Monday, February 7, 2005

Giving and Pictures of My Kitties!!...

Happy Monday everyone!  Krissy has a new Monday morning question today.  If you haven't ever participated in the Monday morning question, it is a lot of fun, so go give it a whirl!!  Tell others about it, too!!

Krissy asked today what volunteer work we have done in our lifetime.  I sat and thought about this for a long time.  I think I am a very giving person.  People certainly have given a lot to me, as well!!  Volunteer work should not always be thought of as working for or through an agency or company or group or cause, in my opinion (although I have).  I am someone who, when my friend is hungry and out of food, will share my last bit of food with if I am hungry as well, and then trust that I will find food somewhere later.  I notice when someone is down and smile at them.   I try and find the need in situations and fill it.  I pray for others.  I guess the list could go on and on... This is not to toot my own horn.  Oh no!!  I am writing this to let others realize that they, too, are doing so much good!  Since I had to go on disability about 12 years ago I had to find a "purpose" in my life, or atleast different activities that made me feel like I made a difference.  We all need to feel like we are important and making a difference in this world....that we are doing something to take away a little bit of the pain that is going around.  What do you guys think?

I wanted to share pictures of my lovely kitties today.  I haven't put a picture of Honey in here for quite awhile.  Here she is sitting in her favorite spot (shock!) getting some sunshine.


And here is Baby at his usual spot (the food bowl!).  He is getting bigger!  He basically stopped scratching me and eating me alive about a week ago.  Thank goodness!  He is about 3 1/2 months old now, I believe.  It is hard to know his exact age, because he wasabandoned.  He is a good kitty, except when he is destroying my home, which is a lot of the time, but that is okay, because I know he will grow out of it!  He is a bed kitty, too!  Yay!!  I just wish he would keep the litter in the litter pan!  Good day everyone!



  1. Cute

  2. oh, they are both so cute....

  3. Hey there....thanks for all the nice comments ;o) im glad you like! I am sure i will enjoy reading more of yours as well....
    Peace, Renee

  4. aaaawww!  They are really sweet looking babies!  I'm glad you posted these pictures.  Love, Penny

  5. That kittens eyes are sparkling with mischief. He looks really cuddly.
    Sylvia x

  6. Great kittens! Also, great charity work, makes you feel good, doesn't it. rich

  7. Great kittens! Also, great charity work, makes you feel good, doesn't it. rich

  8. I did answer the question at Kryssy's but I think you're right there is so much more than volunteering....There's prayer and just good old Christian charity and love, where we don't get any pats on the back, we just do what has to be done because we care. : )

  9. When you answer Krissy's question that way ... I think we all would find we have done more than we might think about.  I was thinking strictly of work done with organizations.  Very good answer Val.  BTW, cute kitties, I want to come hold them and pet them! :-)


  10. Love the kitty pictures Val and good for the volunteer work, but then that is the sort of person you are, always thinking of others. God bless you xxxx

  11. I think that it is wonderful when you pray for others or give them a smile and a hug when they are down, things like that can mean so much to others. Your kitties are so beautiful. God Bless


  13. Awww, the kitties look so cute :o)
    I read Krissy's question over in her journal, but wanted to think of my answer before commenting.  I think you're right, we all do so many little things along the way don't we.  Thanks Val!!
    Sara   x

  14. Love the kittys, we used to have cats when i lived at home with my parents, i miss having them, but hubby dosen't like them, at least we have a dog xx Julie xx

  15. I really love your definition of volunteer work Val.  
    Honey and Baby are adorable! -Love, Krissy

  16. I think that's wonderful!  love the kitty photos too :-)



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