Saturday, June 17, 2006

A Rainbow!

     "And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down.
      Without the rain, there would be no rainbow."
- Jerry Chin

The sun was shining brightly through my living room window, a few days ago, when I heard thunder booms and strong rain on the roof.  "Interesting,"  I thought, "you can't have rain AND bright sun at the same time without a rainbow!"

Instinctively, I grabbed my camera and my boyfriend and I ran out the front door.  It was sunny in my front yard, but as we rounded the corner into the backyard we saw the clouds and storm approaching and walked into the heavy rain.  Here is the rainbow we saw.   How lucky!  It's actually a double rainbow, but it's hard to tell on these photographs.  Hope everyone is enjoying their weekends!








  1. Rainbows are my favorite!!!!! Thanks for sending them to me! Barbara

  2. i see the double,  they are very pretty...thank you

  3. Haven't seen one in a while. Beautiful! : )
    Thanks for sharing,

  4. Val, you did good with the rainbow.  I can make out the double with no problem in most of the pictures.  Such a wonderful sight.  Did you try to find the end of the rainbow?


  5. Love rainbows...
    Great job!
    Have a great weekend!
    Linda :)

  6. Great rainbows, we get many in my part of the world too

  7. I love rainbows, these ones are beautiful! Jeannette xx

  8. Lovely rainbow!!!!!!

  9. God's promise.  We don't get a lot of rain.  Not a lot of rainbows, so they are extremely precious around here.  As are my friends.  :)
    Love ya.  Barb  

  10. Great pics, Val. I can see both rainbows. Very pretty.


  11. The rainbows are beautiful.  Thanks for sharing.

  12. Hey, I didn't leave you!  I'm storing up my responses for when my PC gets back up and running.  The day I went on vacation it crashed (in the AM) and my hubby couldn't fix it while I was gone (took me 2 min. to find the XP cd when I got home, but he can't see the forest through the trees, now he wants to do it himself -- so this could take a while!).  Keeping up via the library & will post my photo entries when I can.  Love the rainbow shots!!!  Shana

  13. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pics Val. Take care.
    Love Sylviaxx

  14. I see the double rainbow!

    Krissy at Hope Lodge

  15. gorgous!  in the second pic, it looks like there might be a third rainbow!

  16. I see the 2nd rainbow!  Probably wouldn't have if you didn't mention it.  Great pics!~~~Pamela

  17. There is something so magical about a rainbow.  They are so temporary - gone as fast as the come and yet they leave an impact on our heart for a long time after we see one.  Thanks for sharing yours!    Kathy

  18. I enjoyed your rainbow photos which also interested me with a look at where you live.     I noticed that the large 'barn' type building has a gambrel design roof.    My cabin is a gambrel design with no vertical walls as the second steeper roof is my wall so the inside and outside two walls slant.    mark


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