Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Photo Hunt Special!...



Photo Scavenger Hunt #100 will be due on Monday, January, 1 at 11:00 PM EST.

The subject for this week is: 
Show us a photo of a milestone in your life.  If you are unable to scan old photos, how about a Christmas or New Year's celebration photo.

Notice that the Hunt is extended until Monday evening at 11:00PM EST in order for us to get in all the New Year's celebration pictures!  The idea for this Hunt came from Greg at Photo Trek
.  Thanks, Greg!


This week's Hunt is a milestone, is a party, is a celebration of sorts!  You see, Krissy is celebrating her
100th Hunt!!  How appropriate that this falls on a celebration week!  Let's congratulate her by deluging her with submissions!  Krissy has been faithfully doing The "Original" Photo Scavenger Hunt for 100 weeks!  She has had so much on her plate and yet she has kept this hunt alive!!  Congratulations, Krissy, on your
100th Hunt of The Original Photo Scavenger Hunt!!


Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!...



Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas "Wordplay"!...

Hi everyone and happy Friday!  I can't believe Christmas is in three days!  I am NOT ready for it.  I have had a stomach virus for six days.  Six days of nausea and bed rest.  It hasn't been easy and I haven't finished my Christmas shopping!  I am hoping that I will be well enough today to finish up!  I am planning to go to Krissy's house for Christmas dinner, too, and I want to be well for that and I can't get John sick, so this bug must leave my system today!

I haven't posted "Wordplay" for almost a month because I was deciding whether I wanted to continue it or not.  I was only getting a few takers.  I have decided to continue it after all.  I wanted to thank those who join in with me faithfully!!  I really do love words.  They are a passion of mine.  I play with them constantly -  Mulling over them, doing crossword puzzles, looking them up, writing poems, playing Scrabble.  I think words are beautiful!!  If there are only one or two takers in my game, well, that is how it is going to be then.  I hope there will be more, though!  Thanks, Krissy, for encouraging me to continue the game!


I have a fun, fun, fun
Christmas "Wordplay" for you today!  Do you remember Mad Libs when you were a kid?  Today's "Wordplay" follows this concept.  I would like you to click on this link
Fill out the Mad LibPost it in your journal if you would like Come back and leave your full entry URL so we can all read it!!   I don't want to give it away so I will post mine tomorrow.  Was it fun??  Do you have any suggestions for any future "Wordplay"s?

I had a lot of fun filling out that particular Mad Lib.  I did a google search and it was my favorite one.   I am off now to try and finish up what I have been unable to do the past six days...

Christmas blessings to all and don't forget to visit
Joy To The World
! xox

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Please read...

I just completed a very thoughtful entry at Joy To The World!  Please take time to go read it.  Thanks!!  Hope everyone is having a safe and happy Christmas season!  xox

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas journal...

I will be doing the next three days of entries in Joy To The World! for Krissy as she is away at Hershey with John.  The first entry is
here.  I really, really love what she has done so far with this journal.  She has done most of the work.  I am just her helper elf.  I hope you stop by the journal the next three days and see what I have in store!!


Thursday, December 7, 2006

Dedicated to Krissy...


My very favorite singer in the whole wide world is Josh Groban.  He can make me weep, sing, dance, give me goosebumps...  He is the best!  He has a new album out and I highly recommend it!  If you have never seen him I have a link for him here.  Oh, Krissy, I dedicate this song to YOU!!  Every time I hear this song I think of you and Jesus.   Love you! xox

If you want to hear more of his music a couple more links are here
and here.  Enjoy and let me know what you think of him!


Tuesday, December 5, 2006

A Christmas survey... play along!

I received this "getting to know you" type survey "Christmas Edition" from Monica
.  I thought I would put it in my journal so that anyone could grab it and participate if they would like.  It's an easy and fun one to do!  Hope you have fun reading my answers!...


1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?  Both

2. Real tree or artificial?   Usually artificial, but I DO love the smell of a real tree.  They are a bit hard to take care of and I live alone so they aren't worth it right now.

3. When do you put up the tree?  Around the second week of December

4. When do you take the tree down?  When I get sick of looking at it.  LOL  Um, second or third week of January.  I hate seeing it go... LOL

5. Do you like eggnog?  Mmmmmmmmmmmm... YES!  Not the alcoholic kind, though.
6. Favorite gift received as a child?  Wow, tough one.  I think maybe it was a home-made Raggedy Ann doll that I loved for years.  I still love Raggedy Ann dolls!

7. Do you have a nativity scene?  Yes!  I love setting it up!

8. Hardest person to buy for?  Oh, everyone.  I am a stressed-out gift buyer.  I try to buy the best gift.  It is gift certificates for everyone this year.  They can pick out what they want.  Ooops, I just told them what they got.  LOL  No, I think maybe the hardest to buy for are my children, especially my son.

9. Easiest person to buy for?  This year it will be my grandson... I can think of a million things I would love to give that guy!

10. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards?  Snail mail is more proper.  It depends on whether I have enough funds to send out all the cards I want to.  I may be emailing a few because I am low on funds and I would atleast like to say "Merry Christmas" to my friends... We will see.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?  Now this isn't nice... LOL  I really can't think of anything that is bad.  I like to give, not receive, really. 
12. Favorite Christmas Movie?  Don't really have one.  I like all those half-hour little Christmas specials of old cartoon shows like "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and all of the Charlie Brown specials. 

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?  Early to mid December.  If I start any earlier I give the gifts to the people early out of excitement and have to get them another gift or see things I like better and end up spending WAY too much money.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?  No way. 

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?  Food, food, I love food.  Nuts, tangerines, warm foods, pomegranates, cookies, hey, who's cooking?

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree?  I like one-colored lights.  Don't have to be clear, although I do like white ones a lot.
17. Favorite Christmas song(s)?  "Silent Night", "Do You Hear What I Hear", "O Holy Night", "Mary Did You Know"

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?  Stay at my warm house

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?  "On Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, on Comet, Cupid, Donder and Blitzen!"... and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer

20. Angel on the tree top or a star?  Both, but I think I prefer a star

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?  One on Christmas eve and the rest Christmas morning

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year?  Commercialism.  People forgetting the reason for the season.  That it goes by too fast

23. Favorite ornament theme or color?  No theme, hodge-podge

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner?  Food, food, I like food...

25. Do you have Jesus in your heart this Christmas?  Oh yeah!!

I would love to see your answers to this!  If you want to copy and paste and do this in your journal, please leave your entry URL in my comments section so I can come take a look!  Thanks and Merry Christmas!  xox