"I have found that among other benefits, giving
liberates the soul of the giver."
-Maya Angelou
John was taken back to Hershey Friday night. He was running a fever. They found two infections in his blood. I talked to both Krissy and John this morning. One was a staph infection. I am not sure what the other one was. He is now on an antibiotic drip. The scary thing is that John's WBC was only 0.7 the last time it was measured and his ANC (measures his immune system) was undetectable. So John needs your prayers as does Krissy. Which comes to this mornings "Wordplay". I want to do a very special one and I hope I have a lot of takers. Please consider doing this one!!
Tammy, who has numerous journals, started one for John and Krissy when they are away at Hershey. It is The John and Krissy J-Land Gazette. I think it is so selfless of her, so giving to be keeping a journal going for another person. When Krissy and John are away they are too busy to read other's journals and they feel out of touch with everyone and it makes them sad. Hence, Tammy started this journal. Krissy has to turn off her alerts because time online for her is short so this is the ONLY journal they read. Journalers send letters, jokes, news, ditties of all kinds to them. For today's "Wordplay" I wanted everyone to send something in to The Gazette. It could just be a "hello and you are in our prayers" and "we miss you guys". It could be a joke. It could be a nice graphic you found, although Tammy asks that you limit your graphics to one per email. Did you write an entry in your journal that is special to you? Send that in! How about a poem you wrote that is special? Anything at all, just send!! Please send your submission to memes121@aol.com. If you have any further questions just ask me in the comments section below or email me. Let's let John and Krissy know that we support them and love them and are praying for them!! Please consider this special request!! Thanks everyone!!
On another note, Tammy opened up another journal that is quite haunting... for Halloween! It is amazing! She put a lot of work into it. There is an entry for every day of the month of October. It deserves a look see! If you are a fan of Halloween, you will be a fan of Halloween!
I hope everyone is having a good weekend! Take care and please do consider today's "Wordplay". Hugs, Val xox