Saturday, January 29, 2005

My Name in Pictures!

Happy Saturday everyone!  This week's Scavenger Hunt, brought to you by Krissy at Sometimes I Think, was a pretty fun one for me!  We were instructed to choose an object that started with the letter of each letter in our first name.  I guess I took the easy way out and spelled "Val" instead of "Valerie".  Don't get me wrong, I could have done Valerie, but I guess I didn't want everyone to have to download seven pictures.  I hope you enjoy the pictures!!  The first picture I chose actually didn't start with "V".  Here I go, breaking the rules, but you will see, it may as well have started with a "V".  I call it my "V Tree".  I see this tree every time I walk out of my door.  It is across the street.  It shouts my name out at me and other various "V words" -- victory, violet, violin, Val, Val, Val, etc...  It actually tells me I am alive!  It is a grand tree and it is my tree because alot of "V" words are special to me!  So, here is my name in pictures:


                    Aflac Duck



It has been so cold here.  It has been near zero degrees.  Perhaps it has dipped below zero overnight and I haven't even paid attention.  I am getting tired of winter!  The cold is seeping into my muscles and bones.  Where is the Spring?  I need Spring to come quickly!  Ah, only three more days until February and after February comes March!  I love March.  I guess I can hang on until then.  I think I can.  I think I can.  I think I can.

Take care all in J-Land and stay warm!


  1. Fun pics!!!  Love that V tree.  I'm going to have to spot me an S tree!!!

  2. Great pictures, hon!  I wish my letters were as easy!  Penny

  3. I Love the 'V' tree :o)
    Great pics Val, but what is an aflac duck?  Is this something I need to know about?  Whatever he is, he looks very happy sitting there doesn't he - presume it's a he...hard to tell with ducks!
    Sara   x

  4. Love it Val..... Great imagination too..... love the V branches.....
    I've got to start doing the Scavenger Hunt.  Love bunches Lu

  5. Great pics, but like Sara, never heard of an aflac duck. Buckinghamshire is famous for it's Aylesbury ducks - pure white ones, but reckon those aflac ducks are crossbred. Keep smiling.
    Sylvia x

  6. Neat! I love the tree!

  7. Great choice of pics!  Stay warm (((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))

  8. Great job!  love the Aflac duck!!

  9. Very cute and fun journal entery. Where are you at that it is so cold? It is like 70 here and sunny we just gor over another raniney day yesterday. I am in california. God bless Kelley  

  10. That is my winter mantra, "March, March, March"Nice pics, VAL. rich

  11. Nice pics Val.Loving your journal.Yes,roll on the spring time.

  12. I have to be honest, I LOVE the V tree the best.  I love all the meanings you find in the tree. Victory being one of the best along with Val, Val, Val! :-)


  13. I don't mind winter but I do mind the horrible cold I have. :(

    Pics are nice. I like the tree in the V shape most. : )

  14. the pictures are really good, I love them..........Jules xxxxxx

  15. I love the idea of the tree !  Sandra x

  16. This is too cute Val.  Thanks for the hunt down! Barbara


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