Sunday, February 3, 2008

Photo Shoot, "old"...

Krissy's subject this week for her photo shoot is "old".  One of my favorite things in the whole world is trees.  I love to think about the history of a tree.  When was it planted?  Did anyone climb its branches?  Sit under its shade?  They fascinate me - as if they almost have a soul.  I love crooked branches and weeping branches.  The colored leaves in the Fall really move me!  Today I have two trees for you.  They must be quite old.  The first has a knotty tree trunk.  It lives in a local park.  I am sure a lot kids have played in its shade as it is next to a playground.


The next tree I have for you is a tree that is across the street from my apartment.  I have shown it to you all a couple of years ago.  It is called my "V Tree".  It stands in front of a church that's about 200 years old.  When I go outside it screams my name.  It also yells other "V" words to me.  In the Winter it is a perfect shaped V with very few branches coming out of it.  Here it is in late Summer full of green leaves getting ready to turn its Fall shades.


I hope you enjoyed my "old" pictures!  If you would like to play the photo shoot stop by
Sometimes I Think
.  Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Love your trees. That knotty trunk tree, do you know what kind of tree it is?
    Sorry I haven't been around lately. I haven't had the time nor inclination to do much journaling lately. You know that feeling probably. Hope all is wll with you.
    Hugs, Barb

  2. Great idea for old! -Missy

  3. (((((((((((((((((VAL)))))))))))))))))Beatiful.

  4. both are great...but i really love that top photo...not only does it look really is a beautiful tree.  oh the history it must have!  :)

  5. I love the first 1

  6. Stopping by once again! Love the first pic of the tree! I think that was a wonderful idea! -Missy

  7. Loved your pics!  My favorite tree lives in my OLD house which is named "Q-Tip" it was a baby (just freshly planted) when we moved in and it grew with us and let me tell ya...if I could have paid to get it uprooted and moved with us without killing it I would have!  I tried!!  I did!  I miss it SO was 13 years old when we moved.  

  8. Just beautiful.

  9. love the picture.... i think we can all remember a favorite tree
    when i moved into my home it came with the most beautiful cherry tree out back and i loved that tree, my kids use to love to pick the cherries off it every season unfortunately we had some bad storms and the tree got destroyed it was a sad day for me when we had to finish cutting it down
    take care, Chrissie

  10.  I love old trees also and you picked some great ones.   I would definitely have climbed it as a child.


  11. I especially love that first tree.  How cool is that.  Perfect photographs for the challenge.


  12. I love trees too!
    Great choice!
    Linda :)

  13. Great pictures. I love your view. It seems so soothing.

  14. I'm loving the first picture! There is something about knotty tree's that regal you with age. Perhaps it's as a human wrinkles, the tree becomes more knotted with time. (Hugs) Indigo

  15. Those tree pictures are so cool!  We have two tall trees in our backyard that I absolutely love.  They were probably there 20 or 30 years ago when my neighbourhood was first built.


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