Monday, February 5, 2007

Some news!, Journal Tournament IV...

Jeepers, it's so cold here that they closed schools.  The wind chill has been hitting as low as 50 below during the night.  Brrrrrrr.... It is only 7 degrees right now.

Chelsea called me an hour ago with some news.  I haven't told anyone yet except my boyfriend.  She is having another baby.  She found out yesterday.  She told me I could tell everyone.  She has always wanted two or three children.  I had two children close together.  The only concern I have for her is financial.  Don't we all have financial concerns?  It is so hard for young ones to make it these days.  She is a very good mother - an excellent one.  She has much more confidence than I ever did at her age.  Desi is a great father, too.  I just pray that they can hold themselves together as a couple through the years.  It isn't easy to be a single mom with two kids.  I was one so I know.  I talked to her about this.  Well, she knows.  She remembers some.  CONGRATULATIONS, Chels and Desi... are you going to give me that little girl with curls?  LOL  See you guys in a week!!!

I want to send all of you to Kellen's Journal Tournament Page
.  He is taking submissions for players for the next Tournament.  The game is a blast and you always learn new facts that are very interesting!!  You meet new journalers, too, at The Journaler's Ball!  So run, go, hurry and sign up!!  You can win a logo for your journal!!

I found a site
this morning that has all the commercials of yesterday's Superbowl.  I don't watch the Super Bowl game because I don't really enjoy football, but I sometimes do put it on and just watch the commercials.  Now, with the internet, we can have all the commercials at one spot without having to watch the game!  Neat!  Go check them out!

Stay warm everyone and God bless! xox


  1. congratulations to you guys!  i am so happy for them another baby!  great news.  thanks for sharing

  2. Big congrats!!!   : )


  3. Congrats to Chelsea on the new baby and thanks for the link to the superbowl commercials.  I was traveling and missed them.  That's my favorite part.  :)     Tracy

  4. Many congratulations! :o)

    Sandra xxxx

  5. Another warm little baby to love.  My mom always said if you waited until you could afford them you would never have them.  Mine are 13 months apart.  
     I am signed up for the Tourmanent.  That young man comes up with some tough questions.  What fun.  I hadn't heard about the Ball though.


  6. (((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))COngrats on another grandbaby.Babies are widnerful.I am aunt I know.We have 16 all family.I know they will make it,they got a family who loves them.Have a nice night.

  7. congrads on the soon arrival of another grandbaby, they are sooo precious.

  8. Val, I am so happy for your good news about Chelsea, Desi and the new baby.  I think it's really nice to have kids close together, though I was unable to do so.  The financial concern is a definite real one. Everything is so high priced now-a-days.  I bet you are really anxious to have them move by you now!  Congratualtions to ALL of you!!
    Schools, and some businesses were also cold here because it is like -25 this morning here.  BRRRRR is right.
    Hugs to you, my friend, Merry

  9. Exciting news, Val. I'm happy for you. ;-))) I'm going to check out the tournament; sounds fun. Thanks for passing on the info! Have a great day~Deb '-)

  10. Congratulations to Chelsea and her husband, Val ... and to you, too!  Very exciting news !  I'm sure you can't wait to have them all close by soon : )  You're all in my prayers.  I'll write again soon ... Love,  Cathy

  11. Congrats on the new grand baby to be!!!
    and thanks for the super bowl commercial link...
    Linda :)

  12. Oh sis this makes me very happy for your whole family!  Another new life making its way into your world slow but sure and steady.  You deserve everything good life has ready to offer you, I pray you're always this excited, looking forward to another day.  It's pretty cold here, too, which is how it should be, but it's not snowing - worrisome.  Global warming.  I'll check out that Tournament thing, just wanted to drop by and see how you were. xoxo CATHY


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