Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday Morning Question!


What is your favorite chore to  do?  Least favorite?

The idea for this question comes from Merry, who, apparently, LIKES to do a lot of chores.  LOL  Why, Merry, why??  LOL  Thanks, Merry!

My answerI think that I don't mind dusting.  I can't say I like it.  LOL  It is kind of neat to see things a bit dusty and then see them neat and shiny.  My list of least favorite chores is rather long.  I don't like to do anything that makes me stand still because it really hurts my muscles.  I don't like doing dishes and laundry and I never iron.  If something needs ironing it almost never gets worn.  What about you?

This may be the last week I have Monday Morning Question, so thanks so much Krissy
for allowing me to take care of these games for you!!  It's been an honor and
a good time!  Hopefully, with better health for John and time allowed, Krissy can take her games back!  I will be announcing this week's Hunt subject.  Stay tuned!


  1. Hmmm...I'm not much into chore!  ;)
    But my favorite would probably be laundry...and I actually enjoy doing windows!
    My least favorite would be the ol' toilet.....and well, dusting makes me sneeze.


  2. Here's mine... xox Barbara


  3. no chore is a good chore

  4. hum my list of don't likes is easy I don't like folding laundry or worse yet putting it away. I don't like to empty the dish washer and I do not iron period. Is cooking a chore? MOSTof the time I don't mind doing that. I don't mind cleaning a room when you get done everything looks nice and fresh I just wish it stayed that way as long as it takes me to do it.

  5. Oh yes, it's true, I am strange in many ways.  I can't decide for sure if I like scrubbing floors (only hands and knees are acceptable) more or ironing.  I could go on but I already sound too compulsive (which I am), but man do what I do well! LOL  Merry

  6. Hi Val - I like to do laundry if I have to choose a chore I like,  I hang out near the dry with hangers ready. I love the smell of clean clothes.  My least favorite chore: sweeping, mopping, vacuuming - LOL - I guess I should call that floor care.  I praise the Lord that I am able to help around the house now.  Other than floor care, I am pleased to take a part in making our home as clean as can be. Wikipedia says that indoor chores are mostly reported to be unpleasant while outdoor chores seem to be more pleasant. Go figure.  Have a great day, Val. Love and prayers, Penny

  7. I guess if I had to pick something I would pick cooking.  Hey, can I pick bills or paperwork?  They are my favorite.  Now for my all time least favorite, that would be ironing!



  8. My favorite is vacuuming thats quick and easy my least favorite is dishes.

  9. My favorite chore? That would definitely be yardwork!  The more physical the better.  My least favorite...picking up after my slovenly 19, 19, and 21 year-olds.

  10. I hate ironing with a passion. When I was young, we ironed sheets and underwear too. Yep, we did. No dryers in apartments.....and we starched men's dress shirts. My husband worked in an was the pits to do those shirts. So, I iron hardly ever now.
    What I like best is changing the sheets because I know the bed is going to be all snuggly and smelling great when I go to sleep. LOL!


  11. Oh I'm just not very domestic at all. If I have to select one I like the most it would be cooking. Though at times I sure don't want to do even that. UGH! I hate laundry, dishes are the worst!, taking out the trash, cleaning the cat box, and dusting stinks! Frankly when I can afford it I hire a cleaning lady. I just spoke to one on the phone before I opened the mail lol she cleaned for me once from a service but shes going to moonlight for me soon... as a matter of fact I have paid valerie when we were both younger to wash and fold my laundry! lol

  12. My house is a mess from the constant outdoor activity working with my worker on my home addition construction so when I stop I only want to lay down and rest.    My favorite outdoor chore was fixing the roof so it is not leaking today with the constant rain and cold.     I thought I had fixed my car roof from leaking but it still is.     My least favorite chore is everything else on my list.    mark

  13. I don't mind dusting but can't stand hoovering or ironing. Tidying up is OK if I'm in the mood! Jeannette xx  

  14. favorite??!!!  come can't be serious!  a favorite chore??  hehehehe  i have no favorites....and my least favorite i think is pushing the vacuum.  :)

  15. Here's my answer......Linda in WA

  16. My favorite chore is to do nothing and my least favorite chore is the pressure to do something about me not doing anything...its really cyclic...LMAO---Raven


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