The Weekly Sentence game was a hit again with so many fabulous sentences! You guys are making it what it is and I thank you for that! The sentences were perhaps the best so far! The judges and I had a blast reading them and they really had a hard time choosing. Thanks again for playing!!
We had two winners this week. Congratulations to!!:
Shelly from Did I say that?:
To produce income we invariably serve.
and Pam from Almost 40!:
The prince's inappropriate winking infuriated servants.
Here are your Awards, ladies. Right-click and save as j.peg. Again, congratulations!!!

Below is a list of the sentences submitted this week. I want to thank each and every one of you for participating. They were great!!
Twisted pasta is wonderful in sauce. (kaydeejay5449)
Trained poodle is woofing its song. (ab45yui)
They put idiot weasels in space. (promiseluv372)
The people in Wichita irritate Sebelius. (gryphondear)
Time's passage incites wisdom's inner sojourn. (rdautumnsage)
Tom plays innocent when I scream. (swmpgrly)
The purple insect walked increasingly slower. (willandgrace1986)
The politician is withholding something. (martygord)
The pride is with in self. (motoxmom72)
The princess insists wishing is silly. (nyuknyukpik2)
Technological progress is wilting individual style. (nhd106)
True power increases with introspective silence. (luvrte66)
Thundercloud, proud Indian warrior is stealthy. (hpycmpr155)
The person I want is sultry. (andrewfrnd)
Television pleased Ivan with interesting scenes. (thebaabee)
Terrible parrots interview women in skirts. (firestormkids04)
The parrot is wisely instructing Sally. (lv2trnscrb)
The picture is white is snow. (hugsdoodlewacky)
The pig is wallowing in slop. (fisherkristina)
Tricky Pirate insidiously works in ships. (lanurseprn)
There's peace in walking in sand. (hope4meeeee)
The person in white is Sunnybethe. (specialadyfink)
The people in Wisconsin ingest snow. (breakaway1968)
Troubled people improve with inspirational spirituality. (donphiser)
There Patty is with Ian standing! (littlelady1699)
Thanks again for playing, you all! I will be posting six new letters Saturday morning for your word-play delight!
On one last note, my boyfriend is doing well. Thanks so much for your prayers!! He is resting fine and has more energy than I have seen him have in months. He must have been sick for quite awhile. Take care, all, and have a good weekend! Hugs =)! xox