Happy New Year, all my good journal friends!! I had a good holiday week. Except I was awful sick. My insurance company (the state of Pennsylvania) decided it didn't want to pay for my control-released narcotic for pain so I went through alot of withdrawal and pain for nine days. I got pretty darn sick. I didn't mind the pain so much, but the withdrawal sucked. They didn't make up their mind what they wanted to do until after the holiday weekend and then they decided to put me on a different medicine than I had been taking for over five years. So I am taking a new medicine on a lower dose and still don't have good pain control. I don't have withdrawal anymore, though, thank goodness. I have been left with ALOT of anger, though. I don't know why "suits" get to make these decisions and not doctors?!! I have started my new insurance company under the new Medicare system January 1 and hope that I won't have too many problems. Ack, wish me luck!
I wanted to wish my precious brother-in-law, John, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday my dear John John...
Happy Birthday to you!!!
It looks like John's bone marrow transplant will be in about ten days or so. They are finalizing everything this week. Thanks so much for keeping him in your prayers!
I wanted to start a new "game". I have a love for words. We probably all do as we are all writers of sorts. Words are beautiful to me. I think I got this love from my Mom and Dad. They always had/have a dictionary sitting around and we are always discussing them. Words are just wonderful, magical... Well, you get the picture. Anyway, I am winging this. I wanted to start some "wordplay" games. Some will be very easy, some hard. Some you will be able to answer and discuss right away, some will need some thinking, and there will be a winner, but like I said, I am winging this. I will be posting a game once a week. I hope we can have some fun!! For the first installment I wanted to discuss something I have always found very curious, so here it is...

I have looked at your screen names for months or longer now. Why did you choose it? How did you come up with it? Does it mean something special to you?
My answer - My screen name, valphish, is simply a play on my name Valerie Fisher. I was kind of sad I chose it after all the phishing scams came about.
How about your screen name?
One last thing... Kellen did a wonderful recap of 2005 and it deserves a look-see. Pop over if you can. Great job, Kellen! Have a great rest of the week, all! xox