Sunday, September 4, 2005

Check this out!...

I'm having a hard time posting still :-(  Here is my latest post.  Thanks for letting me use your journal space Krissy!!!


  1. Lovely Bio Poem.  I had never heard of a bio poem.  What a need idea.

  2. Liked the biopoem Val.   Someone will have to figure out how to get your computer running correctly.   Mine has been doing good since the full format and fresh installation.   Hope you have a very good Labor Day!   Hugs    mark

  3. I just had to get a computer place and havethem  get my stuff reload it crashed when I was I was using it..........Kasey

  4. Thanks for your prayers for my Mom.  We are waiting for her biopsy results.  Your link worked from your email.   Hope you are doing well.    Hugs    Mark


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