Friday, February 29, 2008
Weekly Sentence #4 winners...
The Weekly Sentence game was a hit again with so many fabulous sentences! You guys are making it what it is and I thank you for that! The sentences were perhaps the best so far! The judges and I had a blast reading them and they really had a hard time choosing. Thanks again for playing!!
We had two winners this week. Congratulations to!!:
Shelly from Did I say that?:
To produce income we invariably serve.
and Pam from Almost 40!:
The prince's inappropriate winking infuriated servants.
Here are your Awards, ladies. Right-click and save as j.peg. Again, congratulations!!!
Below is a list of the sentences submitted this week. I want to thank each and every one of you for participating. They were great!!
Twisted pasta is wonderful in sauce. (kaydeejay5449)
Trained poodle is woofing its song. (ab45yui)
They put idiot weasels in space. (promiseluv372)
The people in Wichita irritate Sebelius. (gryphondear)
Time's passage incites wisdom's inner sojourn. (rdautumnsage)
Tom plays innocent when I scream. (swmpgrly)
The purple insect walked increasingly slower. (willandgrace1986)
The politician is withholding something. (martygord)
The pride is with in self. (motoxmom72)
The princess insists wishing is silly. (nyuknyukpik2)
Technological progress is wilting individual style. (nhd106)
True power increases with introspective silence. (luvrte66)
Thundercloud, proud Indian warrior is stealthy. (hpycmpr155)
The person I want is sultry. (andrewfrnd)
Television pleased Ivan with interesting scenes. (thebaabee)
Terrible parrots interview women in skirts. (firestormkids04)
The parrot is wisely instructing Sally. (lv2trnscrb)
The picture is white is snow. (hugsdoodlewacky)
The pig is wallowing in slop. (fisherkristina)
Tricky Pirate insidiously works in ships. (lanurseprn)
There's peace in walking in sand. (hope4meeeee)
The person in white is Sunnybethe. (specialadyfink)
The people in Wisconsin ingest snow. (breakaway1968)
Troubled people improve with inspirational spirituality. (donphiser)
There Patty is with Ian standing! (littlelady1699)
Thanks again for playing, you all! I will be posting six new letters Saturday morning for your word-play delight!
On one last note, my boyfriend is doing well. Thanks so much for your prayers!! He is resting fine and has more energy than I have seen him have in months. He must have been sick for quite awhile. Take care, all, and have a good weekend! Hugs =)! xox
Sunday, February 24, 2008
My boyfriend is doing well...
My boyfriend, John, is doing pretty darn well. He had surgery two nights ago. They had to open him up because most of the fluid was behind his heart. They drained the fluid. They said the heart itself looked fine. They were able to identify the virus that caused the fluid build-up. The doctor said this has been going on for a very long time. I was telling John just the other day that he seemed to be fatigued the last year. He hasn't been doing as much as he used to. He has seemed lethargic. Now we know why. Hopefully he will be home in a few days. I am not sure how they know that the heart won't be affected by the virus again. Is it gone? I don't know. Anyway, I wanted to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and prayers. They worked. He was so critical at one point. He is doing very, very well now. Thank you so much!! Hope you are all having a fine weekend! Hugs!!! Val =) xox
Saturday, February 23, 2008
"Weekly Sentence" #4!... come play!...
* Each Saturday I will post a set of six letters. A sentence must
be made from these letters. The letters today are: TPIWIS.
An example of a sentence could be - The proud Indian waits in
silence. These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will
they decide the winning sentence? The submission that receives
the strongest reaction - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Wednesday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday
morning or afternoon.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Saturday Morning.
* If you have more than one submission, only your first counts.
Have fun!!
Today's Letters:
Friday, February 22, 2008
update, winner of Weekly Sentence #3!...
Hi my journal friends! I wanted to thank you all so much for your kind words and prayers concerning my boyfriend and Krissy. My boyfriend is still in the hospital. They drained the fluid around his heart. They had to open him up because most of the fluid was behind the heart. They still don't know what caused the fluid build-up. They think it's an infection, but don't know what kind yet. Hopefully he will be home in a few days if they can make sure that the infection is under control. Again, thanks so much. Krissy is still pretty sick. She has to take it easy for a month.
I have the winner of the "Weekly Sentence" #3. I want to congratulate Donna of LadyMagnolia's Daily Blog!! Here is Donna's sentence:
Some leprechauns eat polished candy dots.
Here is your Award Donna. Right-click the Award and save as j.peg.
Below are the sentences that were submitted. They were great! Hope you have fun reading them!! I am having a ball with this game as are the judges!!
Seven ladies eat pickled chitterlings daily. (xxroxymamaxx)
Sleep leaves, escapes; perhaps can dream. (irisheyes1929)
Soulful laughter envelops people combatting depression. (pamal3)
Susie laughs even puppies can dance. (specialadyfink)
Sometimes love escapes past Cinderella dreams. (nhd106)
Sherry leads elephants past children's daycares. (queenb8261)
Should lions eat people -- can't decide. (jpatriciaevans)
Show love everyday please... can develop. (psychfun)
Sensational lunar eclipse plays cosmic dance. (luddie343)
Sexy ladies excite Phillip's carnal desires. (hpycmpr155)
Sexy ladies eagerly, pleasingly, cohabitate daily! (Kathlyna22)
She lost every pound chasing Daniel. (chaoticbeauty34)
Simply letting things pass, causes degeneration. (ma24179)
Subsidy, let each person come donate. (swmpgrly)
Snoring like elephants probably causes deafness. (robinngabster)
Sharing loving events people can discover. (hugsdoodlewacky)
Stop letting everyone play cards daily. (firestormkids04)
Secretly lovers elope partially, cautiously driving. (dontyouwant2no)
Spooner licks every putrefying corpse daily. (tommytickla)
Silent lunatics excite political campaign development. (sassydee50)
Come back Saturday morning for six new letters!! Again, thanks for your prayers for my boyfriend and my sister. I will keep you all updated. Hugs!!! xox
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Can we have your prayers, please?...
My boyfriend, John, is a couple hours away, in the intensive care unit of a large hospital. We went to the local ER yesterday because he has had severe pain in his chest and back. He thought he had just pulled a muscle or two. It turns out he has a lot of fluid around his heart. They had to helicopter him away from me =( to another, better hospital equipped to care for him last night. I talked to him awhile ago. He said they are trying to figure out why he has the fluid before they drain it. Apparently it can be a virus, infection, or a disease process. They don't want to drain it and it fill right back up. We would appreciate your prayers.
Also, Krissy, my sister, was in the ER at the same time. She has developed pneumonia. She is not feeling well at all. Can you please pray for her, too? She could be missing in action from her journal for awhile. Thanks so much for praying for my little family. I will keep you updated. God bless you all. Val xox
Sunday, February 17, 2008
little quiz...
1. Beer: don't like it.
2. McDonalds: don't like it either.
3. Relationships: can be hard, but rewarding.
4. Purple: mixture of red and blue, my two favorite colors
5. Power Rangers: my stepson played with them for hours
6. Weed: don't smoke it, ruins lives!!!
7. Steroids: don't use them, can kill!!!
8. Cartoons: Family Guy is funny!!
9. The President: out of touch!
10. Tupperware: always gets lost.
11. Florida: my grandson and daughter live there and it's too hot.
12. Santa Claus: is jolly.
14. Alcohol: can make you stupid.
16: MySpace: I only go there to see my kid's and grandkid's pictures.
17. Clowns: I have always wanted to be a clown someday.
19. Paris: Hilton. Ugh.
20. Redheads: Lucille Ball was hilarious.
21. Blondes: don't really have more fun.
22. Pass the: buck.
23. One night stands: are dangerous.
24. Donald Trump: can be so mean and nasty and arrogant.
25. Neverland: Michael Jackson
26. Dixie Chicks. They sing well but annoy me.
27. Vanilla ice cream: is yummy! All flavors of ice cream are yummy!
28. Vallarta: Puerta
29. High school: was painful.
30. Pajamas: I could wear them all day every day.
31. Woody: Woodpecker
32. Wet Socks: eww, take them off!
33. I love: God.
I found this in Deb's journal. I am supposed to tag others, but I won't. Snag if you would like to. Come back and leave your URL so I can see! Have a nice Sunday!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
"Weekly Sentence" #3, come play!...
You all did another fantastic job with your sentences this week! The judging panel really has had a hard time narrowing down to two sentences! They do need the full two days to make up their minds! Congratulations to Pam and Dan again for two great sentences! Now on to this week's letters! Have a good weekend and have fun!! Val xox
* Each Saturday I will give you a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today are: SLEPCD.
An example of a sentence could be - Steven likes eating
purple cabbage daily. These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will
they decide the winning sentence? The submission that receives
the strongest reaction - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for their blog sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Wednesday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday
morning or afternoon.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Saturday Morning.
* If you have more than one submission, only your first counts.
Have fun!!
Today's Letters:
Tags: Weekly Sentence with Val, Weekly Sentence, word games, word game, give it a go!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Winner of "Weekly Sentence" #2 and submissions...
Hi all and happy Friday! I want to congratulate Dan and Pam for winning the "Weekly Sentence with Val" this week! Again, the judges handed out two awards. It is hard to judge funny/clever against poetic/clever. There have been so many wonderful sentences submitted that it has been so hard for them to choose!! We wish we could hand out many more awards as they are deserving!! Keep trying!! Here are the winning sentences this week...
Pam from Almost 40!:
The chorus reached a breathtaking crescendo.
Dan from Slapinions:
Todd's children routinely ate blue crayons.
Dan and Pam, here are your awards. Right click the awards and save as j.peg. Put in the sidebar of your journal if you would like or use any way you wish! Congratulations, again!
I am listing the sentences submitted below. I thought it would be neat to see them all. I didn't last week because there were just too many. Thanks for playing everyone! I will be posting six new letters Saturday morning! Hope you can come back and play! Have a good weekend everyone!
Tribal camp rituals always bring campers. (ab45yui)
The caregiver rolled a baby carriage!!! (preciousone25)
The contest raised another boisterous competition. (scttjcy)
To create reality as beauty counts. (gryphondear)
That crappy rat ate baby's candy. (madcobug)
Teach children reading and breach crudeness. (buckoclown)
Take care raising all black cats. (hpycmpr155)
Take careful responsibility about birth control. (nelishianatl)
Theoretically, conservative Republicans are better candidates.
Tuna can really affect blah cats. (onestrangecat)
Trouble can ruin anybody's broad chance. (swmpgrly)
Truth can raise awareness before controversy. ( ma24179)
Take care 'round a baby cobra! (bhbner2him)
Totally crazy rat ate bleu cheese. (luddie343)
Taxis careened recklessly around British Columbia.
Today's children rally against being controlled. (nyuknyukpik2)
Today, Carol ran another block cantankerously. (carolsixpac)
That child really appreciates birthday cake. (chaoticbeauty34)
Taxes could rise after Barak's campaign. (daddyleer)
Time causes rapid, acute biological changes! (badge9408)
Tyranny creates racism abolishing benevolent compassion.
Trapeze clowns really are bad clowns! (brendaspears97)
The crappy rat ate broccoli cheese. (specialadyfink)
To cry relentlessly allows beautiful courage. (peytonswater)
Today's children's responsibilities are being challenged.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
reminder, pics of grandsons...
I found some new pictures taken of my grandsons since I last saw them. I found them on my daughter's MySpace page. They brought me tears. I miss the boys so. Jonah is already sitting up and smiling and rolling over. Awww... bless the boy. I talk to them when I can, but I fear they will forget who I am. Chelsea does plan on visiting this summer because she is in a wedding, but she may only be able to bring Josiah. Here are the little guys...
Hope you enjoyed their smiling faces! Hugs! xox
Saturday, February 9, 2008
"Weekly Sentence" #2
I wanted to thank you all for making week one of "Weekly Sentence" a great success! I had a ball reading everyone's sentences. Again, congratulations to Indigo and Missy for their wins! This week we will only have one winner. Now on to this week's game...
* Each Saturday I will give you a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today are:
TCRABC. An example of a sentence could be - The chef roasted
a baby carrot. These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will
they decide the winning sentence? The submission that receives
the strongest reaction - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for their sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Wednesday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday
morning or afternoon.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Saturday Morning.
If you have more than one submission, only your first one counts. Thank you.
Today's Letters:
Have fun!!!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Winner of "Weekly Sentence" #1...
Wow, the judges and I were astounded by the number of readers who submitted sentences to the "Weekly Sentence" game! We had a blast reading all of the sentences! Some were so funny! Many were poetic, thought-provoking, etc.! It was so hard to pick! Thanks so much for making this such a success its first week! Since the game was so successful and it is its first week, the judges and I decided to celebrate by handing out two Awards. This will only be THIS week. Rest assured, it was NO easy task narrowing it down to two! I will be returning Saturday morning with six new letters for you all to have another go at! Thanks so much for playing this week and I hope you all have as much fun next week!
Indigo from Raven's Lament:
Depression spawns personal warfare against sanity.
Missy from MISSYZ STUFF:
Dad seemed perverted wearing a skirt!
Here are your Awards for your sidebar. Right click and save as j.peg. Congratulations again!! Well done, gals and well done all!!
Tags: Weekly Sentence with Val, Weekly Sentence, word games, word game, Raven's Lament, MISSYZ STUFF, congrats gals!!, blogplugs, come back and play!!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Two funnies...
I have two funnies for you all today. I can really relate to both of them. The first I can relate to because I am constantly losing things. I spend so much time each day searching, and searching, and searching... LOL...
This second cartoon I relate to very well, too. How many women (and men) out there take off as much as you can before you get weighed at the doctor's office? Do you take off your coat/sweater? Your shoes? Do you drop your purse or set it on something? Do you yell to your mate or anyone around to step away from the scale? LOL
Hope you enjoyed!! Val =) xox
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Photo Shoot, "old"...
Krissy's subject this week for her photo shoot is "old". One of my favorite things in the whole world is trees. I love to think about the history of a tree. When was it planted? Did anyone climb its branches? Sit under its shade? They fascinate me - as if they almost have a soul. I love crooked branches and weeping branches. The colored leaves in the Fall really move me! Today I have two trees for you. They must be quite old. The first has a knotty tree trunk. It lives in a local park. I am sure a lot kids have played in its shade as it is next to a playground.
The next tree I have for you is a tree that is across the street from my apartment. I have shown it to you all a couple of years ago. It is called my "V Tree". It stands in front of a church that's about 200 years old. When I go outside it screams my name. It also yells other "V" words to me. In the Winter it is a perfect shaped V with very few branches coming out of it. Here it is in late Summer full of green leaves getting ready to turn its Fall shades.
I hope you enjoyed my "old" pictures! If you would like to play the photo shoot stop by Sometimes I Think. Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
A new game...Come play!...
Good Saturday to you all, journal friends! I thought I would try out a new game today. I hope that you all will have fun with it! It is called "Weekly Sentence". I have thought about this for a couple of weeks and ironed out how it is going to work. It is explained below.
* Each Saturday I will give you a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today are:
DSPWAS. An example of a sentence could be - Don't Shoot
Pool With A Shark! These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will we
decide on the winner? The submission that receives the strongest
reaction from us - Did it make us laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for their sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Wednesday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday
morning or afternoon and they will receive an email with their
winner's logo.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Saturday Morning.
If you have more than one submission, only your first one counts. Thank you.
Today's Letters: DSPWAS
Have fun!!!