"It is impossible for a lover of cats to banish these alert,
gentle, discriminating, little friends, who give us just enough
of their regard and compliance to make us hunger for more."
- Agnes Repplier
Good Saturday morning, everyone!! Well how are you doing? Yes, you !! I wanted to thank all my journal peers for my VIVI nomination in the Best Entertainment category. What a pleasant surprise to get a positive affirmation from my peers! I humbly accept the nomination and wish all of the fellow nominees in these Awards good luck!! Oh, and Krissy, congratulations on your nominations!! She got five! You DO deserve yours!! Krissy got nominated for Journal of The Year! That's my sissy!
Baby is almost two. Wow, he is growing up quickly. Baby and Honey still aren't friends. I thought that they would be friends by now. Nope. Baby still stalks Honey. Honey DOES NOT want to be friends with Baby. Honey is six now. She is the most gentle cat in the world and oh-so-sweet. Baby is a moose - a dog. He doesn't know he is a cat. Something very interesting happened a couple of nights ago. It had me smiling so wide. Honey was hidden somewhere in the bedroom. Baby came chirping, looking for her. He does this a lot. Baby has adopted the Maine Coon chirp from Honey(she is one-half Maine Coon). Honey leapt from her hiding place in the closet onto Baby. Honey then backed out of the room into the living room and waited for Baby to hide. A game ensued... Baby hid. Honey went looking for him. When she couldn't find him he pounced out onto her. They did this for about eight rounds. A game of hide-and-seek! It was the coolest thing I had ever seen!! Not only were they cooperating, they were having fun!! I laughed and laughed!! The first time they have had organized play. I am hoping not the last.

Time for "Wordplay"! Since most if not all of us blog and many of us consider ourselves writers, I thought this might be a good question to ask for "Wordplay". If you were given the chance to successfully write and publish any book, what would it be about and what would the title be?
I think that I would write something semi-autobiographical. I would try and fill up the pages with humor and wit and inspiration. That is kind of vague. I do have some of a book in my head, but it isn't tied together yet. As for the title, I am not sure either. That is a hard one. I have to think about that and get back to you. I would love to write a children's book and illustrate it, too, someday. What about you? Let us know in the comments section. If you want to answer this in your own journal, please come back and leave the URL to your entry in the comments section so that we can read your entry. Thanks!
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! xox