Hi everyone! For those of you who were wondering, the little guy with the beautiful eyes in my previous post is my grandson Jonah. I think he looks a lot like my sister Krissy. It is interesting how they change from month to month when they are that young. Thanks for all of your sweet comments everyone =)!!
Today is the day to post winners of the Weekly Sentence!! I am really having fun with this game! I think I have told you all this before. LOL You guys are SO CREATIVE!! Thanks for playing, everyone! Now on to the winners. I wanted to congratulate these two fine ladies on these two GREAT sentences!!!...
Sharon from I'm a Survivor:
A Play Station took my son!
Connie from ANYWAY...:
Aspergers people sometimes think more sincere.
Here are your Awards, ladies. Right-click and save as j.peg. Again, congratulations!!!

As a note, Connie's sentence is about Aspergers. It is on the autism spectrum. Her statement is profound and true!! Please visit this site for more information on Aspergers.
Below is a list of the sentences submitted this week. I want to thank everyone who participated!! Again, wonderful sentences!!
A poet sang two merry sonnets. (ab45yui)
A portly soldier took my sandwich. (geocachelinda66)
Alphabetic poodles saucily taunted Matilda's snakes. (firestormkids04)
Adventurous passion seductively tickles my senses. (pamal3)
Apparently Plankton seemed to mislead Spongebob. (breakaway1968)
A pauper seldom takes money seriously. (fisherkristina)
Andy politely said to Mary sorry. (lv2trnscrb)
All people sing to music softly. (nightmaremom)
Athletic people should train more strenuously. (hpycmpr155)
A portly senior took my seat. (willandgrace1986)
As pieces scatter, the memory subsides... (inafrnz247)
Aliens Plutonium streaks through Mars Sun. (ladymagnolia1963)
A pathetic stalker tests my strength. (motoxmom72)
Ape-like prehistoric Simians took monkeys seriously? (donphisher)
Apple strudel shouldn't taste minging sis! (sr2404)
Another paycheck surely turns me solvent. (gryphondear)
A Pogo Stick takes much stamina. (jmoqueen)
Always promote sensitive truthful mature statements. (promiseluv372)
A person should try more sometimes. (jvbutterfly)
Aromatic pleasures speak to me silently. (gaboatman)
Mothers are the perfect scrupulous secretaries! (nanmm11)
Annual projections seem to miss shortfalls (Carl24)
Apple pie should taste most scrumptious. (helmswondermom)
At play say take my side. (gravydogg55)
All parents should try mentoring someday. (chaoticbeauty34)
Absolutely, positively, simplistically, totally monstrous sentence. (nhd106)
Alice probably shared too many secrets. (madcobug)
Apathy precedes serious traumatic mind stagnation. (gdireneoe)
Thanks again for playing, everyone!! I will be posting six new letters Saturday morning. Have a good weekend!! Hugs! xox
A playstation took my son!! that's classic!! lol
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing these!
Luv ya,
OMG I am blown away...
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much.
I think this is so fun and never ever considered winning.
Iam sooo tickled!!!
(my grandson has Aspbergers)
OH HOW COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent choices! Not sure how the judges do it...so many are so good.
(((((((((((((((((VAL)))))))))))))))))))))))You sure do get alot of people playing.I will play this weekend.
ReplyDeleteOH I so agree on the winners! Good picks :) I loved the playstation took my son one! Too funny!
ReplyDeleteGreat choices. Congrats to the winners. Helen
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the winners and the clever entries. I loved Helen's. I simply go brain dead when I think about doing it.
Congrats to the winners and congrats to you on being the guest editor this week!
ReplyDeleteMartha ~
those were great sentences that won; especially the one with Aspergers (my daughter has Aspergers) I'll go over and wish both congrats; I read the comment right before mine, guess you are a guest editor's pick! congrats!!
ReplyDeletelooking forward to tomorrow's letters :)
Congrats on being a guest editor and Jonah is so cute! -Dawn-
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on being the Guest Editor Val. What a wonderful way you managed to do all that juggling between that and sentence of the week! I don't know how you do It. Congratulations to both winners, excellent sentences. Well Done. Love Pam xx
ReplyDeleteThose sentences are really good...I gave the next one a shot hope it's okay.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to the winners.
Excellent as ever! Too funny...the Playstaion woes...;) C.