Good day everyone! I have been having a hard few days with exhaustion and sleepiness. I just want to get under my covers and disappear for a couple of days. I have had a couple of weeks of busy-ness physically and in my brain and now I just want to escape for awhile.

My brain doesn't even feel like giving me information to type this entry, but I am going to try and then I am going to get under the covers with my cat. I do hope she joins me. She was not a bed cat or a lap cat for four years and now all of the sudden she has been joining me almost nightly in my bed!! This started about a month ago. Why would a cat do this all of the sudden? After four years? I have been ecstatic about it as I enjoy her warm fur and her lovely face and her company. She is not a bed hog and she does not like to plop all over me. She has her little corner right up near my face. It is truly lovely. She said, "Hiiii!" this morning. You all probably think I am crazy. She is very vocal. I was walking around this morning telling her, "Hii, hiii, hiii, hii!". Then in her meow voice she said, "Hiii!" She tries to copy the tone of my voice. Silly cat.
My neurologist called me on Saturday, believe it or not. He said that, yes, they inserted a non-programmable shunt when they had intended to insert a programmable one. They admitted to their mistake! Finally! I was even amazed that they had admitted to it. There is a bit of good news to this, though. To get switched over to a programmable shunt is much easier than I had thought. I am not going to get it switched unless I really have to, though. Switching involves local anesthesia, not general, and can be done in the office, and they don't have to take out the shunt. So I am not upset like I was.
I volunteered yesterday at a place called The Faith Centre. It has a thrift store, a food bank, a coffee shop (fee donuts and coffee), a bible study, and you can check out books for free. I was there for about an hour and a half. I was tagging clothes. It was a very nice to be a part of something that is larger than myself. I am definitely going back. The only problem with it is that it really bothers my pain. But then so does everything else I do, so I am going to definitely go back. There are about six volunteers there at any given time. I had not realized how much work goes into places like these. Being on disability, sometimes it is hard for me to feel like I have a "purpose" in life. I am sure those of you who are also an disability know what I mean. It is something that I am constantly struggling with. What's neat about The Faith Centre is that I can work whenever I want, with whomever I want, or not at all on certain weeks. Sounds lovely to me.
I have a riddle for you guys. Put your answer in the comments section and I will tell you if you are correct. Sorry, Krissy, you can not anwer this as I am pretty sure you have heard this: An archaeologist finds the frozen remains of Adam and Eve. Their bodies are whole in ice. How does he know he has found Adam and Eve?
I am off for lunch and a nap...Take care and go VOTE if you haven't!