Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Last of The Funnies...

Good morning!  It's time to laugh again!  This joke comes from Angela at Life, As I See It!  It was originally told by comedian Myron Cohen.

An old man and an old woman have really low Social Security Checks, so
     they decide to move in together in order to combine their incomes and live
     a better life.  All they can afford is a one bedroom apartment.  They 
     discuss all of the ways living together would change their lives.

     Since they will be sleeping in one bed, the woman, with her eyebrow
     raised, says, "What about the sex?"

     The man replies, "Infrequently."

     The woman, after a long pause, then says, "Is that one or two words?"

Thanks, Angela!  I thought that was hilarious!!  The next couple of ditties come from Debbie at The Life and Times of an Essex Girl
According to Debbie, Essex girls are stereotyped as being blond, a bit think, and wearing white stilettos and are either named Sharon or Tracey and are bimbo-ess like.

Sharon has nine kids and they are all called Wayne.  When asked how
     they know which one she is calling, she replies, "Well, that's easy.  I
     just holler their surname!!"

and the second one from Debbie is:

Tracey gets injured in a drunken brawl.  An ambulance is called.

     The paramedic asks, "Do you know where you're bleeding from?"

     Tracey says, "Of course I do!!  I'm from bleeding Romford, ain't I?!!"

Thanks for those, Debbie!!  The next joke comes from Cyndy at Positive Pals

There is a huge family in Arkansas with six children.  The sad thing is
     that their youngest son, little Jasper, hasn't ever spoken a single word,
     nothing, and he is four-years old.

     One morning everyone is getting situated at the breakfast table, they say
     grace and DIG IN. 

     Almost immediately, Jasper says loudly, "These biscuits are HORRIBLE!!"

     The whole family is amazed.  They run and gather 'round him.  His
     mother gives him a big hug.

     She says, "Jasper, sweetheart,  how is it you've never spoken, and now
     all of the sudden you've said something???"

     Jasper shrugged and looked down with disgust at the biscuit on his plate,
     and said, "Everything had been just FINE until NOW."

I laughed really, really hard at that joke!  Maybe it is because it's about food.  Thanks, Debbie!   Finally, this last short joke comes from my sister Krissy at Sometimes I Think
.  I laughed the hardest at this one.  I'm not sure why.

Flashlight:  a case for holding dead batteries

LOL  Thanks, Krissy!  If anyone else has any jokes they would like to send my way just put them in the comments section or send them to valphish@aol.com and I will post them!  Thanks for sending in your jokes!  I hope you all enjoyed them and are enjoying your day! xox



Monday, May 29, 2006

Monday Morning Question, etc...

For some strange reason the font sizes in my entries are not taking.  They are changing mid-entry.  It is driving me crazy.  Is this happening to anyone else?  Ack!  This was happening a few months back, but seemed to be corrected, but now is happening again.  I wanted to tell you all something funny.  I went to a party at a friend's house Friday night.  My friend has this iguana, Bubba, that is about four-feet long.  I was pretty apprehensive about meeting Bubba and holding him.  I had "met" iguanas before, but they had always been in their tanks.  I had never seen an iguana over a foot long, perhaps.  Well, get this, I held this iguana for about a half an hour.  He snuggled up to me and even gave me kisses.  He nuzzled my face and neck and hugged me with his long, clawed arms and was one of the most friendly  pets I had ever met.  He responds to his name and likes to be sung to.  He loves cuddling, loves to be stroked, and loves having the back of his ears and neck scratched.  Some of you are probably shaking your heads and making faces and maybe even shuddering (I'm sorry!).  I would be, too, if I had never held one before.  Awwww, I think I will get an iguana after my cats pass away.  Really, I think I will.  Now on to the Monday Morning Question...


Monday Morning Question

What is the strangest thing in your refrigerator?

My answer:  I have cat nip in my refrigerator for my kitty cats.  I guess that is a little strange.  I hear if you keep it refrigerated or frozen it stays fresher.  I also have hoisin sauce.  I love using it on meats.  If you have never tried it you should!   I got it from a local Chinese grocery store owned by a friend and neighbor of my parent's.  That's as strange as I get, which isn't too strange today.

What about you?

Have a nice day all! xox

Photo Scavenger Hunt #77...

The entries for Photo Scavenger Hunt #77 will be due on Sunday, June 4, 2006 at 11:00 PM EST

  Nature Scene

Place the link to your entry in the comments section below.  Thanks for playing!  Have fun! xox


Photo Scavenger Hunt #76 entries...

Entries for Photo Scavenger Hunt #76 brought to you by Krissy from Sometimes I Think


Here are the journals that participated:

Christy's Thoughts

The Ways of Rayne
  btw, Noelle is expecting, Congratulations, honey  Stop by and congratulate her!!

Photo Blog

ALMOST Paradise

Footprints in the Sand

Mark's Daily Journal

Northern Trip

These are alot of fun to view!  Thanks, everyone for participating!  Wishing everyone a relaxing and nice
MEMORIAL DAY weekend!  I hope we all can take time out to reflect on what this day really means.  I will be back later with the Monday Morning Question! xox


Sunday, May 28, 2006

Wordplay "Funny"...

I will be posting the jokes I have received, as promised from "Wordplay" Wednesday, over the next two or three days!!  This should be fun!!  I had some really good laughs and want to thank you all for tickling my funny bone.  The first submission I have is from Barbara at Confessions of an Angel Waitress.  She sent me something that I find hysterical.  You see, there are alot of rednecks in PA.  Now, please don't get offended if you live in PA.  I don't think it is a bad thing to be a redneck.  I just might qualify for one or two of the items below (but I won't tell you which ones!  LOL), as I think alot of us here in this wonderful state can.  How about you?  Hope you have fun reading!  Thanks Barbara!

You Know You're a Redneck When...

  1.  You take your dog for a walk and you both use the same tree.

  2.  You can entertain yourself for more than 15 minutes with a fly swatter.

  3.  Your boat has not left the driveway in 15 years.

  4.  You burn your yard rather than mow it.

  5.  You think "The Nutcracker" is something you do off the high dive.

  6.  The Salvation Army declines your furniture.

  7.  You offer to give someone the shirt off your back and they don't want it.

  8.  You come back from the dump with more than you took.

  9.  You keep flea and tick soap in the shower.

  10. You've been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog.

  11. You go to the stock car races and don't need a program.

  12. You know how many bales of hay your car will hold.

  13. You have a rag for a gas cap.

  14. Your house doesn't have curtains, but your truck does.

  15. You can spit without opening your mouth.

  16. You consider your license plate personalized because your father made it.

  17. Your lifetime goal is to own a fireworks stand.

  18. You have a complete set of salad bowls and they all say "Cool Whip" on the

  19. The biggest city you've ever been to is Wal-Mart.

  20. Your working TV sits on top of your non-working TV.

  21. You've used your ironing board as a buffet table.

  22. A tornado hits your neighborhood and does $100,000 worth of improvements.

  23. You've used a toilet brush to scratch your back.

  24. You missed your 5th grade graduation because you were on jury duty.

  25. You think fast food is hitting a deer at 65.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Memorial Day weekend with their families.  May we remember those who served our country and especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.  May God bless each and every one of you!  Take care. xox

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"Wordplay"... Let's Laugh!...


 Hi everyone and welcome to "Wordplay" Wednesday!  I thought that we could do some laughing today!  I did a search on the net this morning and found a joke that was considered to be the funniest one in the world.  Scientists in Britain, in October 2002, conducted an experiment where people around the world were allowed to judge jokes as well as contribute their own.  The following joke was considered to be the funniest in the world:
Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses.  He doesn't
     seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed.  The other guy takes out his
     phone and calls the emergency services.

He gasps, "My friend is dead!  What can I do?"

The operator says, "Calm down, I can help.  First, let's make sure he's dead."

There is silence, then a gunshot is heard.  Back on the phone, the guy says,
     "OK, now what?"

It was interesting to find out that humor was very different around the world.  The top joke for the United Kingdom was:

A woman gets onto a bus with her baby.

     The bus driver says, "That's the ugliest baby that I've ever seen!  Ugh!"

     The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down fuming.  She says to
     a man next to her, "The driver just insulted me!"

     The man says, "You go right up there and tell him off!  Go ahead, I'll hold
     your monkey for you."

and the top joke in the U.S. was:

A man and a friend are playing golf one day at their local golf course.
     One of the guys is about to chip into the green when he sees a long funeral
     procession on the road next to the course.  He stops in mid-swing, takes off
     his golf cap, closes his eyes and bows in prayer.

     His friend says, "Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have
     ever seen.  You truly are a kind man."

     The man then replies, "Yeah, well we were married 35 years."

Do you have any jokes that you can shareIf you can't remember any (I am so poor at remembering jokes) do a search and find one you love!  The article said that the best jokes are about 103 words.  I guess they tell a story, but aren't too long.  I will post all of the jokes I receive in a few days.  Please leave your contribution in the comments section or do this as an entry in your journal and come back and leave your entry URL so we can read your joke(s) and include them in my entry!  Let's make one another LAUGH THIS WEEK!! xox




Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Cats, etc...



"Happiness is like a cat
- If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you. It will never come.   But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing against your legs and jumping into your lap.   So forget pursuing happiness.   Pin your hopes on work, on family, on learning, on knowing, on loving. Forget pursuing happiness, pursue other things, and with luck happiness will come."
                                                                                                - William Bennett

Speaking of cats,  Krissy and I have submitted our kitties to ratemykitten.com.  If you want to view them
and click each picture and give them a nice high number I would appreciate it =)!!  If you have any feline friends at home, submitting your cat photos is alot of fun!  I can get lost for a long time on this site.  It is so happy!  A companion dog site is linked to it as well for all the dog lovers out there!

Baby has been driving me CRAZY the past three days with this rubber fish.  He has been making me play fetch with it from sun up until bedtime.  Hours upon hours of tossing this rubber fish.  If I don't play he whines.  My cat whines.  The only way to make him stop whining is to toss this stupid, rubber fish.  The thing is, he doesn't drop it right at my feet like a dog would while playing fetch.  He brings it about half-way back into the room.  So I am getting my exercise.  I tried hiding the fish, but he found a nice piece of rope to play fetch with instead and that is even harder to toss, so I brought the rubber fish back out.  Silly cat.  Baby and Honey are finally starting to play with each other, too.  Finally after a year and a half they tolerate each other to a degree and even romp with each other at night.  They don't play during the day, but I hear them while I am in bed and see evidence of their play in the morning.  It is about time.  Oh my goodness, Baby just got onto my computer table and is into my yogurt.  Anyone want a cat?

One of my dearest friends in the whole wide world wrote a wonderful entry
in her blog about my journal.  She just started blogging herself and has a positive, serene and happy place already!  I wanted to thank her from the bottom of my heart for such an awesome entry!!  Thanks, sister-friend!!    Go have a look at her wonderful journal and say hello and tell her Valerie sent you!

This week is National Hurricane Awareness Week
.  They are expecting 80% more hurricane activity than last year.  I subscribe to the Emergency Email and Wireless Network.  You may want to as well!  Here is their linkThis site can provide you with  free reports and alerts, direct to your email or cellphone, on breaking natural disasters, homeland security issues, health alerts, etc. from your local, regional and national government sources.  Please become educated!

I will be back tomorrow with "Wordplay".  Hope everyone is having a nice Spring day! xox

Monday, May 22, 2006

Photo Scavenger Hunt #76

The entries for Photo Scavenger Hunt #76 will be due on Sunday, May 28, 2006 at 11:00 PM EST

Category:  Toys!!

Place the link to your entry in the comments section below.  Thanks for playing!  Have fun! xox

Entries for Photo Scavenger Hunt #75

Entries for Photo Scavenger Hunt #75 brought to you by Krissy from Sometimes I Think

something that makes me smile or laugh or is funny

Here are the journals that participated:

Footprints in the Sand

Ye Olde English Posy

Confessions of an Angel Waitress

Photo Blog

Mark's Daily Journal

Thanks to all who participated!  You did a wonderful job!  Go have a look at these entries!  They will definitely give you a smile to start out your week!


Monday Morning Question...

I am hosting the Monday Morning Question while Krissy is in Hershey caring for her husband who is having some setbacks from his bone marrow transplant.  I wanted to thank you for the opportunity, Krissy!  For those of you who want to know how John and Krissy are visit her journal!  They need some prayers and support right now as it has been a long road for them.

I also wanted to welcome every new reader I have had this week and challenge you to do the Monday Morning Question, The Photo Scavenger Hunt, and "Wordplay" Wednesday with me.  It will be loads of fun!  I wanted to thank Cyndy
for choosing me as one of her top five editor's picks and giving me the opportunity to have some new readers this week!!  Thanks, Cyndy!  Incidentally, Cyndy has the neatest, positive journal here.

Now, on to the Monday Morning Question...

Monday Morning Question

This question is going to go along with the "time" theme that Cyndy has given me.  If you were allowed to go back to a time in your life for two days and experience it with the knowledge that you have now, what time would you like to go back to and why?

My answer:  I think I would like to go back and be with my kids while they were little, say one and three years old, and have an awesome two days just playing and having a ball, confident in my skills with them, giving them tons of love, and knowing that they would grow up just fine and so would I =).   What about you?

P.S.  You can't say you don'twant to go back!  LOL  Well, you can... but try not to say it... =)

I will be back later this morning to post the Photo Scavenger Hunt entries and give you this week's subject.  Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome day! xox

Friday, May 19, 2006

Seasons of time...


"For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose
      under heaven."
                                                 - Ecclesiastes 3:1

I was given the subject of "time" to write about by
and have been pondering it since yesterday.  The first thing that instantly popped into my mind when Cyndy gave me this assignment was the title of my journal, "There is a Season".   My journal has this special title because of the many beloved "seasons" in my past and the "seasons" that I am bound to experience in the future.  I see my life as chunks of "time".  Time spent in my childhood with my family and in school.  I look back at that time with mixed feelings as I had some happy times, but I also had some childhood depression, no doubt brought on by an un-diagnosed chiari malformation.  Chiari causes neurological problems and, no doubt, spurred on my bipolar disorder very young.  I knew that I was different than other kids and teenagers because I wasn't always happy and I had alot of fears.  I became an adult and had my own family with two children.  There were glorious times spent with the little ones.  I also had hideous depression.  I was suffering from un-diagnosed bipolar disorder, un-diagnosed fibromyalgia and un-diagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder.  It was hard to keep up with a small family when I was very sick and I didn't know what was going on.  I still had moments of joy, though.  I spent countless times in and out of the hospital for the bipolar disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder in my twenties.  It took alot of fortitude.  I was well on my way to being on track and feeling better in my early 30's concerning my mental illnesses when my neurological problems started.  Time spent lying in a hospital bed after brain surgeries with no pain medicine and lying in bed with alot of nerve and muscle pain taught me what was important in my life and what I can withstand and how courageous I am.  I spent six months on a couch once.  I was so very sick.  I spent a couple weeks in bed after two brain surgeries.  I still spend days in bed with fibromyalgia.  When I have to spend time by myself, which I often do, I am never, ever bored.  I have learned that there is always something, somewhere inside of me that I can go to that is animated and interesting and enjoys "me" and can take care of "me".  I have learned to trust me to take care of me now.  I look forward to the future because my general mood is happy now with moments of joy.  I could never say that before.   Now I can share what I have learned with my children and grandchildren as I spend time with them in the future!!  I look forward to seeing them grow and becoming unique individuals!!  That is so exciting to me!  I have time to spend with family and friends to look forward to!!  I have time to see what else I can learn from my life that I haven't learned thus far!  It is amazing when I take a step back and see what I have learned from each "season" of my life.  Whether it was a rough season or a joyful one, it has all been worth it as I have learned something to take with me the rest of my life.  I have learned something about myself and grown stronger.  I certainly could not have done any of this without the help of God whom I talk to and pray to everyday and whom sustains me and is my friend.  I have had alot of mental and physical strife in my life, but I know that it has made the flowers brighter and the birds sing more beautifully and the time spent with myself and others more wonderful.  I am grateful for it all.  Thanks for stopping by!  xox

One more thing, speaking of "seasons" of life... I wanted say
CONGRATULATIONS to my son, Matt, who is graduating from high school tomorrow!!  CONGRATS
, Matt!!  I am so proud of you!!!!



Wednesday, May 17, 2006

To honor Moms...



It was amazing to read all of the "mom-isms" that everyone contributed this past week!  It made my Mother's Day weekend extra special thinking about all the moms in J-Land and their mothers as the comments were coming in.  Thanks everyone!

I am listing these "mom-isms" below.  I want to honor all J-Land's moms and their moms!!  Here they are in no particular order, from no particular mom...

      "If you go outside with wet hair when it is cold, you will get sick."
"You don't have the sense you were born with."
      "People in hell want ice water."
"You never miss the water 'til the well runs dry."
      "It all gets mixed together in your stomach."
"Just wait 'til you have kids of your own!"
      "If people don't like you for who you are, they aren't your friends."
"Be a leader, not a follower."
      "I love you!"
"Go back and wash your hands properly.  Hands don't stop at your wrists."
      "Keep your name clean!"
"Goodness gracious goodness Agnes!"
      "I told you a thousand times not to exaggerate!"
"Don't cross your eyes, if someone hits you in the back of the head they
        will get stuck that way!"

      "Learn from your mistakes."
"Wait until you have children!"
      "Love your brothers as they are the family that will be with you the longest
        and they are the ones you can depend on to be there for you."
"We'll just see how you do!"
      "Nursing is a good profession to fall back on."
"Wait 'til your Father gets home!"
      "Close your mouth or flies will get in!"
"Is he/she Catholic?"
      "Are you going to church?"
"Think of all those starving kids overseas!"
      "Night-Night chicken!"
"Chin up!"
      "You can cry for five minutes, then you have to stop."
"Just wait until your Dad gets home!"
      "Biggggg deal!!"
"Offer it up!"
      "Have a party when I'm gone."
"Don't cry 'til you're hurt."
      "Only boring people get bored."
"All my geese are swans!"
      "I'm not a taxi service."
"Don't sit too close to the TV/read in the dark.  It will hurt your eyes."
      "Go play outside.  It's too beautiful to be inside."

Aren't they precious?!  So, how many of you find yourselves repeating some of these to your own children?  I know I repeat a couple of things my mom used to say to my kids.  This was alot of fun!  I will be back tomorrow to post "Wordplay".  As always, thanks for stopping by! xox


Monday, May 15, 2006

Photo Scavenger Hunt #75...

The entries for Photo Scavenger Hunt #75 will be due on Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 11:00 PM EST

Something that makes me smile or laugh or is funny

Place the link to your entry in the comments section below.  Thanks for playing!  Have fun! xox

Photo Scavenger Hunt entries and my entry...

Entries for photo scavenger hunt #74
Category:  "

Here are the journals that participated:

Linda's World

Ye Old English Posy

Footprints in the Sand

Photo Blog

We had a few more entries than last week!  Thanks!  I am adding my entry of "colorful" to the bottom of this to prevent too many postings this morning.  I have to make three postings and didn't want to make four!  I wanted to thank everyone who participated this week!  I think next week's subject will be alot of fun.  If you haven't played before, give it a try!!

Below are azaleas that are definitely colorful and vibrant.  They are in the churchyard next door.  For some reason I have only seen pinkish/purple azaleas in Pennsylvania.  Where I grew up in Virginia, there were all colors.  We had an azalea garden in my childhood yard that was outstanding with so many colors so I am very fond of them today as they bring back wonderful memories...


The second colorful picture I have for you is a bouquet of glass flowers with a glass butterfly!  My daughter has gifted me with this and I just love it!!  I collect glass and I am just in awe of this bouquet!...


Enjoy your day and I hope you join us on the Hunt next week! xox

Monday Morning Question...

Monday Morning Question

Do you watch much television?  What is/are you favorite television show(s)?

My answer:  I almost never turn on my television until after dinner - around 7PM in the evening, and have it on until midnight or 1AM.  I am not always engrossed in what I watch and use it for escape purposes or to unwind.  I think that there is alot of trash on TV nowadays and I try to stay away from it.  My two favorite TV shows are probably "The Apprentice" and "American Idol".  Go Elliott!  Yes, I am a reality junkie when it comes to these two shows.  I am really liking a new show that came out this year, "Little People, Big World" on the Lifetime Channel, I think it is.  It is about a couple that are dwarfs and they have four children, one who is a dwarf and three who are not.  This show is done with dignity and class.  I have fallen in love with the family.  The couple,  Amy and Matt are so cool.  I love the lofty dreams of Matt and the sensibility of Amy.  Watch it if you have never done so!  I also watch alot of Christian and Catholic television.  What about you?

I will be back later this morning to post the Photo Scavenger Hunt entries.  I hope you will take the time to enjoy viewing them!  Have a nice day! xox

Friday, May 12, 2006

It's a boy and "Wordplay"!...

     "The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there
     was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good   
                                                            - Jill Churchill

Hi there.  It's Friday and I haven't posted "Wordplay" yet.  I had a full week of Chelsea being here and a full week of appointments.  I am just recovering.  It was fantastic having Chels here.  We had a ball.  We went shopping for her little one.  I found out yesterday she is positive she is having a boy!! 
CONGRATULATIONS, Chels!!  She wants a boy.  She won't have to take back all the blue clothes she received as gifts this past week, either.  She went back with alot of stuff.  She is really a beautiful pregnant lady.  Much more confident and radiant than I was.


It is Mother's Day this Sunday.  I wanted to wish every mom out there a Happy Mother's Day!!!  I also wanted to use the subject of "mom" for "Wordplay" today.  I wanted to ask everyone what advice or just general statements about life they had gotten from their mom's over the years.  I wanted to see what 'mom-isms' we could come up with.  Some of the things I remember my mom saying over the years are:  "All my geese are swans!""It will get better before you're married." (although my Dad said this much more than my mom.); "I'm not a taxi service."; "Life's not fair."; "Don't sit too close to the TV/read in the dark.  It will hurt your eyes."; and finally, "Go play outside.  It is too beautiful to be inside."  I'm sure my list could be alot longer, but this is a list to start us out.  What about you What was your mom famous for sayingWhat advice did she give you or what was she often saying?  I will post the list I have gathered either on Mother's Day or early next week.  Please put your contribution in the comments section or do an entry in your journal and come back and leave the URL to your entry so I can include you in my list!  Thanks for your participation!!  This will be fun!!  And again, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there and to my Mama, too!!  Love you, Mom!!!!


Monday, May 8, 2006

Monday Morning Question...

Good morning and happy Monday all!  I am hosting Krissy's Monday Morning Question because she is still in Hershey.  Krissy and John are hanging in there and John is feeling a little bit better everyday.  Hopefully they will be home pretty soon!  Krissy and John just celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary yesterday and I wanted to congratulate them... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, my dear hearts and my other parts!!  I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!  I am so glad you two are married and have each other!  I also wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and support.  It means so much!! xox

Monday Morning Question

How many pairs of shoes do you own?  Are you a shoe shop-aholic?  Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?

My answer:  I guess I have about 15 or 16 pairs of shoes.   I really only like to wear about four pairs of them.   I hate shopping for shoes because I have triple E wide feet and I can never find shoes that fit.  A lot of times I buy a pair of shoes and then find they hurt my feet a day or two later.  That is why I only like a few of my pairs of shoes.  I don't throw them away, though, as I think that I can wear them for a few hours or for a certain outfit.  I don't really have a favorite pair of shoes.  I really like to go barefoot.  My feet are my favorite pair of shoes!

Photo Scavenger Hunt #74

The entries for Photo Scavenger Hunt #74 will be due on Sunday, May 14, 2006 at 11:00 PM EST

Category:  Colorful

Place the link to your entry in the comments section below.  Thanks for playing!  Have fun!

Krissy may return this week.  If she does STILL put your submissions in THIS entry.  I will forward them to her if she is going to post.  Thanks!

Photo Scavenger Hunt #73 entries

Category: Dawn

There was only one journal that participated this week.  Please visit
Photo Blog and see Shana's entry.

Gee, only one entry this week.  I am thinking dawn was too early for everyone to wake up.  Or is it too early to put a camera in our hands?  LOL  Maybe.  Thanks, Shana, for your great entry!  Sorry about the hard subject I chose everyone.

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Wordplay and doctor's appt...

This week is going by quickly for me.  Chelsea arrived on Tuesday and we have been visiting.  I got to feel the baby kick.  Alot.  Awwwww....  He (I think it's a boy) is an active little thing.  It's really nice to have her around and talking about baby topcs.


I had an appointment out of town with a neurosurgeon at Hershey yesterday as I am looking for a new doctor.  I am giving up on Johns Hopkins to care for my chiari malformation and pseudotumor cerebri.   They have really disappointed me.  Since they put in the wrong shunt it has been downhill.  They won't admit to putting in the wrong shunt.  The doctors seem too busy.  They lose things.  They never call me back.  I can't get a hold of them.  My own g.p. can't get my records from them.  And it goes on and on.  So I went to Hershey yesterday to see if they could care for my neurological needs.  It was a no-go.  They really don't want to follow up on someone else's "work" and they said they didn't do follow up chiari care.  I explained to them that I had the wrong shunt put in.  I guess they didn't want to deal with the mess.  They told me to either go back to Johns Hopkins  or get all my records together and go somewhere else.  I mentioned the Chiari Institute in New York.   The doctor said this was the best place he had heard of and he recommended it over anywhere else.  So I am going to get a hold of the Chiari Institute and see how they feel about my visiting them.  I am going to do all I can do over the internet, by phone and by mail.  Perhaps I won't even have to go.  Maybe they can even find me a doctor locally.  I am just so tired of traveling to doctors that are out of town.  It is such a stress on my body and a stress on the drivers that I have had to round up.  Wish me luck!    Oh, one more thing, I saw Krissy yesterday.  For those who don't know, she and John are back in Hershey at the Hope Lodge.  Well, Krissy is at the Hope Lodge and John is in the hospital.  John has a few things wrong with him and needed to be re-admitted.  He could be in for a few weeks.  If you want to read about what is going on with him visit my sister's
journal.  She is able to write occasionally as the Hope Lodge has a computer.


On to "Wordplay".  I wanted to talk about foreign languages today.  The one language I was taught in school was Spanish.  I took it for three years.  My ex-husband is Puerto-Rican.  We lived with his family for a couple of months.  You know, I learned more Spanish in those couple of months than I did in the three years I took classes.  They didn't know I knew what they were saying, but I was picking it up quickly, and they were saying some not-so-nice things sometimes.  Gee, that wasn't so good.  Shame on them.  I have forgotten alot of the Spanish that I have learned as I haven't used it in about ten years.  I do know some American Sign Language.  I can sign the alphabet and some words.  How about you?

Can you speak any foreign languagesHow did you pick them up Did you learn any in schoolPlease write down a sentence or two or three so we can see the language and please translate itCan you speak more than one foreign languageDo you know any sign language or Braille Have you taught any languages to anyoneIf you could learn another language what would it beDo you have any foreign language stories?  Please leave your participation to these questions in the comments section.  If you want to do this as an entry in your journal please come back and leave your entry URL so we can go back and read it.  Thank you!

Finally, please visit the Breast Cancer Site every day this month.  They are doubling the clicks this month.  That means more free mammograms for those who can't afford them!  Thanks so much!  Have a good day everyone!  xox

Monday, May 1, 2006

Photo Scavenger Hunt #73...

If you haven't heard yet, I am hosting the Monday Morning Question and the Photo Scavenger Hunt while Krissy is away.  If you have never played either, give them a try!  The Monday Morning Question is two entries below.  Go ahead and give it a whirl!  If you have a camera, try the hunt, too!  It is loads of fun!  Just take a picture or two or three of the category listed and paste your entry URL in the comments section of THIS entry.  Thanks!

The entries for photo scavenger hunt #73 will be due on Sunday, May 7, 2006 at 11:00 PM EST

Category:  Dawn

Place the link to your entry in the comments section below.  Thanks for playing!

If Krissy returns before then I will give her the links. Please still come to my journal to submit your entries.  Thank you!  xox

Photo scavenger hunt #72 entries...

Category:  An object I wish my spouse or a family member would throw away

Here are the journals that participated:

Photo Blog


Just For Fun

Lost in my own thought

These are great!  They will give you a good laugh!  Please check them out! xox

Monday Morning Question...

Hello everyone and hello to those who haven't been to my journal before =).  I am hosting Krissy's Monday Morning Question because she is going to be out of town for atleast a few days if not longer.  I am also going to list her Scavenger Hunt participants later today if you would like to come back and see them!

Monday Morning Question

If you were told you had to paint the walls of your home one color (and you can't pick white or off-white) and they would remain that color forever, what would you choose?

My answer:  I think I would choose a muted blue-green color.  I really love reds these days, but I don't think I could live with all my walls red for the rest of my life.  I think I could live with them being a muted blue-green.  What about you?

I will be back to list the Scavenger Hunt participants a little later today!  Thanks! xox