Sunday, November 27, 2005

Christmas Fun!...

I'm still here, everyone.  I have been getting used to an increase in my pain medication this week and it has made my head loopy.  Very loopy.  You wouldn't have wanted to read an entry from me with a loopy head ;-).  My head is feeling much better today.  I am so excited about having better pain control, SO, SO excited.  I don't know why I didn't do this much earlier.  I hadn't had an increase in a few years.  I take a medication that you build up a tolerance to and I feared to increase it.  I had been at my wits end so I increased it last week.  I don't know how I dealt with the pain before this.  Wow, it feels SO GOOD to be in less pain!!  I hope this lasts for quite some time!

I am very disappointed because I can't get any of the pictures to transfer from my camera to my computer.  I think the problem is with the connection cable.  Whatever that is called??  When I try to transfer them it says I have no connection device.  Yes I do!!  And it is plugged in correctly!!  I guess something is wrong with it.  I will have to go purchase another one.  I sure hope the problem is not within the computer, the camera or the software.  I hope the cable is easy to find and not too expensive.

Want some neat Christmas countdown banners?  They are at this
site!  You can paste them in emails or on your website and count down Christmas!  How fun!  They have a bunch to choose from!!  Yay Christmas!!

Want another site that you can get lost in for a long time?  Make
!!  You can write a message and they are saved!  They are so beautiful!  Give it a try!  If you make one, don't forget to send it to me so I can see it!

I just love The Christmas season!!  All the lights and Christmas carols and smiles and fun things to do!  Mostly I love it because it is the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus, who is my reason for living!

Hope you all are having a good weekend :-)...xox

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Ack! Still can't post so I am IMing this to my journal, thus I have no title. Sorry. I wanted to show you all something that made me laugh this morning. Thanks for your hard work, StupidSheetGuy!! Click the link! You know you want to laugh, too!!! Good day, all!! xox

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

HEY AOL......This Bank of America ad on the top of my journal really does not go along with my idea of keeping my journal a joyful place and a place that doesn't promote greed. My journal is a precious spot for me as is this journaling community. It is the ONLY reason I have AOL. TAKE THE ADS OFF OF MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!! If you do not I will just find another nice place to take my business...

Monday, November 14, 2005

A Survey Like No Other...

Survey Like None-Other!

1. What sign are you? 
Scorpio...but I don't follow astrology

2. What is your favorite color?  I love blues and reds

3. How many waffles could you eat in one sitting?  
two, three if I were REALLY hungry

4. Can you touch your tongue to your nose? 
Hold on let me try.  Not even if I smash my nose down while trying. LOL

5. If you had to choose between cats and dogs, which would it be? 
Cats.  I love my two kitty cats.  I do like dogs, though.

6. What is something you have learned recently? 
Since my daughter just lived with me for a year (and since moved away) and hadn't lived with me for most of her life, I learned that children need their mom's even when they are young adults.  They need them to be "mom".  That the parent-child relationship doesn't stop even through distance.  It was a wonderful experience having her in my home!!!

7. What is your favorite quote?
    I don't know if it is  my favorite but I really like this quote right now - "Without play - without the child that still lives in all of us - we will always be incomplete.  And not only physically, but creatively, intellectually, and spritually as well." ~ George Sheehan

8. What is your favorite entry in your own journal? 
That's hard.  Maybe the one telling everyone about my father.  Or perhaps the one following my brain surgery where I was surprised that I didn't mind being bald.

9. What color is your bedroom?
Off-white.  I rent and can't change the color.

10. Where is your favorite place to visit?
Anywhere in nature.

11. What is one thing you want to accomplish this year?
Helping Krissy and John through John's bone marrow transplant.  I can't think past that.

12. Why do you write in a journal? 
I often think about this question.  I think it is to know that I am not alone.  It is to get the extra baggage out of my head and to feel validated.  I started on a whim and continued and am not sorry :-) !!

13. What is your favorite joke?
  Oh, I have a Thanksgiving one for you!!!  Why did the turkey cross the road??  He was stapled to the chicken!! LOL

14. Do you like the city or the country? 
The city is nice to visit, but I really love the country.

15. What style is your house decorated?  
No particular style.  "Valerie-style" LOL

16. Who is your favorite artist?  
If you mean musical, that is too hard!  I like way too many musicians.  Painting, well I love quite a few painters as well.  I appreciate so much in art!!  Wow!!  I do tend to look at my compilation of Van Gogh pictures alot.  I love the "moods" in his works.

17. Can you pat your tummy and rub your head at the same time? 
Oh, another experiment.  Let me try this, too.  Yes, I can.  I can also rub my tummy and pat my head!  Does this mean anything special about me?? LOL  Do I get a prize?? LOL

18. Are you a night owl?  Yes, it comes with chronic illness.

19. What is something you love in your house? (If you have a picture you get extra credit!)  My bed with a termpurpedic mattress and tempurpedic pillow!!!  Need I say more?

20. Do you believe in God?  Oh my, yes!  Not only do I believe in God and Jesus and angels, but I cling to them!!!

21. What hobby could you never give up?   My computer and my digital camera

22. What color makes you think of Hope?  Blue/white

23. What color makes you think of Love?  Blue again

24. What is your favorite flower?  violets for a spiritual reason and red poppies because they are so gorgeous and red geraniums and....oh goodness, I love them all!!

25. If you had one wish for the world, what would it be?   To know God and know peace.

26. Whats the best surprise you have ever received?   Perhaps my daughter deciding to live with me last year. 

27. What can you cook like no-one else?  Everything I cook is very good, but I don't have a "specialty".

28. What do you think about most?   God, my place in the world, my purpose in life, how I can help others, the usual heavy stuff..

29. Who is your favorite poet?  I like all kinds of poetry.  I do think that Poe is really cool.  I love alot of the poetry I find in journals now!!

30. And last but not least, if you could wrap yourself up in one word...what would  that word be?  LOVE

 Have a good day everyone!!! xox

Sunday, November 13, 2005

And The Winner Is..

It is almost the end of a weekend again and I have gotten very little done.  Almost nothing.  I have been getting extremely frustrated by my lack of motivation and my fatigue.  I have been wondering what the cause of it is??  Is it my illnesses or the chill in the air?  My brain seems to be wandering more than usual and it is "shutting off" alot.  I spent the morning looking for something that I hid on myself and found in my purse.  I seem to do that alot.  Lost hours searching for stupid things.  I am forgetting alot, too.  I am even forgetting conversations I have had with people.  Scary.  Excuse me while I laugh...Baby just came to me with a huge stuffed animal in his mouth and dropped it on my feet!  He wants to play fetch.  He looks hilarious walking around with something that is bigger than he is in his mouth!! LOL  Where was I?  Oh, my brain...I am doing very few entries with substance because I can't THINK of anything to write.  Well, I can, but I can't piece them together.  I can think of a thought here and a sentence there, but they don't make an entry...a whole entry.  I HATE it!!!!  I hope this gets better soon!

I wanted to congratulate Smiley Sims-playing
Sara for being the first correct guesser on this week's installment of "Up Close With Val"!!!  Yes, it was a potato!!  Quite a few of you guessed it correctly!!  Quite a few of you also thought it was a turkey!  I guess we all have Thanksgiving on the brain!  Here is your blue ribbon, Sara!:                                                                                                                       
Now, I am off to go clean house...if I can find my brain...and my house...and the motivation.  Nah, a nap sounds better ;-)  xox

Wednesday, November 9, 2005

"Up Close With Val"!...

Happy Hump Day, my friends!!  I have a new picture for you to guess today!  If you have an answer for me, please put it in the comment's section or send me an email at  I will let you know the correct first guesser and the object soon!  Good luck and have fun!!


I wanted everyone to know that Kellen is starting a new and exciting
game called Journal Tournament.  It sounds very exciting.  Follow the link and it will be explained!  Let's give him some support!!  Have a good day, all!! xox

Saturday, November 5, 2005

My Vivi Outfit!...

The Vivi Award Ceremony is tonight from 9 - 11 EST!!  Oh, how exciting!!  They will be announcing the winners!!  Krissy and I have tried on many outfits and I have decided on this one!!  What do you guys think?  Thanks for helping me get dressed, Krissy!!


I am so excited that I will be seeing alot of you there!!  I'm sure it will be a wonderful time!!  Good luck to all the nominees!! xox

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

How Much is Your Blog Worth?...

Is there somewhere I can cash in this money?  I could really use it!  LOL  How much is your blog worth?

My blog is worth $19,758.90.
How much is your blog worth?