Saturday, October 16, 2004

I'm Getting Better!

I went to another appointment in Baltimore yesterday.  Another 12 hour day.  I got very good news this time!!  My optic nerve swelling (pappiledema) looks the best it has ever looked since I have had this darned illness in three years!!  Yay!!  So, I get to get off of all of my diuretics and see how things go with just the shunt.  My shunt is DOING ITS JOB!!  I am very excited!!  This is the best news I have gotten since all of this started three years ago.  It has been a long, long journey.  I didn't get answers to all of my questions about why I have the shunt I have and why they had errors in my medical charts, but it seems like whatever they are doing, they are doing it correctly!  I saw the neuro-opthalmologist.  Unfortunately, the neurologist that I saw last time never called me back.  Or his office didn't anyway.  There was an addendum in my charts stating the correct type of shunt I have, but not explaining if there were any errors in the type of shunt inserted.  I waited two weeks for them to call me back.  No phone call.  So I decided to see if the neuro-opthalmologist would have any better answers.  He didn't.  I am happy, though that my symptoms are alot better.  I only get an occasional headache, not to the degree that I used to get them, and some fatigue.  I also have alot of memory problems and what I call a "stupid brain".  Don't know what I am going to do about that.  I guess that could come from any of my illnesses.  I live life one day at a time, though, and take it as I get it, trying to live in the moment. 

When we were driving home from Baltimore yesterday we saw the most magnificent and brilliant double rainbow.  It was the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen.  I was upset as I DID NOT BRING MY CAMERA!  I almost did, but I was running a couple of minutes late and thought, "I won't see anything today worth taking.  I don't have time to insert the batteries anyway."  I should not have that attitude in life!  I should remember to STOP!  SLOW DOWN!  INSERT THE BATTERIES!  and remember that life can give me a present at any time!!  Chelsea came on the trip with my Dad and me, so it was a treat to have her sweet disposition and laughter along with us.  She gave my Dad some entertainment along the way.  My Dad has made almost 30 trips to Baltimore and it must be running him ragged!

Chelsea got a call from her Dad and step-mom last night.  Her nanny is ailing and in the hospital.  She may not make it.  If you are of the praying kind, please say a prayer for her nanny (her step-mom's mom).  Chel's is close to her nanny.  She lived in the home with Chels for a number of years before she went into a nursing home and she is a member of their immediate family.  Please say a prayer for Chel's family also.  It is not an easy time for them.  They are living out of a hotel still. 

I am off to do housework and shopping that I have severely neglected.  Chelsea is going to help me.  Maybe that will make it easier.  Hope you see your rainbow today....


  1. I'm so glad you're feeling better! It's so fab! I hope you continue improving.

    Much love, Amy xxx

  2. So glad you have good news.  I know this brightened your day.  Your dad sounds like a wonderful person and I'm sure he's happy to take you to the appointments.  Have fun shopping.  Prayer said for Chelsea and her family and grandma.  I know you are glad to have her there with you for a while.
    Take care.

    I was excited to see the download program to resize pics in Krissy's journal.  That sure makes a difference.


  3. So pleased to hear the good news part of your entry and be the praying kind will keep all of you in my prayers

  4. Glad to hear your shunt is working so well Sissy!  I am so excited for you! -Krissy  

  5. Val that's fantastic news - Yay you!!!
    Stop!  Slow down!  Insert the batteries!  I love your humour.  We should all remember to do that more often ;o)
    Sara   x

  6. Prayers on the way.......
    As for you, I'm glad you're doing so well.

  7. Val, thank you for sharing the GREAT news with us. :-) I'm so happy to hear that for  you.

    As for the camera, I try to keep the camera with me at ALL times and of course the days I'm rushed is the day I MISS out.  But, the experience is often times more important than the picture.


  8. I just read your column today.  Saw your picture.  You are beautiful.  I am so happy you say the double rainbow.  I don't know what a double one meals, but I know that God put a rainbow in the sky following the great flood as a promise that he never again would flood the whole earth at one time.  As for hoping I see a rainbow today, it's a bit cloudy today, but every time I open an E-Mail or read a comment on my journal I see a rainbow.  I have a rainbow of friends who wish to share with me their experiences, their blessing, their dreams and their sadness.  I'm putting your site into my journal.  God Bless you and keep getting better.


    journal URL:

  9. So happy to hear you are improving! Hope things improve for Chel's other family members soon.

  10. I am so happy things are working properly and giving you some relief.  You are owed answers to why the shunt on your chart was different than the one they put in, if the shunt you have is safe for the same amount of time, etc.  I've worked in the field long enough to know the more questions you ask and get answered, the better off you'd be.  Be persistent, call, write, email until you get your answers..... you deserve them.   Doctors work for us, we don't get sick to keep them in business.  Get a little obnoxious if you have to, just get your questions answered.  

    Hope things keep improving!!


  11. Oh Val I am so relieved and filled with joy for you. I jump for joy ....*JUMP... JUMP!! ...#$%%CRASH BANG@%&&$# (oops there goes the dang plant stand). And to be blessed with a beautiful double rainbow on the way home! Great omen I think. Will put Chel's Nany on my prayer list. Yeah I did see my rainbow today .... your news that you are getting better. Oh YEAH!

  12. Val, I'm so happy you got good news from the doctor.  Thank God.  I'll keep Chelsea's nanny in my prayers, too.  Hope you have a good weekend.

  13. Yeah! Yeah!  I am glad someone got good news this week congradulations on being the first one this week i hear did good for u.  I sort of understand ur  Optic condition  I have one of my own. Rhetinitis Pigmantosa.. Hope I spelled that Right.
    I am a long time suffer of ur "" stupid Brain syndrome too."" welcome i wish it was a  good one. to the club.. I call it Ole Timers. lol.. Nothing like laughing at it and not letting it beat u.
    I love ur Journal it makes me remember i am not the only dingbat in the world lol
    thanks so much for uplifting an old mans day (today was awardinging for awful )
     u did a world of good for me.  Thanks
    In respect and friendship

  14. This is great news and so nice to hear.  You keep on improving, you are on the up and up now. xxxx

  15. GLORY BE TO GOD!!!  Amen Sister.  I'm thrilled for you!!! Really thrilled.  I remember what it's like to get even the smallest amount of good news... Thanks for sharing it with us!!

    Have a wonderful day!!!!!!!

    (I'll be praying for nannie)


  16. "STOP!  SLOW DOWN!  INSERT THE BATTERIES!  and remember that life can give me a present at any time!! "

    Amen! I couldn't have said it better myself. So glad that you have finally gotten some good news and results!
    God bless nanny. I will keep you all in my prayers and blessings.

  17. Hello Val.  Hope you are doing better today.  I wrote again to ask you to read my journal and pass the information on.  It is vitally important that the right person be elected to the Presidential seat in the November 2 election.  There is a prayer request at the beginning of my journal.  Won't you please, read and pass on to as many as you can.  We need all the pray-ers that we can get.  God will answer us!

    My pray for you is that you continue to improve daily.

    God Love You!


    URl:  Please add to your favorites box.


  18. Hello Val.  Hope you are doing better today.  I wrote again to ask you to read my journal and pass the information on.  It is vitally important that the right person be elected to the Presidential seat in the November 2 election.  There is a prayer request at the beginning of my journal.  Won't you please, read and pass on to as many as you can.  We need all the pray-ers that we can get.  God will answer us!

    My pray for you is that you continue to improve daily.

    God Love You!


    URl:  Please add to your favorites box.


  19. NICE NEWS,.................STORMIE

  20. Good news, Val.

    I too suffered a missed rainbow the other day. Sitting above the school where I work it was, bright as a painting. If only I'd taken my camera.

  21. SEe not only did you get good news but you got the double rainbow saying more is  on the way. I m so glad things are looking up. Lori

  22. Great news!  Wonderful to read things are getting better for you.


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