Monday, May 1, 2006

Photo Scavenger Hunt #73...

If you haven't heard yet, I am hosting the Monday Morning Question and the Photo Scavenger Hunt while Krissy is away.  If you have never played either, give them a try!  The Monday Morning Question is two entries below.  Go ahead and give it a whirl!  If you have a camera, try the hunt, too!  It is loads of fun!  Just take a picture or two or three of the category listed and paste your entry URL in the comments section of THIS entry.  Thanks!

The entries for photo scavenger hunt #73 will be due on Sunday, May 7, 2006 at 11:00 PM EST

Category:  Dawn

Place the link to your entry in the comments section below.  Thanks for playing!

If Krissy returns before then I will give her the links. Please still come to my journal to submit your entries.  Thank you!  xox


  1. Is that in the morning or night time? Barbara

  2. lol..I was gonna ask the same question..then I realized it's got to be early because sunset is in early I right? lol..and you think everyone will know ....this is soo basic..
    ok..if I'm wrong just tell me lol!
    Gem :-)

  3. hey sweetie i am back just wanted to check in and say i missed you so much and will be back again i did an update in my journal too GOD bless my friend kelley


    Reposting this link with the CORRECT scavenger hunt!  LOL... Now I'm off to see what everyone else has posted!  Shana


Please leave your thoughts - fun, intelligent, silly, joyful, spacy - it matters not =)