For those of you who don't know, John, my brother-in-law was just diagnosed with his third cancer. He needs a second bone marrow transplant. I found this journal entry so inspiring and incredible... An Interview With John
By the way, John really IS like this. He is the gentlest, most humble, and most inspirational man I know!
Jeanie Kirkby
Jeanie Kirkby has told us that after 19 years, her breast cancer has
returned, and it has spread into other areas of her body. Although on
treatment inde...
1 week ago
Thank you for posting John's picture. It's nice to have a face to put with the name when I'm lighting the candles...
ReplyDeleteKrissy :)
This was a great way to get John's perspective on things. Thanks, Val, for sharing! Please send my best to Krissy and John. Congrats on the new soon-to-be addition as well!! Much love, Jen (your long lost HS buddy) :-)
ReplyDeleteI read it. He's amazing. What an inspiraton.
ReplyDeleteHi Val~I read it and told him thanks for being so stuuborn and courageous! You and John2 have a great night trying to stay warm like here...xox Deb ;-)
ReplyDelete <<<go see a few of Dutchs' paintings here. was a wonderful entry. i'm praying for all of you in this trying and difficult time.
((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))I liked Krissy and Johns entry,very touching.Have a nice night and I am praying for all of you.
ReplyDeleteJohn is my inspiration!!
ReplyDeleteLinda :)
Hi Sis, I loved the way they set it up, like an informal interview - it was original and really sweet, and as I told Krissy, made me laugh at her asking if she could "do this again in the future" lol humor in the face of such illness, that's resourceful - and brave. xoxo CATHY
ReplyDeleteI just read that a few minutes ago. John is amazing...course Krissy is too. She continues to amaze me with the way that she is devoted to John. I can't even imagine walking in her shoes. Love ya, Shelly
ReplyDeletehello friend thanks for sharing this I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers still God bless kelley