Monday, November 26, 2007

Prayers please!...

If you haven't heard yet, John is in the hospital.  He is neutropenic.  This means he has very, very little immune system to fight off whatever infection it is that he has.  He is in a critical situation.  He needs your prayers right now, if you are the praying type.  If you can, please lend Krissy and John some support over at The Gazette, too.  I will be keeping you updated when Krissy can not.  Right now he is still at the local hospital.  He is still having fevers.  They are considering transferring him to Hershey where he will get more specialized care, but that is still up in the air.  Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support, everyone!  I will update you again when I am able.

Where have I been?  Tired, so very tired and fatigued.  My fibromyalgia is kicking me in the rear.  I am hoping to feel better very soon.  I am sorry I have been very quiet lately, but my fatigue is so very draining.   I have also been trying to enjoy my grandsons and daughter before they moved.  They DID move.  It was sad.  They are doing fine, though.  They are only 20 minutes away.  It feels weird not having them across the street, though.  I was used to seeing the little ones whenever I wanted to.  ~sigh~

I will be back tomorrow with a Hunt subject.  You all still have until then to give me any Thanksgiving photos for last week's Hunt.  Now, I will leave you with a new pictures of my grandbabies.  Take care all of my friends!!  Hugs! xox



                  awwwww... Josiah loves his brother!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt!...


Photo Scavenger Hunt #122 will be due on
Sunday, November 25,
at 11:00 PM EST.
Our subject this week is:
  "Thanksgiving, thankfulness"

I am so sorry I disappeared for a couple of weeks.  I haven't been feeling very well at all.  I have been very fatigued, too.  I needed a break.  I wanted to make sure I got in the Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt, though!  For those of you who won't be celebrating the holiday, how about taking a shot or two of something you are thankful for? 
PLEASE post your submissions by copying your FULL entry URL and pasting it into the comments section belowIf you have any questions about how to do this (or how to upload or post photos) do not hesitate to send me an email at  Have a blessed holiday and stay safe and warm!!  Oh, I am watching snow fall and am so excited!  I love the holiday season!  Tee Hee.  God bless! xox

Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween Photo Hunt participants...

Photo Scavenger Hunt #121 participants

"Halloween or orange"

The submissions this week are beautiful and fun!  Please stop by and visit and leave a comment if you are able.  I want to thank the following journals for participating in this week's Photo Hunt:

Dare To Think
I'm A Survivor
Starting life over at 40
My Critters
Footprints in the Sand
Ye Olde English Posy
Faith In Roman Catholicism

Thanks, you guys!  I will return shortly with next week's subject.  If anyone has a subject that they want me to use, please feel free to put it in the comments section or send me an email.  Hope everyone is having a nice start to their week!