Tuesday, February 21, 2006

"Up Close" hints...

  No one can guess the picture I posted for "Up Close".  It is always hard for me to tell the difficulty level of the picture because I have seen the original.  After I play with it, it always seems easy enough to me.  I try to do an entry that I think someone will get.  I'm sorry guys.  I am going to make it quite a bit smaller and am  adding a tiny bit more to the picture to see if someone can guess it.  I will give you a clue, too.  It IS an animal.  No, it isn't a cat, frog, lizard, whale, squirrel, dolphin, or a reptile.  LOL  I do see how someone could have guessed a frog, though, but the other guesses are quite funny! LOL  Go ahead, give it another guess!

I had to delete over 200 alerts.  I have been sick and have had a couple of emergencies over the past week.  I am going to do journal visiting this week, I promise!  So if I haven't stopped by your journal, please forgive me.  I have some time set aside this week to do so.  I hope I haven't missed anything important :-o !!  Have a good day, everyone, and have fun! xox


  1. ok so is it a snake or hamester lol have a good week God bless kelley

  2. I am going to take a wild guess and say that it's a duck!

  3. Still think it is a Horse.....lol....Ally

  4. Fish in an aquarium?  Jelly fish?  Banana fish?  Tell us!!! Barbara

  5. Hi Val, is it something to do with the kitchen sink?  :o))

    Sandra xxxxx

  6. I`m sorry to hear that you`ve not been well Val, I hope you feel better now. :o)

    Sandra xxxx

  7. A duck?  A pigeon?  hmmm

    be well,

  8. Is it a fish in a tank? (If not.......I'm so ashamed. LOL).

  9. It's a rabbit! Hope you are feeling much better.




  10. Is it your table with a cup of coffee on it?  Honestly, Val, I'm stumped!  Get better soon.  Love, Penny http://journals.aol.com/firestormkids04/FromHeretoThere

  11. Could it be a whale that has come up to the water's surface to brethe? What I thought was the eye of a frog, now looks like the breathing hole at the topside of a whale.


  12. Looks like a rabbit, to me...and someone already guessed it. lol. Hope your feeling better.        ~Deborah

  13. A fish perhaps.   Hope you get to feeling better.   mark


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