Dear God, so far today, I've done all right. I haven't gossiped, and I haven't lost my temper.
I haven't been grumpy, nasty or selfish, and I'm really glad of that!
But in a few minutes, God, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on, I'm probably going to need a lot of help.
Thank you! Amen.
Do you ever feel like this when you get up? It sure was hard for me to get up today! I tried to stay up all night last night. It felt so, so strange without Chelsea here. I finally heard from here around 2:30am. They cancelled her flight yesterday and she and her friends (she went home with two friends) had to spend hours scrambling for a flight. To top it off, their luggage was mis-placed! I hope it is returned today! Yes, it IS mighty quiet here today! I miss you, Chels!! It really hasn't sunk in that she is gone. I imagine it will in a few days. I have a couple of interesting photos to show you. I want to warn you that they have rats in them. We had two rats here this week. Not in the house, but in a cage. Chelsea was watching them for a friend who is on vacation. Now they are on my charge. I DON'T like rats, but I won't neglect them. The pics I have for you are of my kitties playing with the rats. One of the rats look astonishingly like my Baby. Now, I didn't like that! I was picturing Baby all week as a 12 pound rat!!! LOL So, here are the pics...

See, THEY DO look alike!! The rat is to the left...See!
Look how BIG Honey's eyes are! LOL She looks transfixed! LOL Baby is playing with the one that looks like him. His name is Tito. Mona, the other rat was not very social. It was very interesting to see how the cats reacted to them. Baby rolled on the floor and purred and purred and meowed. Honey just stared! LOL That is the last you will see of the rats. I promise. Are you all still here? No one has fainted, right? Sorry if that bothered anyone. Rats aren't, like I said, my favorite either. I hope everyone is having a good weekend! It has been so, so hot in my neck of the woods. No one is really venturing out very much. It has peaked near 100 degrees. And it is so muggy! It is 93 degrees right now. Yuck.
I wanted to share with you all a couple of journals and journalers that I have recently met and think are very special.
Kellen is in high-school and is so inspirational. He shares his Roman Catholic faith so eloquently in his journal at this address:
Faith In Roman Catholicism
He is a MUST read for any Catholic and is inspirational for anyone and has wisdom beyond his years!!
Mark lives with chronic pain and is a tremendous artist. He is super-intelligent and is very kind. He is inspirational for those of us who are living with day-to-day struggles. His address is here:
Mark's Daily Journal Mark also has a separate journal he keeps just for his artwork and photography. It is incredible!! Go see!:
Landscape Artwork Pay them both a visit if you can, it will bless you, I promise!!
Hey, did you feed the hungry today?
Ooops, sorry about all the links...I haven't written in awhile. I wanted to save up all my time for Chelsea. I have about ten journal entries stored up in my head!! I hope to get them down soon! Have a wonderful Sunday, all!! Sending out love and joy! xox