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Happy Monday! What's going on with you today? I have been hanging low in
this cold, snowy weather. Yes, I am already ready for Spring. Are you?
It's time for six new letters for "Weekly Sentence with Val #39. Before I give you
the six letters, I would like to once more congratulate DB of Vagabond Journeys.
Congrats again, DB!
This week's letters will follow the rules below. You may submit your sentence
in the comments section or email to In your email,
please include your name or nickname and your blog address if you
have one.
Please remember that the new submission day is Friday 4PM EDT.
It has been permanently change to this day. Thanks for stopping by
and have fun with the letters!

Each Sunday I post a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today
are: TMASRN . An example of a sentence could be -
The military airplane sailed, righteously noble.
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
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There is a three - five persons judge panel (of fellow
bloggers) that chooses the best sentence (or two)
submitted each week. How do they choose winning
sentence(s)? The sentences that receive the strongest
reactions - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
Was it creative? Witty? These are winning submissions.
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The winner(s) receive(s) a logo for his/her blog
sidebar with his/her name on it.
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Place submissions in comments section with your
name or nickname and blog URL (if you have one) or
email to If you play this game in
your blog, please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions
are due by Friday, 4PM EDT. The winner is announced
Saturday morning or early afternoon.
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A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is
a Season, every Sunday morning or early afternoon.
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If you submit more than one sentence,
only your first sentence will be judged.
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This Week's Letters:
Have a good rest of the day and take care! Val =)
Happy day, everyone! I have been sluggish with the snow that has been falling and the cold
winter air. I just want to be in my bed. How about you? I think I am ready for Spring already.
Oh my. I think we have a little bit of time yet to go. I guess I have been stuck in bed too much
with the flu so I am ready to go outside and see some sunshine. It's not going to happen. LOL.
It's time to announce the winner of "Weekly Sentence with Val" #38!...
This week's letters are EGOTAC. The judges and I would like to CONGRATULATE:
DB of Vagabond Journeys:
Even geniuses often take a cab.
Please stop by DB's blog and congratulate him and say hello!
Your award for your sidebar is below, DB. Right click on your award
and make sure you save as .jpg. If you have any questions
just pop me an email.

I would also like to thank all who submitted this week!!
Submissions are below:
Eternal God obviously tackles all concerns. (Betty)
Even getting online took a century. (Krissy)
Every great ocean tosses a canoe. (Linda)
Every Grandparent ought to attract children. (Lynne)
Ethel gyrated on tables after cognac. (Pam)
Everyone goes overboard totally at Christmas. (Jeannette)
Exceptional girls often take appropriate classes. (Merry)
Again, I am asking if you know anyone who used to play or who likes word games,
steer them this way. I have lost contact with some old players and cannot
find them. Thanks!!
I will be back later today or tomorrow morning with six new letters!
Take care! Val =)
Good morning, my dear readers! Thanks for your comments on my precious grandsons.
They are growing up so fast. I talk to them on the phone a couple times a week.
Jonah squeals and giggles, and says a word or two, but doesn't reallly understand me.
He knows my voice, though. Josiah and I can now have conversations. I love it!!
I can hear the excitement in his voice! I hold on to Josiah's messages on the answering
machine just so I can hear his little voice. "Gammmmeeee, pick up the pone!" LOL It warms
and aches my heart. I guess that's part of being a grandma. I'm feeling quite a bit better
from my cold. I just have a little bit still in my chest. A few more days and I will be as
good as new.
I have six new letters for "Weekly Sentence with Val". Thanks for being patient with me
while I went on a break. If you would like to be on an email alert for the Sentence
Game postings, please let me know in the comments section or by email. I put the
letters in the email. You can send me your submission back by email, too, so it might
be easier for you.
Now on to the letters! They will follow the rules posted below. If you have never read
the rules, or haven't in a long time, please do. Also, please note that the submission
date has changed from Thursday to Friday 4PM. This week I am making the submission
date Saturday, 9AM as I am posting so late. Thank you for understanding.

Each Sunday I post a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today
are: EGOTAC . An example of a sentence could be -
Eunice gave oysters to a cat.
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.

There is a three - five persons judge panel (of fellow
bloggers) that chooses the best sentence (or two)
submitted each week. How do they choose winning
sentence(s)? The sentences that receive the strongest
reactions - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
Was it creative? Witty? These are winning submissions.

The winner(s) receive(s) a logo for his/her blog
sidebar with his/her name on it.

Place submissions in comments section with your
name or nickname and blog URL or email to If you play this game in your blog,
please come back and leave your ENTIRE entry URL
so your entry can be judged. Submissions are due
by Friday, 4PM EDT. The winner is announced
Saturday morning or early afternoon.

A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is
a Season, every Sunday morning or early afternoon.

If you submit more than one sentence,
only your first sentence will be judged.

This Week's Letters:
I will talk to you all soon and take care! Val =)
I really needed the small break I took from posting here. I caught a stomach bug right before Christmas and then a head cold right after, that I am still fighting. So I have been sick for a few weeks. When I get sick, it tends to linger. I had a nice Christmas and New Year's Eve. They were quiet and calm. I like quiet and calm.
I saw my new neurosurgeon a couple of weeks ago. He said it looks like I need another Chiari decompression surgery (translation... brain surgery). He said there is no rush. I need to have two more MRIs and have to visit the ophthalmologist before I return to have another talk with him. I really like this neurosurgeon. He did my mom's neck/spine surgery when she had a fracture a few month's back. The surgery went beautifully. Mom's doing well! He also does Chiari surgery. I will explain what Chiari Malformation is again really soon. I know I have some readers who are scratching their heads. I see my neurosurgeon again on Feb. 17. I don't think the surgery will be until Spring or even Summer. I will certainly keep you all updated.
I will be posting six new letters for the "Weekly Sentence Game with Val" tomorrow morning! If anyone wants to be on an email alert list for this game (I put the letters in the email), just let me know in the comments section.
Lastly, I have some new pictures of my grandbabies. These were taken over the holidays. Josiah turned two in August. He is walking and talking and is potty trained. Jonah turned one in September. He is walking and saying a few words here and there. I haven't seen them in six months. Oh how I miss them. Grammy loves you, my boys!!!