Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Photo Hunt #110 participants...

Photo Scavenger Hunt #110

"something you want your spouse or child(ren) to get rid of"

This week was a fun Hunt!  There are only a few entries, so it will be easy to view them all.  Click on the links below and see what fellow journalers want to get rid of!!:

My Photo Journey

     All Things Are Possible

     My Hug's Journal

Thanks to those who participated!!  I will be back shortly with this week's Hunt subject.  If anyone has a request or suggestion for future Hunt subjects please put it in the comments section.  Thanks!


  1. darn, i forgot all about this. things have been so hectic lately, I think I'd forget my head if it were'nt attached to my shoulders. And I really wanted to share the pic too. Oh well, I will try for the next one.

  2. HI Val~Hope you are feeling well thse days! I thought of horses--real, stuffed, painted, sculpted...and also fish...real, art like stained glass, aquariums, fisherman's catch...also boats of all kinds. Blessings, Deb ;-)))


    PS. Hope John's fever is down.

  3. Hope your feeling good!  Hope your have a good rest of your week.

  4. Sorry I didn't get to do this one Val.  I had the whole thing planned out and everything.  but as you know I was at the hospital with John for a week.  I hope i can participate next week.

    Krissy  http://journals.aol.com/fisherkristina/SometimesIThink


Please leave your thoughts - fun, intelligent, silly, joyful, spacy - it matters not =)