I found this over at Krissy's journal. I thought the questions were a little different. If you want to join in the meme fun please come back and leave your entry URL in my comments section so I can read your answers! Thanks!
Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What do you do?
I would definitely encourage her to keep the child and let her know that I was supporting her in any way I could. I would help her find any resources she needed.
When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
I don't think I have ever hit anyone in my life. Well, maybe my siblings when I was a young child. I don't ever feel like punching someone in the face, but I did get very, very angry last week.
What is the last thing you spent money on?
Cat food
Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month?
Stayed steady. I usually do.
Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos?
Uh, both. LOL
Congratulations! You just had a son. What's his name?
Christian David
And if it was a girl, she would be (I don't know if this was a question or if Krissy put it in. LOL I will answer it, though)
Anna Christine... Wow, Krissy, I noticed how similar we were with the names! I won't be having any children, though. It would be a miracle if I did!
What are you craving right now?
Nothing really
What was the last thing you cried about?
Missing my grandsons and daughter
When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it?
Both. But I usually keep it. I have a penny jar that is filling up nicely!
What color is your tissue box?
I am out of tissues right now. I would like a tissue box with flowers on it, though. LOL I need to go to the store!
Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that fan?
Yes I do have a ceiling fan. I love ceiling fans! They keep me cool! Um, let me go look and see if there is dust... Ugh,there is some dust. Thank you for reminding me to clean my ceiling fan.
Scariest thing you've experienced in the last year?
My boyfriend getting very sick.
Have you ever had a garage sale?
Yes, I have. My daughter talked me into it. And as Krissy said, it was NOT worth it. We did so much gathering, tagging, and sitting in the heat, to get very little money. I did enjoy spending the day with my daughter and her friend, though.
What color is your iPod?
I don't have one. I don't want one. Am I weird?
What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
It's been so long I can't remember. Maybe a few sips of wine a few years ago at a friend's party. I don't drink.
Are you happy right now?
I have moments of happiness and joy, but I am mostly content, thank you.
Who came over last?
My boyfriend John
Do you drink beer?
Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
I look like my mom and dad and we look and act like one another, so no.
What is your favorite key on your key chain?
My house key. It allows me to enter my home, which I feel so comfortable in =)!!
What was the last movie you watched at home?
Witches of Eastwick
What is in your pocket?
I don't have a pocket. I am wearing a nightgown.
Where do you hurt?
Oh my goodness, I woke up hurting EVERYWHERE. With fibromyalgia, you have 18 tenderpoints. Every one was swollen and throbbing in pain this morning. It's gotten a little better in the past two hours, but not much. I hate hurting 24/7. ~sigh~
Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear?
YES!! My son made me a bear and put his voice in it! It says, "Hi Mom, it's Matt. Love you! Miss you much!" I play it when I need to hear his voice. Awww...
What's something fun you did today?
All I've done today was fiddle on this computer. That is always fun!! I am also playing fetch with Baby Boo! He hasto play fetch every morning while I'm on the computer until he gets tired. It happens somewhere between hour one and four. He isn't tired yet this morning. We are on hour three. LOL
What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart?
To tell you the truth, I don't like Wal-Mart. I try not to go there anymore. I have read a lot about them, and well, I try to support smaller, local businesses. But to answer the question, I would have to say the music and movies aisle.
When is your birthday?
October 27. Are you going to give me a present? LOL
Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?
Not right now. I sometimes have a rosary.
What kind of milk do you drink?
What is something you need to go shopping for?
Groceries! I am very low on groceries! Also, cat food and cat litter. I seem to be always running out of that!
Don't forget to leave your URL if you want to play along! Also, don't forget the letters for this week's Sentence game are SPRING! Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday!! Hugs to all! xox
Sunday, March 30, 2008
fun and interesting meme... play along!...
Saturday, March 29, 2008
"Weekly Sentence" #8 letters!, etc., ...
Wow, it's already Saturday morning again. I had a busy, busy week. I had a lot of doctor's appointments. They all went well. My boyfriend is still healing and doing fine, thank goodness. Matt (my son) is in Florida. He went for four or five days to pick up the rest of his belongings. He has decided to remain here, get an apartment, and perhaps even start college when he is a resident for one year. I am stuck taking care of his lizard that likes to eat crickets ~shiver~ . He put eight crickets in his cage before he left. They haven't stopped chirping since. LOL It sounds like summertime in my home. LOL
Now on to this week's "Weekly Sentence" game! I decided to do another theme- centered week. I hope this is to your liking!! Good luck and have lots of fun with the letters!! If you know anyone who likes wordplay fun send them this way! I introduce to you the six new letters...
* Each Saturday I will post a set of six letters. A sentence must
be made from these letters. The letters today are: SPRING.
An example of a sentence could be - Six petunias rose in
Nancy's garden. These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will
they decide the winning sentence? The submission that receives
the strongest reaction - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Wednesday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday
morning or afternoon.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Saturday Morning.
* If you have more than one submission, only your first will
be judged.
Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Easter verse, "WS" canceled, Easter jokes!...
After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.
The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you."
So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me."
- Matthew 28: 1-10
Happy Easter weekend everyone! I have decided to cancel this morning's installment of the "Weekly Sentence" so you can enjoy some holiday fun with your families. I will pick it up again next Saturday. I have a few Easter jokes for you this morning!! Wishing you and yours a blessed, joyful Easter!! Hugs!! xox
Tags: He is Risen!, Matthew 28, Happy Easter!, Easter jokes, jokes, Weekly Sentence with Val, Weekly Sentence, word games, word game, Have a blessed holiday weekend!
Friday, March 21, 2008
"Weekly Sentence" #7 Winners!, etc.
Happy Good Friday, everyone!! I am using a royal color because it is a holy day, I hope each of you is able to take time to reflect the reason why we celebrate this day. Easter is perhaps my favorite holiday. I am wishing each one of you a blessed and joyous Easter weekend. Spring is here, too!! Wow!! Now THAT is happy!!
Now on to the winners of this week's "Weekly Sentence"! This week's sentences were perhaps the most creative yet! Many of you were able to give an Irish-themed sentence to go along with the St. Patty's Day letters. I was so pleasantly surprised and very delighted!! The judges and I had so much fun reading them! I want to congratulate all of you for doing such a great job. I really wish I could give everyone an Award! I do!! Keep playing!!
Congratulations to:
Gina from The Change within Me:
Irishmen really embrace life's numerous distractions.
Grace from My Llama Wears Army Boots:
"Ireland rules!", Erin loudly, nonchalantly declared.
Here are your Awards, ladies. Right-click and save as j.peg. Again, congratulations!!

Sentences submitted this past week are listed below. I want to thank each and every one of you that participated!
Irishmen really enjoy lewd naked dreams. (justplainbill)
Irish ruffians epitomize lavish nonstop drinking. (ab45yui)
I realize everyone loves nurturing dreams. (sr2404)
Iridescent reptiles eggs leave no detritus. (mtrib2)
In reality even lovers need distance. (buggieboo1)
I really enjoy living near Disneyland. (lv2trnscrb)
I really enjoy laughing nonstop daily. (specialadyfink)
Irish rarely eat leprechauns before dawn. (jmoqueen)
Irish "Rick" encouraged life's new disciples. (pamal3)
Incredible rains enhance large, natural deserts!! (preciousone25)
I really enjoy looking nice daily. (fisherkristina)
I return each library novel diligently. (johneknox)
I rendered every line now drawn. (gryphondear)
I recommend everyone lands near 'dis. (jimandsheilar)
I really enjoy leprechauns as naked dancers! (nhd106)
Thanks for playing!!! I will be posting six new letters Saturday morning. If you want to be alerted by email when this game is posted, let me know in the comments section. Again, Happy Easter!! Stay safe! Hugs! xox
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
some funny quotes I like...
"Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?"
- Mark Twain
"His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork."
- Mae West
"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."
- Oscar Wilde
"He has Van Gogh's ear for music."
- Billy Wilder
"I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play. Bring a new friend... if you have one."
- George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill
"Cannotpossibly attend first night, will attend second... if there is one."
- Winston Churchill, in response
reminder... "Weekly Sentence" is due tomorrow at 4PM!!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
"Weekly Sentence" #7, special theme!...
My two favorite girls, Chelsea and Krissy, celebrated their birthdays this past week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Chels and Krissy!!! They are 22 and 29 (again). LOL I have had such a busy week that I wasn't able to post proper entries for their special days. Sorry, ladies. I LOVE YOU two!!!!! I wish you the best coming year ever!! Now on to this week's "Weekly Sentence". I thought I would give you a St. Patrick's Day theme for the special day coming up!! I hope you all have fun with the letters!! If you know anyone who enjoys word-play fun, let them let them know about this game. Thanks! Now for the six letters...
* Each Saturday I will post a set of six letters. A sentence must
be made from these letters. The letters today are: IRELND.
An example of a sentence could be - Irene ravenously eats little
noodle dumplings. These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will
they decide the winning sentence? The submission that receives
the strongest reaction - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Wednesday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday
morning or afternoon.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Saturday Morning.
* If you have more than one submission, only your first will
be judged.
Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:
Friday, March 14, 2008
Weekly Sentence #6 winner!...
Happy, happy Friday everyone!! I like Fridays =)!! Time to announce the winner of the "Weekly Sentence" game!! We had fewer players this week. Maybe you all were busy. Maybe you were busy reading the journals I suggested in my Guest Editor's entry. LOL Next week I will have special letters for St. Patrick's Day! At any rate, I wanted to CONGRATULATE this week's winner!! Here is Cathy's sentence:
Cathy from Dare to Think:
Smoking tobacco attracts nicotine-addled diseases.
Gosh, isn't that the truth! Cathy, I will be emailing you your Award. The "add image" icon in AOL journals is not working today. Again, congratulations!!!
Below is a list of the sentences submitted this week. I want to thank everyone who participated!! They were SUPER sentences, as always!
Six ton Annie never ate donuts. (buggieboo1)
Sloppy toddler ate Nana's apple dumplings. (ab45yui)
Sister Thelma ate Nancy's apple dumplings. (lv2trnscrb)
She took a nap and dreamt. (specialadyfink)
Starving tormented Africans need aid donations. (Pamal3)
Some teachers are not as dedicated. (swmpgrly)
Stand tall and never admit defeat. (fisherkristina)
Stop the antics, not appropriate, dear. (justplainbill)
Sally typed all night and day. (xxroxymamaxx)
Snapping turtles are not always dangerous. (hpycmpr155)
Sequoia's told about native architectural's design. (chaoticbeauty34)
Several times Anne nudged away distraction. (gryphondear)
Stupid terrorists anger nations and destroy. (kaydeejay5449)
Stop by Saturday morning for six new letters with a St. Patrick's Day theme! Have a lovely weekend, my friends =)! xox
Tags: The Weekly Sentence with Val, Weekly Sentence, word games, word game, blogplugs, congrats my Cateri!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Weekly Sentence #6 letters, I'm Guest Editor!...
Hi all! Before I get to the six letters today for the "Weekly Sentence" game I wanted to thank Vishy of Magic Smoke for selecting me to be Guest Editor this week! Thanks, Vish! You can find my picks in yesterday's posting in Magic Smoke. I hope you all take the time to visit these journals in the next few days! Now on to the "Weekly Sentence" game and six new letters!...

* Each Saturday I will post a set of six letters. A sentence must
be made from these letters. The letters today are: STANAD.
An example of a sentence could be - Six turtles are napping
at dusk. These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will
they decide the winning sentence? The submission that receives
the strongest reaction - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Wednesday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday
morning or afternoon.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Saturday Morning.
* If you have more than one submission, only your first will
be judged.
Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:

Friday, March 7, 2008
Weekly Sentence #5 winners and sentences...
Hi everyone! For those of you who were wondering, the little guy with the beautiful eyes in my previous post is my grandson Jonah. I think he looks a lot like my sister Krissy. It is interesting how they change from month to month when they are that young. Thanks for all of your sweet comments everyone =)!!
Today is the day to post winners of the Weekly Sentence!! I am really having fun with this game! I think I have told you all this before. LOL You guys are SO CREATIVE!! Thanks for playing, everyone! Now on to the winners. I wanted to congratulate these two fine ladies on these two GREAT sentences!!!...
Sharon from I'm a Survivor:
A Play Station took my son!
Connie from ANYWAY...:
Aspergers people sometimes think more sincere.
Here are your Awards, ladies. Right-click and save as j.peg. Again, congratulations!!!

As a note, Connie's sentence is about Aspergers. It is on the autism spectrum. Her statement is profound and true!! Please visit this site for more information on Aspergers.
Below is a list of the sentences submitted this week. I want to thank everyone who participated!! Again, wonderful sentences!!
A poet sang two merry sonnets. (ab45yui)
A portly soldier took my sandwich. (geocachelinda66)
Alphabetic poodles saucily taunted Matilda's snakes. (firestormkids04)
Adventurous passion seductively tickles my senses. (pamal3)
Apparently Plankton seemed to mislead Spongebob. (breakaway1968)
A pauper seldom takes money seriously. (fisherkristina)
Andy politely said to Mary sorry. (lv2trnscrb)
All people sing to music softly. (nightmaremom)
Athletic people should train more strenuously. (hpycmpr155)
A portly senior took my seat. (willandgrace1986)
As pieces scatter, the memory subsides... (inafrnz247)
Aliens Plutonium streaks through Mars Sun. (ladymagnolia1963)
A pathetic stalker tests my strength. (motoxmom72)
Ape-like prehistoric Simians took monkeys seriously? (donphisher)
Apple strudel shouldn't taste minging sis! (sr2404)
Another paycheck surely turns me solvent. (gryphondear)
A Pogo Stick takes much stamina. (jmoqueen)
Always promote sensitive truthful mature statements. (promiseluv372)
A person should try more sometimes. (jvbutterfly)
Aromatic pleasures speak to me silently. (gaboatman)
Mothers are the perfect scrupulous secretaries! (nanmm11)
Annual projections seem to miss shortfalls (Carl24)
Apple pie should taste most scrumptious. (helmswondermom)
At play say take my side. (gravydogg55)
All parents should try mentoring someday. (chaoticbeauty34)
Absolutely, positively, simplistically, totally monstrous sentence. (nhd106)
Alice probably shared too many secrets. (madcobug)
Apathy precedes serious traumatic mind stagnation. (gdireneoe)
Thanks again for playing, everyone!! I will be posting six new letters Saturday morning. Have a good weekend!! Hugs! xox
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
a couple of pictures and a reminder...
Just look at that face!!...
If you are planning to enter the "Weekly Sentence" game, submissions are due by 4PM today! Have a super afternoon! xox
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Weekly Sentence #5!...
Good Saturday, my friends =)!! It's March!! I don't know about you, but I am ready for Spring. We got dumped with snow in my neck of the woods yesterday and a few more inches are expected today! I hope you are warm and dry wherever you are. Time for the "Weekly Sentence"! I hope you all are enjoying this game! Are you? Now, on with the six new letters!...

* Each Saturday I will post a set of six letters. A sentence must
be made from these letters. The letters today are: APSTMS.
An example of a sentence could be - A pig sauntered toward
my store. These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
who will pick the best sentence submitted each week. How will
they decide the winning sentence? The submission that receives
the strongest reaction - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
* The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
screen name on it.
* Place submissions in comments section. If you do this game as an
entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due by
Wednesday, 4PM EST. The winner will be announced Friday
morning or afternoon.
* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
Season, every Saturday Morning.
* If you have more than one submission, only your first counts.
Have fun!!
Today's Letters: