Hi guys! Thanks for all of your get-well wishes =)... I'm feeling lots better. I slept ALOT. I had a very peaceful birthday. It was nice, not too exciting, but nice and calm. I like calmness. LOL I am hopping on here to give you all six new letters and then I am getting back in bed to make sure I kill this virus for good. A flu bug can linger in my body for weeks. I don't want that to happen :-o !!
Before I proceed I want to congratulate Jan one more time for winning last week's game. Way to go, Jan!! The deadline this week is Saturday, 9AM EDT, since I am posting so late. Also, only a couple of you gave me your new blog addresses. This gives me a lot more work. If you would like me to continue to link you, please leave your blog URLs and your first name or nickname. Thanks!! Now on to the six new letters! They will follow the rules below. Enjoy the game!!..

Each Sunday I post a set of six letters. A sentence
must be made from these letters. The letters today
are: BCWMLD. An example of a sentence could be -
Birds call when morning light dawns.
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.
There is a three - five persons judge panel (of fellow
bloggers) that chooses the best sentence (or two)
submitted each week. How do they choose winning
sentence(s)? The sentences that receive the strongest
reactions - Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?
Was it creative? Witty? These are winning submissions.
The winner(s) receive(s) a logo for his/her blog
sidebar with his/her name on it.
Place submissions in comments section with your
name or nickname and blog URL. If you play this game
in your blog, please come back and leave your ENTIRE
entry URL so your entry can be judged. Submissions are
due by Thursday, 4PM EDT. The winner is announced
Saturday morning or early afternoon.
A new set of letters is placed in my journal, There is
a Season, every Sunday morning or early afternoon.
If you submit more than one sentence,
only your first sentence will be judged.
This Week's Letters:
Have a good day and take care! Val =)