Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Father's Day Scavenger Hunt #112 subject...


Photo Scavenger Hunt #112 will be due on Monday, June 18, at 11:00 PM EST.

Our subject this week will be:
  "my dad, fathers, Father's Day

Please note
I have given you an extra day for this Hunt so you can relax on Father's Day.  Your submissions are not due until Monday night.  Please interpret the subject any way you wish.  Place your submissions, including full entry URL,
in the comments section below.  Wishing all you the father's out there in J-Land a wonderful Father's Day!!



  1. YEAH !!!!!  I'm first....here's my entry Val.  Thanks for the great topic.  I always like talking about my dad.  Linda in Washington state http://journals.aol.com/lsfp1960/LindasWorld/entries/2007/06/12/fathers-day-scavenger-hunt-112/1702

  2. Thanks for giving me a chance to honor my dad!
    Hugs, Kathy

  3. Here is my Dad.

  4. http://journals.aol.com/mastersblynn/ConfessionsOfAnAngelWaitress/entries/2007/06/15/update/1726

    Can you believe it Val? It is me! xoxBarbara

  5. Here's my entry FINALLY with the pics AOL ate my first one Grrrr. I know I'm a private journal, but if there is anyone on here that doesn't have access and would like to view my entry please drop me an email with your s/n and I'll be glad to add. Can't wait to see all the entries and I'm so excited to finally be back again in the hunt.
    Here's my Dads:
    Take care, Chrissie

  6. http://journals.aol.com/fasttrack58/FootprintsintheSand/entries/2007/06/18/photo-scavenger-hunt-112/3175
    Linda :)

  7. Here is mine!  Linda


Please leave your thoughts - fun, intelligent, silly, joyful, spacy - it matters not =)