Saturday, May 31, 2008
Winners of "Weekly Sentence" #16!...
Hi "Weekly Sentence" players! I'm very sorry I'm a little late today posting the winners of this week's game. I've been very busy. So on with the show!! The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE these two players!!:
Chuck from Dribble by Chuck Ferris:
Nobody snoozes when Hillary speaks boldly!
Nelishia from Praying and Believing:
(her journal is private)
Never shake while holding someone's beer!
Congratulations again, Chuck and Nelishia!! Please visit their journals and congratulate them.
Here are your awards, guys! Right click and save as .gif. If you have any problems, just pop me an email.
Many thanks to all who submitted this week! Submissions are below:
Nellie sizzles with her silky blouse. (lsfp1960)
News scoop! White House secedes Bush! (dsonney01)
Nevin saw Wendy hide Sara's bag. (chat2missie)
Nothing seemed wrong, however Sidney bawled. (lv2trnscrb)
Nick showed Wanda his sport boat. (ab45yui)
Naked swimmer went home sun burned. (oddb0dkins)
Neanderthals surely were Homo Sapien brethren. (donphisher)
Nude swimmers want hot, sandy beaches. (ma24179)
Never show what hurts so bad. (intocable1989)
Now Summer while hot, still beckons! (nanmm11)
Nancy sews while hiking, swimming, baking. (beckerb6)
Nelly saw Walter holding something blue. (jmoqueen)
New shoes will hide sore blisters! (krmprm)
Naughty Sue wolfwhistled Hello Sailor Boys! (pamal3)
News stand will hire some body. (hugsdoodlewacky)
Never stop wondering how stars blaze. (johneknox)
Nobody should whip horses so brutally. (fisherkristina)
Stop back by tomorrow morning for six new letters! Have a good Saturday everyone! Val =) xox
Monday, May 26, 2008
On Memorial Day...
" ...gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless
mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime... let us in
this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom
they have left among us as sacred charges upon the Nation's
gratitude,-- the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan."
- General John Logan, General Order No. 11, 5 May 1868
I was wondering what to post today when I came upon this wonderful site. It lists six points on how to observe Memorial Day. I think it's excellent. The six points are below...
1. By visiting cemeteries and placing flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes.
2. By visiting memorials.
3. By flying the U.S. Flag at half-staff until noon.
4. By flying the 'POW/MIA Flag' as well (Section 1082 of the 1998
Defense Authorization Act).
5. By participating in a "National Moment of Remembrance": at 3 p.m.
to pause and think upon the true meaning of the day, and for Taps to be played.
6. By renewing a pledge to aid the widows, widowers, and orphans of our fallen dead, and to aid the disabled veterans.
Also, if you are able, please consider signing the petition below by clicking on its link. Thanks!:
I hope everyone is having a safe, happy, and reflective Memorial Day! Hugs, Val =)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
"Weekly Sentence" #16!...
Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone! It is a glorious, sunny, Spring day here in Pennsylvania! I should have my bum outside but I am sitting behind the computer. I need to get outside! I will get there soon. I hope you all are having a good holiday weekend wherever you are! It's Sunday and time to post new six letters for the "Weekly Sentence with Val"!
Congratulations again to Betty and Jeannette for winning "Weekly Sentence" #15 yesterday! I was going to do six letters in honor of Memorial Day, but it just didn't work. Here are the chosen six letters. They will follow the rules. Please place your submission in the comments section. Have fun!
* Each Sunday I will post a set of six letters. A sentence must
be made from these letters. The letters today are: NSWHSB.
An example of a sentence could be - Never swim while holding
shark bait! These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will
they decide the winning sentence? The submission that receives
the strongest reaction - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder,etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Thursday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday morning
or afternoon.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Sunday Morning.
* If you submit more than one sentence, only your first sentence
will be judged.
Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:
Thanks for playing!! Have a good Sunday everyone! Val =) xox
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Winners of "Weekly Sentence" #15!...
The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE these two players!!:
Jeannette from Jeannette's Jottings:
Tackle all struggles by trusting divinity.
Betty from Koda's Corgi Tales:
Tom ate Sally's biscuit then died.
Congratulations again, Jeannette and Betty!! If you are able, please pay these ladies a visit and congratulate them.
Here are your awards, ladies! Right click and save as .gif. If you have any problems, just pop me an email.
Many thanks to all who submitted this week! Submissions are below:
Tactless attorneys should be tie "died". (jimsulliv3)
Tom asked Susie Belle to dance. (lsfp1960)
Tragically, a snake bit the dog. (fisherkristina)
That ache shimmered beneath Theresa's delicacies. (chaoticbeauty34)
Toffees are so bad, tooth decay! (pm71blackfen)
Tomatoes and some bacon taste delicious! (nanmm11)
Twinkling abundant stars beautify total darkness. (pamal3)
Today a sunset beautifies the day! (rjsisti)
Today a sister blurted, teach dummies. (specialadyfink)
Those are some bizarre talents, darling. (ma24179)
The automobile stalled before the delivery. (hugsdoodlewacky)
Take a sour biscuit, they're delicious. (justplainbill)
The ace still beats the deuce. (ab45yui)
I will be posting six new letters tomorrow morning so stop back by!! Have a super holiday weekend everyone! Val =) xox
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Weekly Sentence Reminder!...
The "Weekly Sentence" deadline is in two hours. The letters are TASBTD. If you want to play, visit here. How is everyone today? I got a surprise call from my journal friend Merry this morning!! It has given me the biggest smile and has made my day! I am getting off here to go outside and sit with the birds...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
"Weekly Sentence" #15 letters!...
Happy Sunday everyone! It rained all night and into the morning. It finally stopped, though, so I hope this greyness and wetness is over with. I need the sun!! LOL. Krissy will be posting the poll for "What's the Caption? Wednesday" shortly if you want to pop on over to Magic Smoke after you try The "Weekly Sentence" game here =)!
Congratulations again to Nelishia and Linda for winning the "Weekly Sentence" game yesterday! Are you all ready for six new letters? I hope so!! The letters will follow the rules...
* Each Sunday I will post a set of six letters. A sentence must
be made from these letters. The letters today are: TASBTD
An example of a sentence could be - Take a siesta before
the dance! These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will
they decide the winning sentence? The submission that receives
the strongest reaction - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder,etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Thursday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday morning
or afternoon.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Sunday Morning.
* If you submit more than one sentence, only your first sentence
will be judged.
Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:
Thanks for playing!! Have a good Sunday everyone! Val =) xox
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Winners of "Weekly Sentence" #14!...
Good Saturday to all my "Weekly Sentence" players! Gee, it has been so cold and rainy in my area the past couple of weeks. It has me wondering if it will slip right into Summer with no Spring. I want sunny Spring! Ah, the sun just peaked out as I started typing this. I hope it stays out so I can have some quality outside time today. I miss being outside. I like to go outside at least once a day and "connect" with nature somehow. I guess all this rain will give us beautiful summer vegetation. So, it's Saturday and time to announce the winners of the "Weekly Sentence". I am having fun with this game! Are you guys?
The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE these two players!!:
Normal doesn't often steal the moment.
Linda from Linda's World :
Nancy didn't offer suggestions that matter.
Congratulations again, Nelishia and Linda!! Pay these ladies a visit if you are able and congratulate them.
Here are your awards, gals! Right click and save as .gif. If you have any problems, just pop me an email.
I want to thank all who submitted this week! The submissions are below:
Neil described our singing to Mother. (gryphondear)
Never dismiss or sock the maid. (fisherkristina)
Never disparage Olympic sports to me. (johneknox)
Nanny's donuts often sweetens the mouth. (chaoticbeauty34)
Nay do ordinary spirits tempt me. (ab45yui)
Nostradamus deepened our society's thoughtful minds. (pamal3)
Notre Dame offers scholarships to men. (carl24fish)
Nick did one string thing Monday. (hugsdoodlewacky)
Nice dogs only sniff the men. (gandsbrock)
Nobody does offensive slurs to me. (madcobug)
Nothing dead or sad to moan. (justplainbill)
No drama over Sam's tumultuous marriage. (lv2trnscrb)
Now don't overspend that money! (firestormkids04)
Nine dogs of similar talents mingled. (nanmm11)
Come back by for six new letters tomorrow morning! Have a super day and thanks for stopping by! Val =) xox
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Game reminders...
Hi guys! To all of my "Weekly Sentence" players - Your submission is due by 4PM today! The letters this week are NDOSTM. Give it a shot if you haven't submitted yet. It's fun!
One more thing, I don't know if I ever officially told my readers that Krissy and I are running a game over at Magic Smoke. Did I? It is called "What's the Caption? Wednesday". If you haven't visited Magic Smoke or the game, pop on over and see! Krissy and I have been running the game for seven weeks now. I posted a new picture yesterday for new caption submissions if you want to play along this week. Give it a stab! I hope everyone is having a good week! I've been busier than I like to be these past few weeks. I hope things slow down so I can write better entries, instead of blurbs before and after games. I have way too many in my head that I need to get onto the computer. Have a good afternoon! Val =) xox
Sunday, May 11, 2008
"Weekly Sentence" #14 letters...
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommy's out there and especially to my little mommy!! I hope every mom is having a nice day!! It's Sunday, so I have six new letters for you for the "Weekly Sentence with Val". I hope you all have fun with them! The letters will follow the rules below...
* Each Sunday I will post a set of six letters. A sentence must
be made from these letters. The letters today are: NDOSTM
An example of a sentence could be - Never dine on something
that moves!! These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will
they decide the winning sentence? The submission that receives
the strongest reaction - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder,etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Thursday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday morning
or afternoon.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Sunday Morning.
* If you submit more than one sentence, only your first sentence
will be judged.
Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:
Thanks for playing!! Again, Happy Mother's Day, all you moms!! Have a good Sunday! Val =) xox
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Winner of "Weekly Sentence" #13!...
Wow, I just spent an eternity doing a post announcing the winner of the "Weekly Sentence" and all of the submissions and what did I do? I deleted it in one click. LOL I hope this isn't indicative of my weekend. LOL Ah... So, here we go again... LOL I wanted to wish you all a happy Saturday and extend my gratitude as you guys are so consistent in playing this game. I heard from a few of you that this game is one of your favorites. I tried to create one that was easy enough to play, yet you could be as creative as you want. So, thanks for being so consistent with your submissions!! Now, on to the winner!...
The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE!!:
Rose from Roses are Read:
Stop telling everyone secrets that damage!
Congratulations, Rose!! If you are able, pay her a visit and congratulate her! Here is your Award, Rose! Right click and save as .gif. If you have any problems, just pop me an email.
Many thanks to all of you who submitted this week! The submissions are below:
Still trying everything should tickle Don. (gryphondear)
Sometimes the elites seem terribly demanding. (ma24179)
Some thieves eventually stole the dough. (fisherkristina)
Seven tired Egyptians saddled their dromedaries. (johneknox)
Some tell everyone simple tales daily. (peytonswater)
Speed traps establish safe traveling discipline. (carl24fish)
Strict teachers eradicate surly teenage disorder! (ab45yui)
Sorting through endless sales takes determination. (nanmm11)
Sometimes the eager stop to dream. (mastersblynn)
Spring teases every sense towards delight. (nhd106)
Stand to exhibit some true destiny. (justplainbill)
Stand tall encountering strength through determination. (pamal3)
Sometimes these easy sentences turn difficult. (chasferris)
I will be posting six new letters tomorrow morning so pop back by! Have a super Saturday! Val =) xox
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
"Weekly Sentence" reminder...
Sunday, May 4, 2008
"Weekly Sentence" #13 letters!...
Good Sunday everyone! It's time for six new letters in the "Weekly Sentence with Val"!! I had so much fun last week!! I wanted to do a Mother's Day theme this week and played with "MOTHER" and "MOMDAY" and "MOMMA". Those were very hard to do!! I don't know if you all like challenged like that or not. I bagged it and picked new letters. Do you all like letters with a theme? Remember, the submission date has been changed to Thursday at 4PM EST. Now, on with the show! Below are the rules and the six letters for this week's game:
* Each Sunday I will post a set of six letters. A sentence must
be made from these letters. The letters today are: STESTD
An example of a sentence could be - Stop to enjoy small
things daily!! These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will
they decide the winning sentence? The submission that receives
the strongest reaction - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Thursday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday morning
or afternoon.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Sunday Morning.
* If you submit more than one sentence, only your first sentence
will be judged.
Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:
Thanks for playing!! My Daddy turned 80 yesterday!! If you haven't read the interview my sister did with him in my last entry it is worth the read. He is quite witty!! Have a good Sunday!! Hugs! Val =) xox
Tags: The Weekly Sentence with Val, Weekly Sentence, word games, word game, blogplugs
Interview with my octogenarian father...
My sister Krissy did an interview with our octogenarian Daddy yesterday. She is kindly allowing me to post it in my journal. Thanks, Krissy! Happy Birthday again, my precious Daddeeoooo!!!
Interview with our Daddy on his 80th birthday:
Happy Birthday, Dad!!!
My Dad turned 80 today.
Gee, when I think of 80, I think of, like, old people. But he doesn't seem old to me. Not 80 anyway.
He is very young at heart. He's lots of fun. Loves to banter. He's where Val and I got our love of words from. He studies the dictionary. Sometimes we will sit around and discuss root words and meanings of words from the dictionary in my family as our fun!
Okay, instead of me telling you more about him, I thought I'd bring to you this little interview I did with him this afternoon.
Krissy: What is your secret to making it to 80?
Dad: Be a practicing alcoholic till around 50. That means you are not one after that.
Krissy: What's important in life?
Dad: a heartbeat and the 12 steps
Krissy: How does it feel to be 80?
Dad: A year older than 79.
Krissy: What was your favorite job?
Dad: The last day of the last one.
Krissy: How tall are you?
Dad: Now 5' 6", used to be 5' 9"
Krissy: How many children do you have?
Dad: six
Krissy: Who is your favorite child?
Dad: Whichever one asks me the question.
Krissy: How many languages do you speak?
Dad: I can say "One ham sandwich with mustard and a beer, if you please" infrench, and I can count to three in Arabic. I also know American English.
Krissy: How old are you?
Dad: It is my 80th birthday, but I am already starting 81 years - excluding any gestation period. If we counted the gestation period, I would almost be starting 82 years. The Chinese have a better system than we do for marking age. They say a baby is one - starting it's first year - when it is born. We say we are one when we are PAST our first year.
Okay, you all, I hope you enjoyed this interview with my father! I hope you wish him a happy birthday, albeit a little bit late, as I am late with this entry. At any rate, he does read my blog and the comments, so if you wish him a happy birthday, he will see your comment. He goes by Dad or Don!
Love you all, Krissy :)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Happy Birthday, Daddy!...
Look Who's 80!!... My Daddy!!
Happy Birthday, Daddeeoo!!
May you have many more years to come!!
I love you!!!
"Weekly Sentence" #12 Winners!...
Good Saturday, my friends =)! How is everyone? We absolutely LOVED your sentences this week!! How creative they were!! There were 22 submissions, too! Thanks for keeping this game going! I'm having a lot of fun, are you? Before I get to the two winners I wanted to say something. I have a couple of my family members, an in-law and a friend who have declined to EVER win an award in this game. So if you are scratching your heads and wondering why some wonderful sentences (and authors) never take the top spot, they just may be one of these persons. Now on to the "Weekly Sentence" winners!!...
Congratulations to!!:
Angie of Peyton's Water:
Superficial people laugh at those suffering.
Pam of Almost 40!:
Staying positive lifts away troublesome stress.
Visit these ladies and congratulate them, if you are able. Here are your Awards, Pam and Angie!! Right click them and save as .gif. If you have any problems, just pop me an email.
Thanks to all of you who submitted this week! The judges told me it was one of their toughest weeks!! Below are the submissions:
Some people laugh at these sentences. (lv2trnscrb)
Simply practicing love accents the Spirit. (ab45yui)
Special people learn at their speed. (onehenn3chicks)
Some people lose all touch sometimes. (specialadyfink)
Subservient plantation laborers are truly sad. (donphisher)
Striped pajamas lately attempt to slip. (gryphondear)
Several performers leaped around the stage. (fisherkristina)
Some people looked at the stars. (johneknox)
Some people love all those stories. (chat2missie)
Six people lie at the start. (jmoqueen)
Sex pleases lovers and their sanity. (nanmm11)
Singing planets laugh among the stars. (journeyzpath)
Single people laugh at their stories! (rjsisti)
Southern people love a true story. (madcobug)
Society promotes laws against traitorous spies! (dsonney1)
Swinging purple lizards attempting to swim. (ladymagnolia1963)
Sending people laughs aborts their somberness. (astoriasand)
Sadistic perverts love all terrifying sex. (ma24179)
Socialistic populations lack ability to specialize. (carl24fish)
Skunk pee leaves a terrible smell! (badge9408)
I will be posting six new letters tomorrow morning so come back for a visit! Have a super weekend, my friends!! Val =) xox