I had a blast reading about everyone's pets throughout the week! Thanks for stopping by and telling me all about your little critters and what they mean to you! Wow, it was really amazing to hear some of the tales where they came from and to about their antics and how they are a part of your families. I encourage you to read some of the comments about everyone's animals. If you are an animal person like me, it will really touch you. I found it very, very interesting that most readers had rescued pets from the S.P.C.A. or abused animals that they took in from others. It really warmed my heart. It made me realize that we are truly a warm-hearted, caring bunch. I took a tally of what everyone had and I came up with 18 cats, 17 dogs, two rats, one guinea pig, one hamster, one rabbit, and a litter of unnamed doggies. How many are in your litter, Kelley? I could be wrong on a couple of the rats/guinea pigs/hamsters as I was looking at pictures and I was just not quite sure what was what! LOL I was very interested in the names so here they are in no particular order. I wanted to say hello to and shout out to and make a star of...
Tiny Masters, Sara, Amber, Sabrina, Smokey, Sunshine, Jake, Koda (Matt's Koda of the Big Sky), Pumpkin, Liberty (Libby), Tina, Lightning, Pumpkin, Ellie, Jake, Frodo, Bruce Lee, Scarface, Sidney Yankee, Serenity, Nino Brown, PeeWee, Cleo (and her unnamed litter!!), Foxy Cleopatra, Socks, Midnight, Baby, Big Kitty, Kokoapuffy (Sissy), Raisin, Casper, Kirby, Cocoa, Smokey (Smo-Cat), Sundown (Boo), Scooby, Jasmine Mystic Rain, Shayane Heaven's Angel, Little Bear, Mystique D' Aleigh, Cherokee Flying Eagle, Salty Dog, and Michael.... phew... Did you get to the end?? LOL
As promised, here are the pictures that were sent to me by readers...
This is Angela's Ellie. She is a white, purebred, shepherd puppy. Angela was originally looking for a male dog she could name Elvis, but fell in love with this dog, a female and named her Ellie...

This is Ellie's mother, Fraulein...

This is Roberta's cat, Pumpkin. She's three and Roberta got her in a shelter. Her original name was Cheddar so she changed her name to Pumpkin...

This hefty Main Coon darling is my sister Krissy's and her husband John's kitty cat, Michael. He is a real sweetie. I have been taking care of him for a month since my sister and John have been out of town. He is so lovable and so, so good. She saved his life when he was a kitten. Originally she was going to get a female kitten promised to her named Michaela, but that fell through, so she ended up getting a male kitty cat instead. She named him Michael after Michaela. He was so sick when he was a baby and that is why she got him, so she could nurse him back to health. She and John saved his life! Now that is so sweet, Krissy and John!...

Kelley from Life at Our House (private journal) sent me several pictures. She has quite a few animals!!...
This is Hannah with their ferret Socks...

Cleo with her puppies!!...

This is a blind kitty they rescued from out in the rain. They call him Baby...

Hope everyone enjoyedall of the pets! I really had a great time! This took me awhile to put together, and I am sure took you guys awhile to read, so I will be back later today or early tomorrow to post "Wordplay". Have a wonderful day!! xox