Hi "Weekly Sentence" players! I'm very sorry I'm a little late today posting the winners of this week's game. I've been very busy. So on with the show!! The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE these two players!!:
Chuck from Dribble by Chuck Ferris:
Nobody snoozes when Hillary speaks boldly!
Nelishia from Praying and Believing:
(her journal is private)
Never shake while holding someone's beer!
Congratulations again, Chuck and Nelishia!! Please visit their journals and congratulate them.
Here are your awards, guys! Right click and save as .gif. If you have any problems, just pop me an email.

Many thanks to all who submitted this week! Submissions are below:
Nellie sizzles with her silky blouse. (lsfp1960)
News scoop! White House secedes Bush! (dsonney01)
Nevin saw Wendy hide Sara's bag. (chat2missie)
Nothing seemed wrong, however Sidney bawled. (lv2trnscrb)
Nick showed Wanda his sport boat. (ab45yui)
Naked swimmer went home sun burned. (oddb0dkins)
Neanderthals surely were Homo Sapien brethren. (donphisher)
Nude swimmers want hot, sandy beaches. (ma24179)
Never show what hurts so bad. (intocable1989)
Now Summer while hot, still beckons! (nanmm11)
Nancy sews while hiking, swimming, baking. (beckerb6)
Nelly saw Walter holding something blue. (jmoqueen)
New shoes will hide sore blisters! (krmprm)
Naughty Sue wolfwhistled Hello Sailor Boys! (pamal3)
News stand will hire some body. (hugsdoodlewacky)
Never stop wondering how stars blaze. (johneknox)
Nobody should whip horses so brutally. (fisherkristina)
Stop back by tomorrow morning for six new letters! Have a good Saturday everyone! Val =) xox