Monday, January 3, 2005

The Winner and Happy Birthdays!

Ugh.  It has been raining for three days and my fibro. is really acting up and I feel really stupid in the head.  I have one of those heads that feel really, really heavy.  The upside is that it is warmer than usual.  We saw 56 degrees on New Year's Day!!  Wow!!  Don't know if that ever happened.  So, my astute, soon-to-be-bride, sister Krissy  was the first to guess both "Up Close With Val" installments from two days ago.  Here is your blue ribbon, Krissy:

 She sent her guesses in via email so that others could guess.  That was nice, Krissy!  Thanks!  The first one was a Christmas tree branch.  I think everyone was able to make out that photograph correctly!  The second one was only guessed correctly by one person, Krissy!  It is a wrapped, hard peppermint candy!  Great guesses, Krissy...ahem...considering your guesses in previous contests (and what is a thingamabob exactly? LOL)

I wanted to wish Sonya (My Southern Home) a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! today and I also wanted to wish Sherry ( Girl To God) a wonderful and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! for tomorrow!!  If you aren't a reader of their journal's, go take a peak!  You won't be disappointed!!  Good day to all and be good to each other!


  1. Much warmer here than it should be Val.  No rain but strong winds forecast.  We have had some sun today. By the way I meant to ask, you linked to my journal, can you tell me how to do that - link to journals?  Hope your head feels better soon. God bless you xxxxxx

  2. Krissy guessed a 'thingamabob' before?!?! YES! Now I don't feel so bad, I'm in with the best of company.  Cuz there were a few times I wanted to say it was a thingamabob, it HAD to be a thingamabob!  LOL  Congrats to Krissy!

    Happy birthday to Sonya and Sherry!


  3. Very well done Krissy, I had no idea what that 2nd photo was!!!
    A thingamabob is one of the characters in the book I'm reading, well, she's called thing but one of her comrades calls her thingamabob ;o)  So now you know!!!
    Take care hon, hope you feel better again soon.
    Sara   x

  4. :::promising not to bring the cherry juice up:::

    Hope you feel close to normal soon, Val :)  

    Never would have gotten the hard candy picture... not in a hundred years...

    Happy birthday to you, girls...

  5. I thought the peppermint candy was the cat' saucer of milk which had been spilt. My eyesight is definitely getting worse.
    Love Sylvia

  6. Thank you Val. I could not guess the second picture to save my life, I must have looked at it for 30 minutes. I never would have gotten peppermint candy. Congratulations Krissy and Happy Birthday Sonya. I pray you get to feeling better Val. God bless You My Friend

  7. Hi Val.  I guessed the tree, but the second pic I was waaaay off!  Good pics this week thank you.  Penny

  8. Hope things turn around for you soon and your fibro settles down. If you need some help carrying your heavy head around feel free to ask for assistance... just imagine all your good buds walking around with you helping carry that heavy head around... what are friends for? ...(Cue the music) "It aint heavy.. it my friend's head." Whenever your load's too heavy to bear... just think of me and share the load. We're all the hands and feet, and backs of the Creator, meant to share the load.

    Sorry I missed this last "Up Close With Val" (sounds like a new reality show perhaps) contest. Dang. Congrats Krissy, she's got the eye.

  9. Oh, thank you for mentioning me in your journal.....
    I'm sure I always crack you up with my guesses.  I'm surprised I got the easy one right!!!!!

  10. happy birthday to Sonya and Sherry and well done to Krissy.......Jules xxxxx

  11. Hey Val,
    Sounds like the weather here in Upstate NY! My Fibro is taking me down I spent the day sleeping yesterday and today Im moving pretty slow, Lets have a great New Year.

  12. Wow!  I have not been a first place winner of anything in who knows how long!  Thank you for this fun contest Val! Love, your TBADT Krissy


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