Monday, June 9, 2008

on salmonella and tomatoes...

There is a huge outbreak of salmonella poisoning concerning tomatoes all across this country.  I had salmonella poisoning from peanut butter a couple of years ago and I got sick, sick, sick!!  I would advise anyone who likes to eat tomatoes to go to this page:

FDA Warns Consumers Nationwide Not to Eat Certain Types of Raw Red Tomatoes - The Emergency Email & Wireless Network .........


  1. Valerie, in case you were wondering, alerts were down for a day or two.  Nobody got this alert. :(


  2. I heard about it a couple days ago. Me and my family had just ate some the day before they pulled them off the shelves. I think we're okay though. My older sister has salmonella poisoning. It's horrible, she lost 80 pounds and was sick as a dog. -Missy

  3. I wouldn't go near a tomato.  If I see a tomato coming I cross the street.   DB

  4. Isn't this just perefectly horrible!!!



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