If you notice, alot of times I put quotes at the top of my entries that go with "Wordplay" or with other entries I write. "Wordplay" is about photography today and how we view it, hence the quote. Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words, or even more. I wanted to give you four pictures and see if they evoke any feelings or emotions. What words come up when you view these pictures? Can you list several words that come to mind? Does any memory come up or any thought or feeling or any story from your past? Write a short poem about one of the pictures if you would like. Please place your answers in the comments section. If you want to do this as an entry in your journal please come back and put your entry URL so that we can go view your answer in your journal. You may "Save As" to your computer any of these pictures and put these pictures in your journal entry. Snow's first fall flits down How about you? Would you like to pick a picture and give it a try?
'To the complaint 'There are no people in these photographs,' I respond, 'There are always two people: The photographer and the viewer."
-Ansel Adams
Happy Sunday journal folk! How is everyone today? I have changed my "All About Me" section around some and I encourage you to visit it and click anything that is clickable. You may notice that I added an icon that says "The Healing Garden" to this section. The Healing Garden
On a lighter note, I wanted to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my soul-sister, Cathy, who is such a wonderful friend to me. She had her birthday a few days ago. Cathy, you are a dear to me and I wanted the world to know that I love you !! Cathy has a wonderful and peaceful and smart blog over at journalspace if you want to click on her name and go see it!!
Now on to "Wordplay"!...
My answer: I chose the winter picture because I like the "feel" of it. The words that come to mind when I see it are: pure, cold, serene, calm, clean, peaceful. I would actually love to be standing in this spot. I know it's very cold, but it is also a very calming and soothing picture to me. Blue and white are meditative colors and water is also very meditative. I wrote a haiku for this picture:
As the lake gulps up its flakes
Trees are sole keeper
Have a good day everyone and thanks for playing! xox
Jeanie Kirkby
Jeanie Kirkby has told us that after 19 years, her breast cancer has
returned, and it has spread into other areas of her body. Although on
treatment inde...
1 week ago
Great entry Val! Remember, you don't have to be ill or disabled to join the Healing Garden. We welcome all who may just need a friend. It's a great way to find an email pen pal! Tammy
ReplyDeleteThe last picture...."there is a light at the end of the tunnel." Linda in WA
ReplyDeleteJust a side note, Ansel Adams took many beautiful pictures in the Idaho, Washington & Oregon areas. I love his pictures. Linda in WA
ReplyDeleteHope your having a great Sunday.
I'm picking the railroad track because I always like photos that have paths to places unknown. Here's a quick one. Not much of a poet. : )
ReplyDeleteOn the road of life we travel, and hope for better days.
We plan what we will do, when we get to a better place.
The road of life has bumps and jolting stops which are thankfully few,
and we have some joyfull sights and sounds and maybe love too.
But what's at the journey's end? Many of us think we know.
I hope it's a heavenly light and no where else to go.
Loved yours.
Great idea here.
ReplyDeleteI'm going with the photo of the colorful mountains. It brings up feelings of fantasy vs. reality. That which may seem to be too good to be true...may not be that at all. It may be just as good, just as beautiful as it seems. Trust the good feelings that come our way. After all, even if they are not "real", it does our soul some good to have the positive beliefs no matter what.
I like the flowers on the hills, because it reminds me that this could be what's on the "other side" when I'm climbing the mountain (going through trials).
Val, I was going to pick the same picture as yours, and write almost the exact same thing, Sissy, LOL. So I think I will pick the last one. Let me see. The words that come to mind are: journey, trip, trial, perserverence, on the way, some day we'll get there, excitement, where are we going?, when will this end?, excitement, apprehension, tiring, get me off, this is fun, this is tiring. Gee, why would I be picking these words, LOLOLOL?! I actually like this pic. Where did you find it? Sorry I am too tired to write a poem, Love.
1. "I could've told you Vincent--this world was never made for one as beautiful as you." (from a song whose title I don't recall.)
ReplyDelete2. Skating down the river on thin ice and watching my breath.
3. I want to roll down the hills in those wild flowers...
4. The man in the moon lives at the end of the tracks.
Hope you are having a good Sunday sis2~Love, Sass
I'd like to talk about 2 pictures:
ReplyDeleteFirst the Van Gogh. It reminds me of a song that Josh Groban re-made: Starry Starry Night. (I hope I have the right picture LOL!) When I first heard the song, I thought it was an allegory for Jesus. Then I realized it was about "Vincent" Van Gogh. I also love night time. There's something serene, and quiet. This picture seems like what I feel like when I go to the adoration chapel on Thursday nights.
The second picture is the one with the train-tracks. It reminds me of a quiet night-time book that my mom read to me countless times when I was little. I can't recall what the name of the book was, it's been so long since I thought about it. The book told a story of a train going by a crossing through woods at night. It's a great childhood memory.
I pick Starry Night. It makes me think he saw the world in a different way then most people do. I get a feeling that he is maybe a little confused or something. It looks more like an hallucination of a starry night than an actual starry night. Maybe he had a mental illness. Words that come to my mind are: confusion, abstraction, vivid imagination, unrest.
ReplyDeletejohn your bil
Starry night, Brings up hate. How much i hated art class and the fact that we actually had to learn about that psycho cutting of his ears and etc and the fact i was terrible at art.
ReplyDeleteVal, I chose the picture of the train track that leads toward the moon. I can't seem to be able to come up with a poem for it, but this pic has a poetic quality all of its own. It represents to me the Winding Road of a person's life that leads to his utimate Destiny.
I am not sure which pic I like most because I think about something different with all of them....I think I like the one with the white trees and the house in the background...I don't think I could live there but the pic is so peaceful/
I like your haiku, Val, "saw" it happening as I read it. As for the pix, I've seen the third one years ago and couldn't believe such a valley could exist. But by far, VAN GOGH does it for me almost every time, especially this one. Swirls of emotion, frutrated that he can't put his feelings into actions. But we're all the richer for it. Cathy
Life's long straight tract
ReplyDeletethe end narrows down
Light beckons you home.
There is something wonderful about every picture, but the one with the railroad tracks jumps out at me. Why? It takes me back to the most awesome - yet - horrible time of my life. I met the love of my life in a small railroad town. It was the railroad that brought us together - the railroad that took him away..forever!
ReplyDeleteBarb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/HEYLETSTALK
I chose starry night and decided to write an acrostic poem
ReplyDeletestars gleaming brightly in the sky
treasures and secrets about in them
all the mysteries of the world
revolve in those little stars
remembering van gogh painted them by candlelight
yes--stars are magical beings
Night is not my favorite time
I am afraid of the dark
going around and around
happily those stars
twinkle in the night.
ok-there's my entry--even if it's a bit sad--not up to my usual standard of poetry.
Oops, forgot to add a little poem about the picture, mine's Van Gogh. Let's see:
ReplyDeleteThe madness in his sky of light
when off he goes to capture night -
but I see something far more sane,
the painter's genius in his pain.
Thanks Val. Cathy
DID you do these pictures yourself? I just found your journal from Krissy's. I think they're beautiful. They feel all surreal even the railroad tracks. Trials can be hard and tough but at least there are railroad tracks leading somewhere.