizard.  LOL
I won a couple of art contests as a child.  One in a county fair and one for a 
       newspaper.  I drew a watercolor of a kid in a yard by a house and a dragon.

I think most people are inherently good.

I will continue this list in the next day or two!!  Stay tuned....

Saturday, April 12, 2008

"Weekly Sentence" #10, Happy B-day Matt!...

ACK!!  How many people did I confuse by saying it was Friday on Thursday??  LOL  So sorry.  LOL  I thought it was Friday for half of the day.  Oh my!!  I posted the winner's of the "Weekly Sentence" a day early.  LOL  I have to laugh at myself sometimes.  So today is my son's birthday.  Matt is 20!!  My kids are adults now.  I am a grandma.  I feel old.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Matt!!!!!!  I'm going to wait until he comes back into town to celebrate with him.  He is leaving for Colorado to go to his friend's funeral - the one who committed suicide.  It just doesn't seem very celebratory right now.  On one last note before I give you today's six letters -  I had to quit taking the Chantix, it was making me super sick.  I was getting major headaches.  I could handle that, but I couldn't take the nausea that it gave me.  I spent two weeks in bed.  I am supposed to take it for four months.  I can't spend four months in bed!!  I waited for these  side-effects to subside, and they didn't.  Ah, I am going to have to go cold-turkey now.  At least I have those two weeks behind me.

Now on to the six letters for this week.  I have looked at all the letters we have used thus far, and we have used all 26 except the very hard ones like "q" and "x" and "z".  Have you guys liked the letters I have given you?  The placement of them?   How about when I give special letters for holidays?

Here are this week's letters.  I hope you have fun with them!!


  Each Saturday I will post a set of six letters.  A sentence must
       be made from these letters.  The letters today are:
       An example of a sentence could be -
Do centipedes need
     sneakers to run? 
These letters MAY NOT be re-

There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
        who will pick the best sentence submitted each week.  How will
        they decide the winning sentence?  The submission that receives
        the strongest reaction -  Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?

The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
        screen name on it.

Place submissions in comments section.  If you do this game as an
       entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
       entry URL so your entry can be judged. 
Submissions are due by
     Wednesday, 4PM EST
.  The winner will be announced Friday
       morning or afternoon.

* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
      Season, every Saturday Morning.

* If you have more than one submission, only your first will
    be judged.

Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:


Thanks for playing!!  Hope you have a lovely weekend!  Hugs!  Val =) xox


Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Weekly Sentence" #9 Winners, etc.!...

I can't believe it's already Friday again.  This week has flown by for me.  I was sick most of it.  I can't take Chantix anymore.  It gives me a headache (which I can handle) and makes me nauseous (which I can not handle.).  I am now trying to go cold turkey.  I have other coping methods which I am using.  I want to thank all of you for praying for me and all the encouragement that has been sent my way!!  You all are wonderful!!  Now on to the winners of this week's "Weekly Sentence with Val"!...

I wanted to
congratulate these two women:

  Susan from PenInspirationals... from the '70s and beyond

Designing unusual sentences brings tremendous happiness.

Lynne from TNT:

Don't underrate soldiers' bravery throughout history.

Visit these journals if you are able and congratulate them!  Here are your Awards, ladies!!   Right click them and save as .gif.  If you have any problems, just pop me an email.


The sentences below were also submitted this week.  It was another fun and successful week and I want to thank everyone for participating!!

  Does Uncle Sam believe taxes help? 
  Dusting under sofas beautifies the home. 
  Danger usually starts by tasting habaneros! 
Dolphins understand special babies touch hearts.  (pamal3)
Dusty umbrellas sit beneath the house.  (lv2trnscrb)
Doubt undermines suspicious behavior throughout hours.  (peytonswater)
Deleting unhealthy smoking brings thee health.  (midwestvintage)
Does using shampoo brighten the hair?  (rjsisti)
Do umbrellas shade better than hats?  (journeyzpath)
Dieting under stress becomes tougher hourly!  (dsonney01)
Thanks again for playing!!  On a side note, if you play "What's the Caption? Wednesday" (a game run by Krissy and me), the second installment was posted yesterday at Magic Smoke!  Go have a look and post a Caption!  I will post six new letters here tomorrow!  See you then!!  Val =)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

more quotes I like...

"In every difficult situation is potential value.  Believe this, then begin looking for it."
- Norman Vincent Peale

"When we long for a life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure."
- Peter Marshall

"Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things."
- Henry Ward Beecher

"The art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than in growing with them."
- Bernard M. Baruch

"When we endeavor to do what's right against all odds, even if at first you don't succeed, there's nobility and even majesty in such setbacks."
- Herb Cohen